

A fact about me is

I can’t write when I’m happy

The only way for me to

Write about happiness is

By making it all sad

Like a curse

All good things come to an end

You don’t miss something you have

Till it’s gone

‘I was so happy till ’

Oh god , Disney lied

Happy ever after doesn’t exist

Enjoy the moment

Until it’s time to mourn it

You know when you’re thinking about it

And smiling

But deep inside you

You wish you could go back and relive the moment

Be that happy again

Feel that happiness again

Laugh as hard

Love as hard

But hey , you can’t

So you start mourning the moment

Wishing it back to life

We’re all a little bit cursed

Why do happy moments

Have the power

To make us sad ?



I keep thinking if I have wronged myself by not reaching out for help. I keep thinking I have been a fool to not ask for help -for building concrete falls around me. But as it turns out, people are somehow built to let you down, to let go of your hand just when you need them to hold a little tighter. They let go. 

All the promises and pacts, all the words and boasting, all of that fades -just when you need it the most.

hi again darling,
this week I worked
so hard my hamstrings
are screeching from sitting,
and somehow I’ve learned to sleep
eyes wide open.

honey I’m tired
but I don’t mind bringing home bacon.
after all, if you’re going to call me
lakshmiof the house,
I better find some gold
before you blow the conch.

this week I worked
through a sea of dead
names and
dead faces of friendly strangers
that kinda looked like you
and I toiled through another
pandemic-ridden seven days
even from home I’m wearing
a mask because
it’s too hard to see tragedy
and be working instead.

So on my break
I retweet
press some of that goddess gold
into the digital donations,
because even a world away
even if you don’t see it,
there’s little wealth
in work.

-no wealth in work, Kelsey Ray Banerjee

The kind of mess I love to clean up.

The kind of mess I love to clean up.

Post link


And he just shouted:

“Everywhere I look, it’s you. Every place I turn, it’s you. Every thought I think, it’s you. Every great memory I have, it’s you.

You know what the saddest part is ?

For you, it’s not me.”

And she stood there.

In silence.

It had all been said.

Excerpt #333

