
“In the Middle of Nowhere” by Fool.

“In the Middle of Nowhere”


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“True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5” This site has a bunch of them being showcased alon

“True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5”

This site has a bunch of them being showcased along with a nice explanation on the technology and ambient sounds!

Art by Mark Ferrari.

Code by Joseph Huckaby.

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Sometimes I still get jealous of Mario. He knew exactly where his princess was. Meanwhile I get to s

Sometimes I still get jealous of Mario.

He knew exactly where his princess was. Meanwhile I get to sit here and type this dumb post as a tribute to my future princess….

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Drew this after reading a Youtube comment on a Picasso video.
I used my gijinkas of 7UP and Sprite because I felt that they would portray the comment best.


I relate to Druig because I too would like to clonk an eleven year old with a rock

It was so unnecessarily funny too. He just came out of nowhere and did what we all were thinking

Some eternals definitely kept in touch through the years.

Druig knew Phastos had given up on humans a long time ago and he put Thena to sleep once for Gilgamesh to have a vacation to Fiji. They also knew how to find each other. I’m curious about how some of those meetings went and how they communicated through all these centuries. Letters? Phone calls? For Druig I’d say maybe letters, I doubt the cell service is great in the middle of the Amazon (unless you have Sersi’s amazing phone), and I can see that happening. He is not exactly the ‘let’s talk over the phone to catch up’ kind of person, I can see him preferring letters. For Gilgamesh and Thena too, they also were in the middle of nowhere.

I also don’t think this was a long time ago (vacation to Fiji sounds recent to me) and I wouldn’t say that Gilgamesh traveled with Thena, that’s too risky (what if she has an episode with people around?) so I think Druig went to them, leaving the community once, to help his family. It seems odd that they would leave her alone in their home, so maybe Druig even stayed with her during this time.

They knew were Gilgamesh and Thena were living, Druig knew Kingo was a movie star, they knew were Phastos was, and I refuse to believe Druig and Makkari didn’t keep in touch (she gave him the leather jacket and no one can tell me otherwise so he put that on cause he knew they were going to get her and I’m gonna stop before I write a whole ass fic here).

What do you guys think they did all these years? Who kept in touch with who and how they spent their time together? I’m curious! Chloe Zhao I know you’re a fangirl and reads fan stuff online so if you read this please help, I need answers!


Druig: I stand for peace and nonviolence

Also Druig:


Eternals reviews and my feelings about it

no spoilers don’t worry :)

Quick note: my blog is a safe space and rudeness and negativity will be deleted and ignored :)


All the “bad” things I’ve seen are the reasons I think I’ll love it.

It doesn’t feel like an mcu film, not too much humor with jokes every 5 minutes, slower pace, focus on story instead of action, more adult… All this seems like a win for me!

We have 10 new characters, that are 7 thousand years old, we explore the creation of the universe, different galaxies and planets, and deeper topics like what it means to be human. Of course it’s heavy and dense.

We’ve been spoon fed light plot with cheap humor every 5 minutes, so when we get a decent plot and a character focused story of course it feels alien. But hey, you can’t complain for years about not having character development, not exploring character’s personalities and personal traumas and fears, too many jokes ruining the moment and too much cgi distracting you, and then when we get something different you give it a bad review and a bad ratting saying it feels different. It doesn’t make sense. Do you want a break from the Marvel formula or not?

I completely understand people have different opinions, and I respect that, but what I’m seeing so far are critics (not marvel fans necessarily, let’s not forget that) giving a negative review because it doesn’t have typical mcu jokes and it’s character focused. And let’s not forget this movie has been getting heat since forever, it’s diverse, has gender swapped characters, legit gay representation (gay Joe Russo I’m looking at you) and it’s not made by a white straight american dude.

Also, many reviews are contradicting themselves. They don’t like the directing choices then call it Zhao’s masterpiece, they complain about locations being barren but when Dune was basically all sand it was cinema, they have issues with marvel movies not focusing on characters but then say the movie was too focused on character and plot instead of action.

A movie full of layers, complex, focused on characters and slower paced is far from a bad movie. There’s a huge difference there. Different doesn’t equal bad.

It seems Marvel went out of their comfort zone with this one and I’m really happy with that.

The cast is incredible, Chloé Zhao is a master, I love everything Ramin Djawadi creates, and I’ll always be a Marvel girl. I’m super excited and can’t wait to watch this beauty on the big screen!

 The Cow Sprite.Last year when we went to Ren Faire we saw this play that left a little bit of an im The Cow Sprite.Last year when we went to Ren Faire we saw this play that left a little bit of an im The Cow Sprite.Last year when we went to Ren Faire we saw this play that left a little bit of an im The Cow Sprite.Last year when we went to Ren Faire we saw this play that left a little bit of an im

The Cow Sprite

Last year when we went to Ren Faire we saw this play that left a little bit of an impression on me. When I got home I did some doodles of the characters and I recently found them again and decided to finish up the designs! Hope you guys enjoy them! :)

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A little inky cap spirit 

A little inky cap spirit 

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About Ikaris

SPOILERS under the cut!


Many of you seem to dislike Ikaris or think he is pure evil, but all I see is a broken man. He was loyal to Arishem for seven thousand years and believed in the mission when he learned the truth from Ajak, but the truth is crushing when you can’t tell anyone and have to lie to everyone you love. He left Sersi so he wouldn’t have to tell her that the world she loves is doomed. Ignorance is a privilege he no longer has.


 Each of the Eternals has built a life that ties him to Earth, but there is nothing for him there, so he doesn’t care about Earth and why would he have built something if he knew Earth was going to perish. And who would react differently if he found out that after 7000 years the mission was useless because his leader suddenly decided to save the Earth. Ikaris is a loyal soldier and is always torn between his duties and his feelings.


Part of me hopes they will bring Ikaris back into the MCU in some way, since as Kingo said they are just fancy robots and I hope Arishem recreates his most loyal soldier, after all the Celestial still has his memories stored. There is still some hope that he will get the chance to redeem himself and that the Eternals will forgive him….

It may be that it wasn’t right of him to have attacked the other Eternals and that he, like Kingo, should have just walked away, but it is his conviction and belief that he is doing the right thing in trying to complete the mission. It’s the kind of conviction Loki had in Avengers 2012; he believed that humanity needed to be controlled, but he was also under the control of Thanos. Ikaris believes that one world must be sacrificed for millions of other worlds, but he is under the control of Arishem and has been for seven thousand years. Maybe Ikaris won’t be liked, but please remember, any character can redeem himself and in the end Ikaris listened to his heart and did the right thing. I think Marvel could have made something fantastic out of his character if they hadn’t let him fly into the sun.


Marvel’s Eternals are fantastic

No Spoilers. Eternals is one of the best Marvel movies I have seen. I don’t know if the critics saw the same movie; the movie was just great and I just love Ikaris (Richard Madden) in this movie. I can only recommend you to see this movie in the theaters.


It’s ok Sprite I also have a crush on Ikaris

Who doesn’t have a crush on ikaris?
