
Yeah, she squats thanks for the submission girl!Submit to Kik and get featuredKik - fitnesspeach

Yeah, she squats thanks for the submission girl!

Submit to Kik and get featured

Kik - fitnesspeaches

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Thanks for the kik submissionKik - fitnesspeaches

Thanks for the kik submission

Kik - fitnesspeaches

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Beautiful viewKik - fitnesspeaches

Beautiful view

Kik - fitnesspeaches

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some progress booty angles 8/22/15some progress booty angles 8/22/15some progress booty angles 8/22/15

some progress booty angles 8/22/15

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jump rope sesh on the roof top today 4/14/2016

#gainspo    #squatspo    #weight gain journey    #thickspo    
someone has a LOT of work to do! #ilovecheese

someone has a LOT of work to do! #ilovecheese

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small update: I’m still alive!  I stopped working out for a while due to LIFE, but I’m back into it.

small update: I’m still alive!  I stopped working out for a while due to LIFE, but I’m back into it.

I lost a bunch of weight and went down to 139lbs, which I wasn’t at all happy about.  I’ve been making my efforts to eat and get some squats in at night as of the last few weeks and I’m back to 144lbs, which seems to be my ‘standard’ weight. going to work hard to get back up to 150!

The above photo was taken today, 3/2/2016.

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12/14/15 - ankle weights for a tiny bit more of intensity.

12/14/15 - ankle weights for a tiny bit more of intensity.

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12/14/15 - about to do a home workout.

12/14/15 - about to do a home workout.

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12/4/15 - switched gyms. I had a flexible schedule at work that allowed me to go to a gym on the sam

12/4/15 - switched gyms. I had a flexible schedule at work that allowed me to go to a gym on the same block right after work. the flexibility is gone and I don’t have time to go to that gym anymore, so I switched to one 1 block away from home. no excuses, right? I’m so excited to officially be back at it.

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11/22/15 | Sometime in September I lost focus of the journey I started in Spring to gain healthy wei

11/22/15 | Sometime in September I lost focus of the journey I started in Spring to gain healthy weight and I lost my appetite as well as my desire to work out. In turn, the 6 pounds I gained from weight lifting and eating like crazy were all lost within weeks. Wish it was that easy to regain that back!

As we can see here, I lost definition and some thigh mass. On the up side, though, I did end up losing a lot of fat in my stomach area so that’s cool.

It’s been hard trying to get back into working out because I am discouraged by how hard it was to start seeing results and how easily I lost them.

Although I’ve been squatting here and there, tonight is the first night I worked out enough to sweat. I’m proud of myself and my goal is to get back to working out 3-4 times a week to regain my little booty and thigh mass.

Fuck distractions, it’s all about me again!

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9/11/15 - only went to the gym once this week, but definitely got a good workout in. seeing small bu

9/11/15 - only went to the gym once this week, but definitely got a good workout in. seeing small but sure improvements. so not focusing on end results, but more so on the journey there.

going in hard tonight for my home workout. no excuses.

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here’s a little before and after action for you all.note that these pictures are 6 years apart.  the

here’s a little before and after action for you all.

note that these pictures are 6 years apart.  the left was me in 2009 during a very stressful time in my life during which I had a lot of trouble eating, sleeping and only ate junk maybe once a day, if that.  the right is me currently, 3 years post-baby, and combining cardio with heavy lifting with a much healthier diet.

looking at these photos side by side makes me feel extremely good because I honestly didn’t enjoy being that thin back then.  not only did people’s comments truly fuck me up, but it’s not what I wanted for myself.  it just wasn’t a good look for me, admittedly.

I am currently at a steady 150 lbs and I eat as much and as healthily as possible.  I do cardio because I need to get rid of excess fat around my core but I never neglect weight lifting and squatting.  I’m still in the process of changing my diet and on some days it’s harder than others to eat clean, but I’m doing my best and that’s all that matters.

I cannot wait to be able to do a before and after using my current picture as a before example.  

To be continued! ;)

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