

So excited. I finally have been booked for my appointment with the tattoo artist I’ve been waiting for to be available since last year.

It’s still in a July but I can’t wait! Even have a new idea I’ve fallen in love with so I’m determined to stop looking at any new art/tattoo pictures because I don’t want anything to change my mind on it.


It’s year 666 of Huxloween and we’re ready for all your spookylux creations!

We’ve got a prompt a day (and two per Saturday) to inspire your Halloween and horror-themed KYLUXandKYLUX-ADJACENT creative works. This is a casual event, so there’s no pressure to post something on the exact day of the prompt, or even to post something every day. Just pick the prompts you like and go for it!

FOR TUMBLR USERS: Remember @ us ( @huxloween ) so we know to reblog your work, or SUBMIT IT DIRECTLY TO THE BLOG.

FOR TWITTER USERS: Please @ us on twitter (HUXLOWEEN​ ) or DM anything you wish for us to post.

We also have anAO3 Collectionthat we would love for you to use!

Our ABOUT, FAQ, and TAG pages are still being upgraded*, so if you have any questions, feel free to hit up our TUMBLR ASKBOX or our UNIVERSAL ASKBOX.

Here is the full list of 2020 prompts in text form. Have fun!

  1. Tradition
  2. Date Night -or- Candy
  3. Bonfire
  4. Urban Legends or Myths
  5. Druids and Fae
  6. Haunted Objects
  7. Dark Fairy Tales
  8. Drive-In Theaters
  9. Gothic Horror -or- Isolation
  10. Horror Movie AU
  11. Autumn Activities
  12. Halloween over Zoom
  13. Vampire
  14. Spell Gone Wrong
  15. Alternate Timeline
  16. Seance -or- Pumpkin
  17. Psychopomps or Bad Omens
  18. Watching a Scary Movie
  19. Abandoned Places
  20. Were-Animal
  21. Demon
  22. Mischief Night
  23. Graveyard -or- Cats
  24. Haunted House
  25. Fortune Telling
  26. I Have A Bad Feeling About This
  27. Witch
  28. Ghost
  29. Deal with the Devil
  30. Couples Costume -or- Samhain
  31. Trick or Treat

Love, Mods Marlon and Bree



After the Fall: Part III

Pairing:Colonel Hugo Martinez x Fem!Reader


Summary: You’re a radio transmission specialist with the US Army and assigned to provide support to Edward Jacoby in the hunt for Escobar. You spend most of your time trying to bring the mobile unit’s equipment up to date. After spending many of your days in close quarters with Lieutenant Martinez, he decides you and his father should spend more time together and sets out to make sure that it happens. After a couple awkward interactions, you think the younger Martinez might be on to something. 

“To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life.” 

Pablo Neruda

There had been a medic that was in the jungle with Hugo’s unit. 

He had taken the assignment just a couple months after Melina had died. He needed to get out of the house, get out of Bogotá, because he was going out of his mind. The grief was so much and there had been no escape. Memories had been steeped into the wood floors, the decorated walls, and the furniture. Everywhere he turned, he expected to see her step around a corner, be seated in a chair, or standing by the kitchen sink. His son had just entered the Academy so it was just him to face the lingering scent of perfume and phantom footsteps in what used to be a home. When the assignment to fight FARC in the jungles was presented, he accepted without thinking much about it. 

Two years. 

It took him two years in the jungle to finally be able to return to his home in Bogotá and not feel like he was entering a mausoleum. That was the start of normalcy returning. The third year of chasing FARC had been the smoothest. They had a reliable system in place, a specific grid outline of the dense underbrush that they would move through square by square. Since the rebels were able to stay hidden in pockets of dense vegetation, taking the jungle apart piece by piece made sure they would find those pockets. Sometimes they were able to see the camps half a click away. Other times, they stumbled on rebels and the raid was more of a panicked shootout between the two sides. Nevertheless, it had been overall effective. 

Keep reading



okay so that’s at least one person who would have no problem if they got sent back to medieval times, the guild hall absolutely going off to this mashup


“But I love it when the light sits on you just right…”
