#star princess skirt master post


 When you look at this costumes concept are you think “Good God, where do I even start?” and to be honest that’s how I felt. I wanted to be true to the original concept art but also add things from different versions of the dress to it.*


I wanted:

  1. The length and fullness of the Hamberg skirt.
  2. The shape of the West End skirt.
  3. The West End shaped bodice.
  4. The beautiful and full decorations on the West End bodice.
  5. And yes I actually adore the “swim floaty” arm pieces!

 Now the hardest thing to find for this costume is the bodice fabric. It fades, in the West End version, from a royal purple to a generous salmon pink. Where on earth do you find that? To tell the truth, it’s easier if you have the cash. A couple people have designed it and but it online for you to buy**. But those can be very expensive! $17 and up a yard! Personally I don’t have the pocket money for that, nor do I really want to spend the money on a costume that I am probably only going to wear for a photoshoot and then be done with. So how did I find the fabric? Well let’s back track a little. When I was 15 I set determined to make all of Christine’s costumes, I started with the dressing gown because I heard it was the easiest***. Finished that:


 It was okay, not the best but it did the job for one Halloween.

 After that I was determined to make the Star Princess, it seemed to be the easiest next to the dressing gown. So for weeks me mother and I went to fabric store after fabric store, we went up to LA and spent the whole day asking poor fabric sales men if they had this crazy insane fabric. Nothing.

 About 2 months later I said I wanted to try one more time, so we went to this little Ukrainian run store around the corner from my house. I guess we should have gone there first because I was just wandering around and suddenly I see it. I think my eyes must be fooling me but no! It was the fabric! Even better it has little tiny rhinestones already in the fabric! It was a terrific find!

 Never made the costume.

 A few months back I said to myself that I needed to get on it again and so I opened up my box and started again. I forgot all the goodies I had before I stopped:


  1. Transferring color fabric.
  2. Salmon fabric for the skirt.
  3. Plastic stars.
  4. Purl beads.
  5. Crinoline.
  6. Lots and lots of beads.

  And to tell the truth It’s a God send I did stop. At the time I was around 20 pounds heavier than I am today. If I had made the dress then it wouldn’t fit me now.

 And so I started on the skirt, let me tell you. You will never want to make another petty coat again!


 I think the first skirt had 10+ layers under it. It was insane. It is so repetitive and boring it will make you want to stop. It’s pretty bad! Not to mention the top layer is also a very time consuming piece. But here is the nice thing:


 I might be able to use it if I make the Aminta costume.

 After that is guess what: MORE PETTICOATS!


 Petticoats and then lace (inspired by the Hamberg dress) the lace was so much fun! Actually the Salmon was fun too, mostly because of the scallops at the bottom. To tell the truth, I find the thing that makes sewing so much fun is the puzzle. This one was pretty easy. Find a pattern that kind of works and add to it the scallops:


 Once it was done I felt so achieved in life! I felt I had defeated a giant! and in truth I had! This skirt, while just repetitive, is hard to get through you feel great when it is done and looks good!


 Next up will be the bodice.

* Colby Thomas (Hamberg), Katie Hall (West End u/s), Katy Treharne (West End u/s), Rachel Barrell (West End), Concept Art (RIP Maria), Colby Thomas (Hamberg), Gina Beck (West End), Colby Thomas (Hamberg), Robyn North (West End)

** Here is one that enchantedseastudio put up: [LINK]

*** It’s a total lie don’t fall for it! The Hannibal Ballet costume is FAR easier than the dressing gown! It’s is the opposite of the Start Princess skirt. It is a lot of different things. instead of the same thing over and over. [Will place link later]
