#star talks


pls send good vibes to my inbox ☺️☺️ my irl’s r being rlly sucky and my anxiety has skyrocketed!!! but!!! i’m sticking around still so dw

to the anon that sent in smth abt joshua smut, it’s getting worked on!! i slept in a little bit today so i’ll try to have it done soon bc it’s such a god tier idea but i don’t want it to seem too similar to another fic i have on the blog so gimme a little bit n i’ll get it out asap!!! <3

requests….a..are…..open…..for a little bit. first to maybe 5 for now.

few rules!

  1. find the midway between asking for a genre and being too specific with your request, please!! i don’t want just “xyz fluff please!” but i also don’t want a whole paragraph? like a scenario, genre, and person with maybe a line of two of dialogue that you’d like to see. thank you!!
  2. idk maybe in ur request u could tell me ur favorite work of mine that would be nice but not required <3
  3. i do reserve the right to like. not answer a request. i’ll answer the ask to let you know but if i don’t think i can do justice to what you want i don’t want to give you half-assed writing when it’s a request.
  4. this will only be a drabble!! i’m not writing fullfics. maybe 500-600 words max.

anyways if anyone wants to send in asks,,, that would b really cute :)

do y'all ever think abt how vernon and jungwoo are the same age? and how all members of svt have nct members that are both older and younger than them??? my perception of age is so weird

  1. wrestling has made me more of a sadist, as evidenced by the last thing i just put out, i think.
  2. this also means that i may begin writing a vampire!reader fic and probably do it with mingyu bc he’s my resident masochist unless y'all have any others in mind (although as i typed this i thought of minghao and seungkwan nd how pretty they would look w bitemarks in their necks a la favorite!jaehyun)

the jaehyunification of qian kun

do u ever wear period typical clothing to get in the mood for writing??? i put on a ballgown to write some stuff and it lw helped????

nah bc who put jaehyun and kun together. my two biases. next to each other. i’m throwing up.

this crossover………..the post was abt intergender wrestling and. orbits just. i. this was so funny to me bc they later reblogged the SAME POST and mentioned loona AGAIN but added the tag “gay twink” and i thought that was even more hilarious.

ayo for all my monolid followers w no crease who do eye makeup what products do y'all use? i got gifted the urban decay mini palette (vol 3 i think?) but it makes me look like i’ve been punched in the eye

happy star during summer!!!

dude we’re coming on 2 years of me being on this blog….today is 1 year and 11 months…. this is crazy. i can’t. (and if by any chance any of my old moots may be still lurking ahem heather and nae ahem i love you and wish u the best <3  <3) real ones know my origins of this blog LMAO

got7 coming back is gonna make me cry and cream. expect got7 thoughts. none too kinky but definitely v explicit. it’s star’s vanilla era when i pop in now and again

ds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all timeds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all time

ds9 turbodump. garak’s reading giovanni’s room by james baldwin book of all time

Post link

people need to stop naming their characters eddie. there is only one eddie and his name is eddie kaspbrak

each member of sunset curve has a song by the wrecks that just absolutely fits their vibes

luke: revolution

alex: infinitely ordinary

bobby: this life i have

reggie: james dean

i feel like ive connected the dots but i cant figure out what it means

if i WERE to make jatp icons.. would we want a random assortment of characters or specific packs for each one? or should i just open up requests and do whatever people want lol

I realized I never posted my dwarf oc here ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I’ll make more stuff of her and make it a combo

next gifset idea: why i think carrie is trans.

  1. because she is very similar to luke with their drive/passion of music, stubbornness, and confidence and i think it would be fun if trevor saw in carrie what bobby saw in luke
  2. thats it

not me foolishly believing “researching” self endorsed ftm trans stereotypes won’t do anything to me

me seeing the luke casting: youll never be jake able

hello friends! would people be interested in a jatp appreciation week? i know the fandom has died down considerably, but i also know that there are still dedicated fans! it would probably be sept 4-10 so it could end on the anniversary

i havent decided on any prompts, but itd be open to any type of creation, so there may be multiple prompts per day.

i want to participate in another jatp appreciation week(/month) but like the edit tag is so dry who would even make stuff for it !!!!

you know what im gonna say it. im a willie-neutral. not an anti but definitely not a pro.. that boy has zero (0) affect on me. hes just some guy to me

i bought discord nitro like 2 weeks ago and now i realized im too lazy to like actually Utilize any of its functions

i don’t condone violence. if you’re a little bitch, however..

like im sorry but how can you look at your mother/sister/aunt/wife/any woman or person with a uterus in your life in the eyes if you think they don’t deserve the right to their own body

i just cannot comprehend how you can look at someone and decide “hmm no you dont deserve these rights anymore” like theyre still a human being. like im sorry that i care about others lmao

me, who hasnt watched or cared about rwby since like… s3 (if even): omg rwby anime out???
