#star wars comics covers

Available this summer, Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories is a new anthology comics series featuring taleAvailable this summer, Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories is a new anthology comics series featuring tale

Available this summer, Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories is a new anthology comics series featuring tales set in every era of the Star Wars timeline and starring fan-favorite heroes and villains. With stories from a variety of all-star creators including writers Cecil Castelluci, Michael Moreci, and Amanda Deibert, issue #1, from Deibert and Star Wars Tales artist Lucas Marangon, kicks off the run with a story set during the Clone Wars. When members of a Republic mission led by Senator Padmé Amidala are abducted by the ruthless Separatist General Grievous, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi leap to the rescue. But the operation quickly goes awry…

“We are thrilled to be working with Dark Horse — and with Cecil, Amanda, and Michael — on Hyperspace Stories,” says Lucasfilm Publishing’s Creative Director Michael Siglain. “Fans of all ages will be treated to action-packed, exciting, and emotional stories that just may be more connected than they seem.”

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Mike Del Mundo - textless variant cover of Darth Vader (2017) #2

Mike Del Mundo - textless variant cover of Darth Vader (2017) #2

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