#star wars culture week

An illustration of a Japanese woman in a long dress with a bustle that trails down past the feet and behind them in teal and purple. She is wearing a leaf shape woven hat adorned with cala lilies and carrying a oval fan.

Star Wars Culture Week – Day 1 – Fashion

I had been planning this piece for a long while ever since I saw the Satine Kryze redesign by @nibeul​ months back (love it!!), it had reminded me of an old idea I had years ago. Felt this week would be a good time to revisit the concept, just had to put a hold on it because family things came up.

I talk a little more on my process below.

I chose the Meiji Era to have historical basis on the dress since I felt that this era marked a lot of changes and the end of cultural traditions that mirrors a little of what was happening with Mandalore, especially under Satine’s rule. For Japan, The Meiji Era marked the end of the age of Samurai. In a way, I see Satine’s rule also marking the end of the age of the Mandalorian warriors. That isn’t to say they would die out completely, but their glory days were over.

I used Toyohara Chikanobu’s paintings as a reference to a lot of the clothing in that time period – specifically using his Aristocrats Enjoying the Summer Coolasreference. His paintings contain a lot of historical glimpses to the not very well known Western inspired Victorian bustle dresses that a lot of the noblewomen of the time fashioned and worn. It’s actually beautiful to look through! Imagine Victorian bustles but with kimono designs and vibrant silks!

Also, a note about the makeup. Late Meiji Era with the Western influence also began the introduction of skin colored makeup, so it was around this time that the usual white paint was falling out of fashion. I also added color accents to forward what Chikanobu did for a lot of his portraits of women, though utilized the teal instead.


Star Wars Culture Week Day 1: Fashion


For this prompt, I drew my Jedi oc Vedaat Altın (he/him) in casual cultural clothing, inspired by my own cultures (Turkish and Syrian). More notes under the cut!

also please tap for better quality hdhshah I’m on mobile and ofc Tumblr messed w/it

Here are the prompts:

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It’s Star Wars Culture week! My family is Polish on my dad’s side (my last name makes it quite obvious lol) and I wanted to incorporate that into Star Wars! You don’t see much Slavic inspiration in Star Wars, let alone Polish inspiration.

I decided to take Pantorans and do a bit redesigning! I think Slavic culture fits them quite well, since they’re built for cold weather!

(she’s eating a pierogi )



Philippine and Hispanic Fashion in Alderaanian Culture

Decided to have a go at @starwarscultureweek ’s fashion promt, Pinoy edition ✨

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Image Description: Alderaanian formal-wear similar to the garb of Queen Breha Organa—wide, flowing skirt; puffed sleeves; multiple layers/overlaying shawls or cloth.

The wide skirt, puffed sleeves, and layered formal wear that we see on Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan is very similar to the traditional FilipiñanaorTagalogBaro’t Saya that was popular during the Spanish and early American occupation the Philippines. Filipinas would generally style their hair in a simple low bun, but the use of an inter-laced head wrap in Alderaanian fashion is very similar to the ribbon braids of Mexican culture.

Also worth noting is the fact that Queen Breha was played by Rebecca Jackson Mendoza, a Filipino-American actress.

Image Description, left to right: Mayan and Mexican headwrap/ribbon; Queen Breha Organa; Commonwealth-Era woman in the traditional Filipiñana.

We don’t really get to see much more in live action SW with regards to fashion and culture in Alderaan, but I decided to adopt Alderaan into Philippine heritage.

The Philippine archipelago is so diverse, so I imagine the same can be said for Alderaan if you were to expand that diversity to the level of an entire planet.

My OC, Kiray’aha Osah, also comes from Alderaan, but her heritage is more Visayan (central Philippines) than Tagalog (northern Philippines). We can see this in her choice of weaponry—she uses a dual saber (homage to the national martial art of arnis/kali eskrima), and her hilts are designed after the the Visayan sword known as the kampilan, featuring the head of abakunawa (a mythical moon-eating dragon).

Image Description, left to right: My OC, Kiray’aha Osah wielding her sabers and wearing plastoid thigh, shin, and ankle guards; Kiray-aha striking double-sinawali/arnis stance with dual sabers; Kiray'aha’s saber hilts, close-up.

Her tattoos are also an homage to the pre-colonial tattoo artistry of the Visayan region known as the batukorpatik.

Image Description, left to right: Kampilan hilt close-up; body shot of traditional Visayan tattoos or batuk/patik.

captaincyndimi:Star Wars Culture Week - Day 1: Fashion does it count if you draw them in outfits you


Star Wars Culture Week - Day 1: Fashion

does it count if you draw them in outfits you wear all the time?

Big surprise, it’s the same two characters I always draw but this time they’re dressed like me. Tag and Bink are both canonically Mexican which makes me really happy and just another reason why I latched onto these characters as a mixed-mexican child (in my heart Bink is afro-mexican but you get the point). So I thought I’d take the opportunity to expand on this with today’s fashion prompt.

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Day 1- Fashion

I can’t begin to express how excited am for this event! For those who don’t know about it, check out this post (x). I really wish I was an artist so I could draw what I envision in my mind but I will do my best to describe with words and provide references. These prompts will be based on my fic “Call the Twi'lek Midwife” (masterlist is here if you want to check it out x) but you do not need to have read my fic to appreciate my posts for this event. I will mostly be writing about a culture of Twi'leks I created for my fic. This culture is based on my Métis (Métis are people of mixed European and Indigenous ancestry, and one of the three recognized Aboriginal peoples in Canada), Apache, and Indigenous Mexican heritage. This first post will be about clothing and jewelry.

Metis gloves made of leather and fur, with fringe and colorful beaded flowers.

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sw culture week day 1 - fashion

Folkloric dance is something so beautiful! There are many beautiful clothing all around the country, but I really wanted to portray the beauty of these dresses! This one is from Jalisco, and every state has it’s own but I think more about these than the others to be honest. If you can, you should see these in action, it’s beautiful beyond words!

Image reference:

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