#star wars original character


Another piece of my OC crew. Testing out some different techniques and stuff

New OCs made into a crew. I guess they need a crew name, drop some suggestions

“You will be a great leader, Poe. I know you will.”

A Poe and Leia fanart I did a few months ago…

I just imagine that Leia would have, once the war over, visited Kes Dameron and Shara Bey in Yavin 4, currently meeting a young and cheerful Poe Dameron. I imagined that Leia would have been some kind of inspiration for Poe’s leadership. Even twenty years after, Poe would remember their first meeting. :’3

Their general/commander & mother/son relationship is so beautiful and full of respect and admiration :’)

I love them so much

Say hello to Jedi Master Barc Snarl :)

I’m making my friend watch through tcws with me and I made a “bark snarl” joke at a character I don’t like and he was like “oh that sounds like a Star Wars name lol” and inspiration hit.

Barc Snarl is a Jedi master during the clone wars she’s a Shistavanen and if you’re annoying her she’s gonna start biting but deep down(not that deep down lol) she’s very caring and spends most her time helping teach the Younglings. She has a green saber blade but I haven’t drawn it yet
