#stardew valley alex

a game of mix-matching pet names from the things around you(which annoys haley the most – she a game of mix-matching pet names from the things around you(which annoys haley the most – she

a game of mix-matching pet names from the things around you

(which annoys haley the most – she said, “DON’T ACT LOVEY DOVEY, WHEN THE THING U GUYS SAY DOESN’T SOUND LOVEY DOVEY AT ALL”.)


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And this is why Alex and Shane are my best bois in Stardew Valley

Alex is an absolute sweetheart who makes me swoon all the time

Shane has a very similar sense of humour to mine, so marrying him was a no brainer LOL A bonus to marrying Shane is his pet chicken also coming to live on the farm

We can’t get too healthy up in here. (Submitted by email)

We can’t get too healthy up in here.
(Submitted by email)

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Some outfit references for these dorks

I just thought: “If I am going to be drawing the candidates more in the future, I should probably update and establish their designs than”… and now we’re here (I greatly underestimated how many of these I wanted to do and how long they’d take to finish)

It’s kind of hard to tell who’s taller and who’s shorter so if you’re interested, the height order from shortest to tallest is: Shane, Alex, Sebastian, Sam, Elliott, Harvey :)

Uhh… i apologize for my trash anatomy

Bachelorette version here!
