


Author’s note: Hello hello! I’m even more exicted to post the second of two pieces created for the @mysme-rbb, alongside the wonderfully talented @pili-art !!! It has been beyond an honour to get to work on both of these pieces, and I’ve had more fun than I can even put into words <3

Summary:  Saeran spends his sweet summer days in the only way he knows how; surrounded by all the things that love him as much as he loves them.

Read on AO3: here!

Make sure to check out the beautiful artwork this was inspired by: here! 

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Seconds ago, Saeran had been running through his garden, with bubbles and butterflies and the feeling of bliss chasing after him as he chased down MC and Saeyoung. The bugs that landed on him left little kisses on his glowing skin, and the sun’s rays hugged him close in the warmth of their embrace. The day prior, MC had told him that freckles had begun dotting his skin, and he found it impossible not to continuously recall the ghost of her lips as they had traced the path across his nose and cheeks that the tiny sun stars had created. This was summer. This was what it was to not just exist, but to really live beneath the sun. It had been almost a year since his reunion with his brother, and yet he still found it hard to believe that he was living his own life. It was hard not to feel like an imposter. Yet there he had been moments ago, running around like a kid as he tried to tag his brother, both of their laughs twinkling in the balmy air. 

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Second piece for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang project by @mysme-rbb

Again, make sure to check out the accompanying story by amazingly talented @starlightsaeran!!
