#starscream redemption


Transformers Cyberverse X RWBY prompt idea: Huntsman!Starscream AU: Incorrect quotes

headcanons: Starscream’s relationship with some RWBY characters

Warning: English isn’t my first language so sorry if it’s confusing! ^^’

Hi everyone! Here’s some incorrect quotes about my “Huntsman!Starscream AU”, hope you’ll like them! ^^


Incorrect quote 1 :

Starscream and his huntsmen team get trapped in ungergrounds during a mission, they are chased by Grimms, during the chase Starscream accidentally fall in a hole and is stuck in a cave and can’t get out by flying ‘cause his wings got severely injured.

Starscream’s teammate 1[trying to reassure Starscream] : Don’t worry, Starscream! We’re going to get you out![To the others] How are we going to get him out?

Starscream’s teammate 2 [suggesting] : Maybe we should smoke him out.

Starscream’s teammate 3 : Starscream, are you sure there isn’t something down there you can use to climb out?

Starscream [sarcastically]  Oh, wait! Here’s a grappling hook! Oh, and here’s an escalator! Silly me!

Starscream’s teammate 3 : Oh, for Remant’s sake ! We’re about to die, Starscream! Do you really want your final words to be sarcastic?

Starscream: [sarcastically]  NoooooOOOOOOoooooo!

They eventually managed to get Starscream out and came back to Beacon alive !;)

Incorrect quote 2 :

The Beacon teachers are in the teacher lobby, they’re surronding the lobby’s coffe machine which is now broken, Starscream look at the other teachers with a serious look.

Starscream: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.

Professor Peach: I did. I broke it…

Starscream: No. No, you didn’t. Port?

Professor Port: Don’t look at me. Look at Oobleck.

Professor Oobleck: What?! I didn’t break it.

Professor Port: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?

Professor Oobleck: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!

Professor Port: Suspicious.

Professor Oobleck: No, it’s not!

Professor Port [loudly whispering to Starscream]: If it matters, probably not… Oobleck was the last one to use it.

Professor Oobleck: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!

Professor Port: Oh really? Then, M. Coffee addict, what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

Professor Oobleck: I use the cups and wooden stirrers to drink my personal coffee from my thermos during breaks. Everyone knows that, Port!

Professor Peach: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Starscream.

Starscream: No. Who broke it?

Professor Oobleck: [whispering] Starscream, Glynnda’s been awfully quiet…

Glynnda Goodwitch: Really?!

Professor Oobleck: Yeah, really!

The rest of the teachers broke into a argument, Starscream leave the teacher lobby and ran into Ozpin, who look at him puzzled and annoyed about what was going on.

Starscream: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.

Incorrect quote 3 :

Starscream and Young Ruby baking cookies together for the first time.

Starscream[Reading a recipe]: “Beat three eggs…” at what, hand-to-hand combat?

Ruby: Must be; dad banned weapons in the kitchen last week.

Incorrect quote 4 :

[The Autobots and Decepticons gasps in shock when seeing that Starscream was alive all this time and was in fact in another world] 

Bumblebee[Shocked]: The former Decepticon second in command? We thought you were dead.

Starscream [to Megatron]  You said I was dead?

Megatron[Trying to act as if he don’t know what Bumblebee was talking about]: No.[To the Autobots and Decepticons] Why would all you think that?

Optimus[Sarcastic]: I don’t know. The way you always avoided talking about him… And also the fact you declared him dead eons ago !

Starscream[Deadpan]: He wishes I was dead.

Incorrect quotes 5 :

Starscream vs Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick: It’s gotta be one or the other, Starscream. Save Vale and Beacon, or catch your greatest enemy. You can’t do both.

Starscream[Confused]: I’m sorry, what did you just say?

Roman Torchwick: You can’t do both, I said.

Starscream: No, I mean the other thing.

Roman Torchwick: Save Vale and Beacon, or catch your greatest enemy.

Starscream[Confused]: You think you’re my greatest enemy?

Roman Torchwick: Yes! You’re obsessed with me!

Starscream: [blows a raspberry] No, I’m not.

Roman Torchwick[Frowning]: Yes you are.

Starscream: No I’m not.

Roman Torchwick: Yes, you are! Who else drives you to one-up them the way that I do?

Starscream: Salem.

Roman Torchwick: No, she doesn’t.

Starscream: Port.

Roman Torchwick[Frustrated]: Peter Port’s not a bad guy!

Incorrect quote 6 :

During the Autobots/Decepticons conflict on Earth, Megatron do storytimes during a livestream.

Megatron[Dramatic]: Eons ago, I lost my dear second in command, Starscream.

Starscream[Yelling from the RWBY universe] Quit telling everyone I’m dead!

Megatron[Still dramatic and ignoring the voice]: Sometimes I can still hear his voice!

Incorrect quote 7 :

When team STRQ is supposed to train with Starscream.

Raven: Starscream’s late.

Summer: How did this happen? I had Taiyang call him at 8 o'clock this morning and pretend it was 11.

Taiyang: I printed up that fake schedule for him saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.

Qrow: I set all his watches and clocks to say PM when it’s really AM.

Summer: Oh, boy. We may have overdone it.


Incorrect quote 8 :

After Starscream saved Ironwood’s life from Grimms.

James Ironwood: Listen, Starscream, I at first used to see you as a jerk. Like the faunus version of rat poison.

Starscream: Uh, go on.

James Ironwood: But when I saw you saving my life on the battlefield today, I realized, Starscream’s not a bad guy. He’s just a heartbroken soul who needs love and gloves with fingers.

Starscream: Hey, fingerless gloves look awesome!

James Ironwood: No they don’t.

Incorrect quote 9 :

Starscream’s first times as Yang’s and Ruby’s ̎ third dad ̎.

Starscream: Taiyang told me to read baby books so I can take care of the kids better

Starscream: But there was nothing about changing diapers in “the ugly duckling”!!

Taiyang [from across the room]: I told you to read books ABOUT babies, not FORbabies !

Incorrect quote 10 :

A young Yang got into a fight at elementary school, neither Taiyang nor Qrow were available to go fetch her so Taiyang called Starscream to do it.

Starscream[Entering in the school principal’s lobby, serious]: Your father tells me you had a fight a school…

Yang: Yeah.. I did..

Starscream[Still serious, took Yang while getting out of the lobby]: We didn’t send you to school to do that..

Yang: I’m sorry..

[Starscream closes the door]

Starscream: Did you win?

Yang: Hell yeah.

Incorrect quote 11 :

When Starscream get kidnapped.

Bad guy: We have your dad.

Ruby: Which one?

Bad guy: What?

Yang: Which dad?

Bad guy: White/blue/red faunus eagle wings, looks frustrated, likes science…

Ruby: Oh that’s uncle Starscream.

Yang: Yeah, you don’t have him, he has you.

Ruby: Good luck.

Transformers Cyberverse X RWBY prompt idea: Huntsman!Starscream AU: Random ideas

headcanons: Starscream’s relationship with some RWBY characters

Prompt concept

Warning: English isn’t my first language so sorry if it’s confusing! ^^’

Warning 2: References to abuse.

So after I posted the headcanons part, I got some random ideas for this AU, so I decided to put them in this post.

Just like I said before, you can decide if you want to use all those ideas, just some of them or none of them in your take of the prompt! ^^


-When all the habitants of Renmant got turned into Cybertronians after the planet was spirited away in the Transformer Cyberverse universe, Starscream, with Qrow and Taiyang since they have been turned into cybertronians before, teach the students and teachers of Beacon how to use their “new bodies” and how to transform.

-When the cybertronian(Autobots/Decepticons temporary truce) allied with the huntsmen to fight the Grimms, training programs have been created in which groups of four Cybertronians(2 autobots and 2 decepticons) take charge of huntsmen teams as mentors to train them and teach them all they need to know about fighting like Cybertronian and how to use their abilities in any kind of situation.

-Ruby gushing over cybertronians weapons.

-Megatron trying to taunt Starscream with like how Slipstream is the commander of the seekers since he left or how Soundwave took his place as the second in command of the Decepticons, only for Starscream either ignored him and/or shrugging his shoulders and being like in a neutral tone “Good for them!”.

-Despite the fallout of their friendship, when the cybertronians believed Starscream to be dead after he left with team STRQ, Jetfire was sparkbroken and had mourn his former friend’s “death” ever since and got a deep hate toward Megatron since the Autobots believed that Megatron deactivated Starscream.

->Some Transformers characters who didn’t appeared in Cyberverse being from Remnant:

-The rest of the Stunticons(Motormaster, Dragstrip, Wildrider and Breakdown): Here four brothers from a father faunus and a mother human, who were both killed by White Fang ‘cause the father refused to join them, before everyone in Remnant became Cybertronians two of the brothers were faunus and the other two were humans.

-Ironhide: Before everyone in Remnant became Cybertronians, was an old veterant huntsman whose town was ravaged by Grimms and his team killed.

-Rumble and Frenzy: Before everyone in Remnant became Cybertronians, both were young streetrats in Vale.

-Ravage: Before everyone in Remnant became Cybertronians, she was a black wildcat with a wave Semblance who belongued to a noble who used her for animal fights until she escaped.

-Mirage: Here is a noble from Impacta, his semblance allowed him to turn invisible, in appearance he seem to get along with Jacques Schnee but in reality he despiste Jacques, seeing him as an horrible man, and expose anonymously his compagny’s shady actions very often, he use his invisibility power to sneak in the Schnee Dust Compagny to get the infos he need.

-Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: Here are two twin orphan brothers, before everyone in Remnant became Cybertronians, the brothers were petty criminals in Mistral Below to survive.

-Eons after Starscream left Cybertron, Megatron ordered Shockwave to work on a secret project which goal was to create the perfect Decepticon seeker with Starscream’s qualities and who would had an undying loyalty toward Megatron, which resulted into Sunstorm’s creation.

-Sunstorm in the prompt: as a clone of Starscream, Sunstorm is intelligent and had the potential to be had amazing flying skills, however, he is basically the innocence of a youngling in a mech body and doesn’t like violence, to him the war doesn’t make any sense and would be like “why would we fight each other aren’t we all children of Primus?” and he had problems to control his powers from the fusion reactor that Shockwave included in his construction, particuliary when he is very stressed. Because of that he is considered by Megatron as a failed aptempt.

-Slipstream having managed to convince Megatron to let her and the other seekers to take charge of Sunstorm to “train him to be a good Decepticon soldier”.(In reality she had done that to divert Megatron’s intention from Sunstorm and to had the youngling in security among the other seekers)

-Zwei shocking the Cybertronian with his “not-normal-for-a-comoun-dog” abilities.(big intelligence, capable of using tools, badass warrior ect…)

-Ruby and Yang being excited and internally fangirling about the fact they meet the Cybertronians from Starscream’s stories.

-Jetfire and Starscream having a serious talk about the fallout of their friendship and making up.

Transformers Cyberverse X RWBY prompt idea: Huntsman!Starscream AU headcanons: Starscream’s relationships with some RWBY characters

Prompt conceptIncorrect quotes

Warning: English isn’t my first language so sorry if it’s confusing! ^^’

Warning 2: References to abuse.

Hey everyone! ^^

Here’s some headcanons for my Huntsman!Starscream prompt about Starscream’s relationship with some RWBY characters and some additional headcanons.

Now, if anyone want to use the prompt, keep in mind that the use of those headcanons is not an obligation.

If you want to use all the headcanons in your take of the prompt: go ahead!

If you want to use only some of those headcanons: go ahead!

And if you want to use none of those headcanons and use your own ideas: go ahead! ^^


->Summer Rose:

-Summer played an important role into Starscream’s determination to change as she was the first person who wanted to genuinely help him.

-When she was alive, Summer and Starscream were really close.

-The two formed a brother-sister bond when Starscream left Cybertron for Renmant with team STRQ.

-Back on when team STRQ was stuck on Cybertron, Summer protected Starscream from been beat up again by Megatron after an argument over a plan to destroy the Grimms.

-Summer called Starscream “Star” as a nickname.

-Summer’s death deeply affected Starscream.

->Taiyang Xiao Long:

-At first Taiyang was wary of Starscream but he trusted Summer so he go along with helping Starscream whenever he was injured.

-Through team STRQ’s stay on Cybertron, Taiyang became more comfortable with Starscream and end up sympathizing with him.

-Nowdays: ever since Starscream started a new life in Renmant, both him and Taiyang became closer as friends and Taiyang even consider Starscream as a part of the family.

-After Summer’s death, Starscream and Taiyang supported each other through their mourning despite some hard times because of their sadness over Summer’s death.

-Starscream helped Taiyang to raise Ruby and Yang, and with Qrow the three of them were like a “dads team”.( Like “Three men and a baby” vides)

->Qrow Branwen:

-During team STRQ’s time on Cybertron Qrow didn’t trust Starscream and kept an eye on him in case he try something funny.

-Qrow would often tease Starscream and taunt him which resulted in comical(?) situations in which Summer and Taiyang had to restrain an enraged Starscream from jumping at Qrow’s troat.

-The two would often snipe at each other, Qrow calling Starscream “Screamer” to taunt him and Starscream calling him “Bird brain” in return and throw snarky remarks at each other.

-Nowdays: After the team’s time on Cybertron and Starscream started a new life on Renmant, his and Qrow’s relationship became better and the two became good friends.

-The two still tease each other but in a more friendly way and the nicknames “Screamer” and “Bird brain” became friends nicknames.

->Raven Branwen:

-Out of all team STRQ back on Cybertron, Raven was the one who didn’t trust Starscream at all.

-She kept a very close eye on Starscream and would be have the “I got my eye on you” attitude toward him.

-After the team left Cybertron and Starscream goes with them to Renmant Raven’s opinion about Starscream became neutral, the two got respect for each other and while Raven don’t completly trust him and isn’t really close with him they are at least on more understanding ground.

-Nowdays: The relationship between Starscream and Raven became rather rocky mostly ‘cause Starscream wasn’t very happy about Raven going MIA and abandoning Yang.

->Starscream’s huntsmen team teammates(who are those teammates is up to whoever who use the prompt):

-Since Starscream is, well, Starscream, his first times with his huntsmen team weren’t the best.

-Because of his arrogance and stubborness he often not worked with his teammates as a team which caused some team relationships problems.

-He eventually learned to work with his teammates and to contribute to build a good team work.

-With time, Starscream and his team formed a good team and created a strong friendship and end up being one of the best hunters teams in Beacon.

-(Whoever who use this prompt can decide if Starscream is the leader of the team or not)


-When they first meet, Ozpin was intrigued by Starscream, after all having one of your huntsmen team bring back with them someone who was apparently from another world after they disappeared for a while wasn’t something which happen everyday.

-After seeing Starscream’s skills in the science field and warrior field, Ozpin saw his potential as an opportunity and made Starscream part of an huntsmen team and also hired him as a teacher at Beacon.(And it’s also to keep an eye on him just in case)

-Ozpin give Starscream a his agreement for his studies on Dust and use of Cybertronian technology which permit Starscream to develop advanced technologies and equipements which was very profitable for Renmant’s cities and huntsmen against Grimms.

-Starscream respect Ozpin for his abilities as a leader and strategist.

-However as much Starscream respect Ozpin, he is very frustrated with Ozpin’s habit to keep many secrets from everyone.

->Glynda Goodwitch:

-Glynda wasn’t fond of Starscream when she met him, especially after learning about his “not very glorious past”.

-She was very suspiscious of him and had shared her concern to Ozpin about hiring Starscream as a teacher at the academy and permit him to join a huntsmen team to which Ozpin responded to her that while he took her concern into account he believe that team STRQ wouldn’t bring back with them someone who would bring danger to Renmant.

-Starscream’s bad attitude during his first time on Renmant didn’t made Glynda’s opinion better, to her he was insufferable and annoying.

-Everytime Starscream tried to get “familiar” with her and call her by her first name to which Glynda everytime respond coldly to him “That’s Miss Goodwitch to you!”.

-Nowdays: With Starscream’s progressive change of attitude, Glynda kind off warned up to him and kind off trust him and permit him to call her “Glynda”, however, she still find him annoying when Starscream get cocky.

->Beacon’s teachers:

-Peter port: Starscream isn’t very fond of Port, to him he is an annoying fool who took things too lightly.

-He also don’t appreciate at all Port flirting with the female students, especially Yang.(“I don’t care if it’s just play flirting, this idiot better stay away from my niece!”)

-Bartholomew Oobleck: Starscream respect Oobleck for his abilities as an hunter and appreciate his knowledge anthousiasm.

-Ooobleck as for him is very interested about Starscream’s homeworld’s history and they often had conversations together about Cybertron, it culture, history ect…

->Ruby Rose:

-Ruby love her uncle deeply, Starscream had took care of Yang and her since they were very young with their father and Qrow, to her he is a part of the family.

-When Ruby and Yang were younger, Starscream told them a lot of stories about Cybertron, the Autobots and the Decepticons, the adventures of team STRQ on Cybertron(with Qrow and Taiyang participating in the story telling for this one) ect…

-When Ruby became interested into huntsman weapons, Starscream encouraged her, teaching her all he know about weapons, their conceptions, their use ect… leading Ruby to become the weapon nerd we all know.

-Starscream even helped Ruby to create Crescent Rose by helping her tocreate the blueprints.

-Ruby and Yang sometimes try to play matchmakers and to find “the one” for their uncle when the occasion seem to appear, Ruby even had a notebook with written inside all what Yang and her found about what is Starscream’s type for a romantic partner.

->Yang Xiao Long:

-Just like Ruby, Yang love her uncle very much.

-She loved her uncle’s stories about the Autobots and the Decepticons to the point that when she got her bike she name it Bumblebee since it was yellow and black like the Autobot scout from Starscream’s stories. (“You realise that Bumblebee’s transformation wasn’t a bike right?” “Come on uncle Starscream! They’re both yellow and black and super awesome, that’s what matter!”)

-She and Ruby are partners in their matchmaking quest to “help” their uncle to find “the one”.

-Like with Ruby, Starscream taught Yang everything he know.

-Starscream is very protective toward Yang when it came to romantic relationships, he doesn’t like when someone hit on Yang nor when Yang herself hit on someone(for this part he even pull the “no dating till you’re married” non-sense, with Taiyang’s approval)

-(“No dating until you’re married young lady!” “What?! But that doesn’t make sense! How the married part could happen if I can’t even-” “NOT. UNTIL. YOU’RE. MARRIED!”)

->Weiss Schnee:

-Since Starscream’s new form in Renmant is a bird faunus, Weiss was wary of him at first.

-She show him respect like she do with the other teachers of Beacon but she was conflicted about how to feel about him.

-However, Starscream was a good teacher, despite being strict, and step by step and with time Weiss end up having genuine respect for him.

->Blake Belladona:

-Blake respect Starscream as a teacher, she’s very interested by his lessons and appreciate his no-nonsense teaching.

-She also respect him for not hidding he is a faunus and standing up for others faunus or not faunus alike.

-Starscream consider Blake as one of his best students.

-When Blake’s faunus identity was revealed, Starscream had a talk with her as her teacher and when she comfess feeling like a coward Starscream explained to her that real cowards justify their cowardice while she doesn’t and that she’s more brave than she think, much to Blake’s sceptiscism.

->Team JNPR:

-Starscream found out about Jaune’s false application and reported it to Ozpin, only to learn that Ozpin was aware of that but still permited Jaune to become a student 'cause he feel in Jaune a potential as a huntsman.

-With this knowledge, Starscream is particuliary strict with Jaune in class, not to discourage him and push him to quit the academy, but to on the contrary “encourage him” to push himself to work hard to make the best of himself and develop this “potential” Ozpin saw in Jaune.

-Althrough Nora isn’t a bad student, Starscream tend to find her a “bit overwhelming”.

-To Starscream Ren is a good student and very studious, the latter sometimes go talk to him after class to ask him questions about his lessons.

-As for Pyrrha, Starscream consider her as one of his best students, he is very interested by her magnetic abilities and sometimes, with her agreement, they meet up at his office so he can study her semblance.

->James Ironwood:

-Ironwood and Starscream met for the first time during a mission which invloved huntsmen teams from Beacon and teams from Atlas against a big invesion of Grimms who were attacking cities.

-Ironwood wasn’t sure what to think of Starscream, on one hand he was a very capable and competant huntsman but on the other hand his attitude was just so frustrating.

-His opinion about Starscream became more positive when during a fight against Grimms, Starscream saved his life when he was about to get fataly injured by a Grimm.

-Nowdays: After the mission both Ironwood and Starscream get on better terms, seeing each other as good friends through the years.

-Over the years a trust bond was built between them, if asked Ironwood would even tell he trust Starscream with his life.

->White Fang:

-The White Fang remind Starscream a bit too much of the Decepticons: a group which form to fight oppression but end up becoming corrupted.

-Since Starscream is a Faunus in Renmant, White Fang tried to “recruit” him during fights against them, to which Starscream is always like “NOPE!”

-Everytime Starscream hear about White Fang’s crimes he get uncomfortable flashbacks of the Decepticons and Megatron.

Additional headcanons:

-When he started a new life in Renmant, Starscream embraced back his scientist side and contributed to the developpement of new technologies in Renmant.

-Ex 1: With his studies on Dust, Starscream created “Dust pills” which, when eaten, can temporary incrase someone’s abilities or give abilities.

-Ex 2: Starscream helped to develop new weapons to fight Grimms, he even helped Ironwood and Pietro with the creation of Penny.

-When Yang and Ruby were younger, they fed Zwei with experimentals Dust pills that Starscream created and tested, and by so were safe, because they wanted to see what a cute and badass dog would be like but due to have been fed with a lot of Dust pills, and being experimental pills, they had a wierd effect on Zwei which make him had and Aura and made his abilities permanent, althrough Starscream was intrigued by this turn of events, he and Taiyang still grounded both Yand and Ruby for “having been reckless”.

-In his class, Starscream as one important rule: if one student messed up, like breaking rules for exemple, the whole team get punished, this is to teach the students about how actions/decisions of one or some members always impact on the whole team and by so they must be careful on what they do and think about the consequences their actions could bring to their team.

-Due to their horrible behaviors, Cardin and the rest of team CRDL are one of the teams, even maybe THE team, who got the most punished in Starscream’s class.

-With his knowledge of cybertronian tech and biology, Starscream helped to advance mechashift weapons like Ruby’s and Yang’s to new heights, allowing for them to compact even more when not in use. ((Idea from Alpinemaster on AO3, thanks for the idea! ^^)

Transformers Cyberverse X RWBY prompt idea: Huntsman!Starscream AU

headcanons: Starscream’s relationship with some RWBY characters

Warning: English isn’t my first language so sorry if it’s confusing! ^^’

Warning 2: References to abuse.

Hey everybody! ^^

Here’s a crossover prompt idea I recently got for a Transformers Cyberverse X RWBY crossover idea based on this “What if”:

“What if Starscream meet team STRQ when the latters found them self on Cybertron by accident and end up leaving the Decepticons and go to Remnant with the team?”

If you want to use this prompt go ahead, just credite/tag me in return please! ^^


So this prompt begin LONG times ago before the begening of Transformers Cyberverse and of RWBY, the war on Cybertron recently begin and team STRQ is still active.

During a mission to hunt Grimms, a wierd event spirited away team STRQ on Cybertron and turned them into cybertronians.

Meanwhile, Autobots and Decepticons are getting attacked by strange dark creatures which appeared out of nowhere, those creatures were also very dangerous and hard to kill.

At first both sides believed that those creatures were the doing of the other side but realized at one point that neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons had anything to do with those creatures.

With the threat those creature are to Cybertron, the Autobots and the Decepticons got no other choice but to make a temporary truce to fight the threat.

With team STRQ, after having took a time to get used to their new bodies and find out they can transform into vehicles, found out Grimms also appeared in this unknow world and are attacking the planet’s local, so the team decided to do their duty as hunters and to help fight the Grimms.

They intervened in a lot of fight, much to the shock of the cybertronians who were wondering who were those cybertronians and what the frag was this power they were using?

Among those who were the most curious about it were Starscream, who saw this power as an opportunity of a lifetime to take down Megatron once for all.

So he came up with the idea of “gaining the group’s trust to know more about the source of their powers, steal it and deactivate Megatron” and begin to find them.

However it wasn’t Starscream who find team STRQ but the other way arround in the form of Summer Rose.

One night Starscream was out for a fly after another beating from Megatron and get out to empty his mind and run into Summer.

The latter was also out for a walk and when she saw Starscream, or specifically his injuries, she was concerned about him so she approached him to ask him if he was okay, which surprised him and was more surprised when Summer drag him by the servo to her team’s hideout to tend his injuries despite him telling her he was alright.

But Starscream quickly saw this as an opportunity and go along with it and so Summer bring him back to team STRQ’s hideout where his injuries got fixed.

From here, Starscream started to put his plan in motion, answering the team’s questions about Cybertron, the war ect… and in return Starscream asked question about their world and he learn things about Remnant, the Dust, the Grimms ect…

As time pass Starscream keep coming back at team STRQ whenever he was injured and “keep on his plan to sympathize with them to had his servos on what make their powers”, but as time pass Starscream unwillingly became step by step genuinely attached to team STRQ and build a friendship with them.

One day team STRQ finally found a way to go back to Renmant and prepared themself to leave.

Deep down Starscream was desapointed to learn they will go but was shocked when the team proposed to him to go to Renmant with them.

Starscream was shocked ‘cause during they stay on Cybertron the team learn about Starscream’s “reputation”, but to his shock they still let him come to their hideout to tend his injuries, so why would they want him to come with them?

The answer came from Summer with one question “If you are truly a heartless backstabber then why didn’t you betrayed our trust during all the occasions you could have?”, to which Starscream don’t know what to answer 'cause even he don’t know.

Summer then explained to Stascream that while he had done bad things, he had show during the team’s stay on Cybertron that he could become a better mech if he truly wanted and also no one, whatever they’re good or bad, deserved the treatement Starcream was going through by Megatron’s hand and team STRQ, especially Summer, want to help him and Summer, while give hand to Starscream, is like “Please, let us show you there’s another to be, let us help you!”.

Starscream wanted to straight up refuse, 'cause he was certain he would one day become the leader of the Decepticons, but a treacherous little voice in his processor about asking him if it would be truly worth it? If the Decepticons would really follow his orders IF he actually become the leader? And with the abuse he go through because of Megatron, was that really worth it to keep trying? Wouldn’t be better to go with people who are ready to give him a chance to prove himself, who believe in him and who actually care?

After a lot of hesitations, Starscream make his decision and after removing his Decepticon symbol, he go with team STRQ to Renmant, leaving behind him Cybertron, the Decepticons, the war and his whole past self.

In Renmant Starscream, now a bird Faunus with red/white/blue wings on his back, built a new life with team STRQ’s help as an huntsman, becoming part of a team in Beacon and years latter he even became a teacher at the academy.

He also became an uncle figure to Yang and Ruby and helped Taiyang and Qrow to raise the two girls after Summer’s death and Raven have gone MIA.

However things took a very complicated and wierd turn when years later, during a mission done by team RWBY and team JNPR, a strange phenomena occured and the whole planet got spirited away in another universe, it’s habitants get turned into into giant robots and Renmant found itself near an awfully familiar planet to Starscream, a planet he never thought to see again: Cybertron.

Prompt details:

-Settings: Renmant got spirited away into the Cyberverse universe during team RWBY’s years at Beacon academy and during when Megatron created the wall around Cybertron.

-Since Starscream left way before the begenin of Cyberverse, the villain of the allspark charged fiasco in season 2 was a mech named Sideways and a group named “the Heralds of Unicron” who are servants of Unicron.

-Instead of the seekers like in canon, the cybertronians who got their sparks extracted are the rest of the Heralds of Unicron.

-Alive Thundercracker

-Alive Seekers

-RWBY characters personnality: Mix of their canon personnality and of their RWBY chibi personnality.

-Starscream’s personnality in the AU: Ever since he start a new life in Renmant, the positive and healthy environement helped Starscream to change for the better, he learnt to be more empathic toward others and way less selfish, he is still very sassy and still pridefull but his arrogance became very tamed with the years and has a bit of a tsundere attitude. He care a lot about Ruby, Yang, Taiyang and Qrow, he saw them as family and is protective toward them(even if he try to not show it too much).

-Starscream and Summer been very good friends when Summer was still alive.

-Scientist/huntsman starscream

-Uncle Starscream

-Starscream having give up his desire to become the leader of the Decepticons and moving on.

-Protective Starscream

-Starscream’s hunter weapons: Dual broadswords

-Starscream’s semblance: He had the capacity to use air as an energy and a weapon.

-Starscream’s faunus form: Eagle

-The whole world of Renmant having turned into cybertronians.

-Triple Changer Jaune

-Cybertronian turbo dog Zwei

-Ozpin knowing that Jaune falsified his school application but didn’t say or do anything 'cause he feel Jaune had a big potential as a huntsman.(I don’t know if it was etablished in the RWBY canon so I put it here!^^)

-Protective Starscream’s huntsmen team teammates.

-Protective Ruby, Yang, Taiyang and Qrow(in his own way for the latter).

-Good Ironwood(No evil Ironwood in this house !!!)

-Teacher Starscream

-The Grimms attacking both Renmant and Cybertron.

-When Starscream left the Decepticons Megatron thought he would at one point crawling back to him but when it became clear Starscream wasn’t coming back, Megatron to save is pride declared Starscream as dead.

-The Autobots thought that Starscream’s sudden disappearance was because he have been deactivated by Megatron.

-The Autobots and the Decepticons forced to make a temporaru truce to fight the Grimms.

-The cybertronians making an alliance with Beacon to get help against the Grimms.

-Summer Rose know on Cybertron as “the hooded femme with silver optics”, the youngest cybertronians think she and the rest of team STRQ are just legends.

-The cybertronians shocked to find out that Starscream was alive and are even more shocked to see he isn’t the same as he was before.

-The cybertronians completely stunned when two young femmes(Yang and Ruby) called Starscream “uncle Starscream”.

-Starscream completely ignoring Megatron much to the latter’s frustration and anger.

-Badass Starscream.

-Starscream being respectful toward Optimus Prime, much to the Autobots’s shock.

-The Beacon students befriending with the cybertronians.

-Beacon students doing missions on Cybertron.

-Cinder and her team plotting evil plans against Renmant and Cybertron.

-Zwei sympathizing with Thundercracker.(A nob to Thundercracker and his dog Buster in the IDW comics! ^^)

-Shipping: You can do the ship you want, just no Megatron X Starscream please! :)
