

You know that old question, who’s your favourite Star Trek captain? And then the later one, who’s your favourite Number One/2IC? Let’s talk it all out. Who’s your favourite everything?

(Again, following an RL discussion)

Captain: The older I get, the less the captains are my favs. It’s probably still Sisco, but the new Pike is showing strong, and I’ve warmed up a lot to Janeway over the years.

Second-in-Command: Still Kira Nerys by a landslide. I loved so many of her plots, and her conflict with Starfleet vs her history as a guerrilla and Bajor’s needs. Obviously I also love Spock, and I’ll give Saru points also.

Medical: Leonard McCoy, my favourite passionately grumbly southern contrarian. He’s probably my favourite Star Trek character full stop. Points also to Deanna and the EMH. (Deanna is technically the ship’s counsellor, not doctor, but honestly Starfleet needs those as much if not more than the physical doctors. I’m not sure why they never revisited that crew role)

Engineering: Jett Reno! The runner up and my previous fav was B’Elanna Torres, but Reno is just … the epitome of a Starfleet Engineer to me. I loved her the instant we met her.

Tactical/Security/Weapons: Malcolm Reed has very lovely wrists. I don’t know if that’s besides the point or not, but, well, he does. I will also give an honourable mention to Tasha Yar. Also Odo, if he counts for security?

Misc Other Bridge: aka Helm, Communications, Science when not 2IC … the TOS bridge crew probably still rule my heart, they had some of the best interactions, and I adore Uhura, Sulu and Chekov. I also deeply enjoy Detmer, and the Disco crew in general once they got into the swing.

Alien Attachés: I’ll be honest, the alien who joins the crew, is crew-adjacent, or regularly shows up to bother the crew is usually my favourite character or close. Garak, Q, Shran, Odo, Kes, Seven, arguably Data and the EMH. If something like this role exists, I am almost guaranteed to love them.

(Note: Disco is the only one of the newer shows that I’ve seen anything of)
