#emperor georgiou



feminist brain: emperor georgiou is one of the most terrifying villains in star trek canon, a chilling reversal of michael’s empathetic, intelligent captain. the imperialism and xenophobia of the empire she represents is a timely reminder of real-life momentum in the spirit of the original series’ social commentary. the fear and anger she evokes is matched only by that of lorca, who thinks she isn’t harsh enough.

lesbian brain: authoritative leather lady have sword. big sexy

 “ I will bring all the fireflies to you, daughter. ”

“ I will bring all the fireflies to you, daughter. ”

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Study after the Emperor’s Portrait of Captain Georgiou[Image description: a red and blue paint

Study after the Emperor’s Portrait of Captain Georgiou

[Image description: a red and blue painting of Emperor Georgiou with Philippa Georgiou’s head in her lap. The Emperor is in full imperial regalia, staring impassibly before her. A harsh cold light falls from above on her face, armour and hand, highlighting skull, ribcage and knuckles. Her hand is held over Philippa’s eyes. Philippa is screaming. End description]

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a discarded sketch for a thing I will probably never finish. looking forward to more of their weird

a discarded sketch for a thing I will probably never finish. looking forward to more of their weird dynamic

[ID: a sketch of Michael Burnham and Emperor Georgiou facing each other, from the chest up. Teeth bared, Georgiou is leaning forward and pointing a dagger at Michael’s throat. She is wearing a sleeveless top, a high ponytail and earrings. Unfazed, Michael is holding her gaze and pushing the blade aside with a single finger. She is in uniform and her hair is worn short and curly at the top. End ID.]

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“About that manager position… Oh, haven’t you heard? The last one just got brutally mugged on

“About that manager position… Oh, haven’t you heard? The last one just got brutally mugged on the doorstep. How tragic.“

[Picture ID: a drawing of Emperor Georgiou in the Orion club from the waist up, dressed in leather, with an intricate sleeveless top and belt. Looking toward the bar, she is leaning on the counter and pointing toward the opposite side, a thin dagger in hand with a hint of red on the blade. Her other hand is holding an empty glass and her arm resting on her hip nonchalantly. A menacing smirk stretches her lips. End ID]

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What I feel for you…belongs to you.[ID: drawing of Michael Burnham and Emperor Georgiou in pr

What I feel for you…belongs to you.

[ID: drawing of Michael Burnham and Emperor Georgiou in profile from the shoulders up. Eyes closed, they are pressing their forehead together. They are dressed in dark coats. Thick snow is falling around them. End ID]

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A vulnerability is not a death sentence.[ID: a black and white sketch of Emperor Georgiou from the s

A vulnerability is not a death sentence.

[ID: a black and white sketch of Emperor Georgiou from the shoulders up. She is gazing before her with a guarded expression, lips parted to speak. Wisps of hair are escaping her braid. END ID]

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