#steady feet dont fail us now


Fic Rec #740

steady feet don’t fail us nowbytaizi

Hermione x Harry Potter x Ron Weasley

“Nearly there,” Hermione is telling him softly. “You’ve done it, Harry, you’ve done so well. We’re nearly there, and then you can rest.”

“Hell, you can check out now if you’d like, mate,” says Ron, with a lightness he doesn’t really feel. He’s counting Harry’s heartbeats, matching his breaths, compiling this proof that Harry came back alive because it’s so much a miracle Ron almost can’t believe it. “I’ll carry you to the castle like a proper knight, and everyone will be too impressed with your victory to take the piss out of you.”

“Ron, honestly,” says Hermione.

Harry’s shoulders shake, the ghost of a laugh, and then the woods don’t seem quite as dark.

COMPLETE: Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,008
