#stephen strange x reader drabble


Fandom: The Avengers/MCU

Relationship: Stephen Strange/Fem!Reader

Words: 803

Summary: After years as your best friend, Stephen is sick of waiting for you to put the pieces together. (TW: brief mention of menstrual cycles/tampons). 

Notes: About a month ago I posted a link to a Spotify playlist and asked people to give me song recommendations that I could write songfics for. Y’all pulled through and gave me a lot of inspiration (and heartbreak). 



“Moving in together is a big step,” Stephen, your best friend, warned you over brunch. 

You raised an eyebrow as you reached for your bottomless mimosa, a luxury Stephen insisted on providing for you. “Yeah, but Dylan was so excited to show me the penthouse he picked out. And he caught me surprise, so I told him I would think about it.” 

“A penthouse?” he repeated. 

“What about it?”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“Tell him what?” 

“That you’re afraid of heights!” 

When you and Stephen first met during your freshman year of college, a few things became very clear. 

One, he was the smartest person in the room.

Two, he was very aware of that fact. 

And three, he was in no condition for a stable relationship. 

But that didn’t bother you one bit. A drunken, one-night stand was just the thing you were looking for to get over your high school sweetheart. What better way to get over him than to get under a cocky premed student? 

Once your fun was had and the time came for the two of you to part ways, you just didn’t. Somehow you seamlessly fell into a comfortable friendship that saw you through the rest of your college days. Between the late-night cram sessions and early morning coffee runs, Stephen wormed his way into being your favorite person. 

So, when you landed a cushy job after undergrad and he continued on as an impoverished medical student, you allowed him to live with you rent-free. At the time you made jokes that he would have to make it up to you once he became a hotshot doctor. 

A joke he took very seriously. 

Between the lavish brunches, and surprise tickets to see your favorite shows, Stephen absolutely spoiled you. You told him long ago that it wasn’t necessary and that his friend was all you needed. However, the gifts continued, nonetheless. 

“I’ll be fine,” you assured him before taking a sip from your glass. “As long as I don’t look out any windows.” 

He snorted before rolling his eyes. “I swear he knows absolutely nothing about you.” 

“He knows plenty about me!” you defended your long-term boyfriend.

“Just last week he took you to a concert for some rap star.” 

“We had a good time!” 

“You hate rap.” 

He had a point there. 

“Okay new rule,” you giggled as you set the champagne glass down on the table. “No more using our weekly brunch to bash my boyfriend.” 

“All I’m saying is that you could do better,” he shrugged casually. “You need someone who is cable of figuring you out. Someone who actually pays attention.” 

“People aren’t just problems you can solve, Stephen.” 

“Of course, they are,” he argued. “Take me, for example. I know you better than anyone.” He pointed at your plate. “Today, you didn’t order your usual spinach frittata, and instead opted for chocolate chip pancakes. You don’t normally have such a sweet tooth this early in the morning.” He dug into his coat pocket. “That, along with today’s date, tell me that you’ll be needing these.” He took out a small box of your preferred tampons and slid them across the table towards you. 

Your cheeks warmed as you quickly took the box and shoved it into your bag. He was correct, after all. “You have a few unfair advantages.” 

“Advantages, yes, but I wouldn’t say they are unfair,” he said with a cocky grin. “I just pay attention.” 

“You’ve also known me forever a decade and you have a photographic memory.” 

“Put a blindfold on me and tie one hand behind my back, and I’d still be a better fit for you than him.” He leaned back in his chair as if to rest his case. “I’m just saying.”  

“There’s just one problem with that,” you retorted. “You are not in the market for a relationship. Especially not with me.” 

Stephen only chuckled. 

“What’s so funny?” 

“Were you ever going to figure it out on your own?” he asked as he tilted his head at you. “For such an intelligent woman, I’m amazed at how oblivious you are.” 

You wanted to take offense to what he was saying, but before you could snap at him 

“I’ve loved you for years.” Stephen leaned forward again, all his attention on you. “I’ve dropped so many little hints, and you’ve missed every single one. It’s honestly astounding.” He reached out and took your hand in his before kissing it gently. 

You opened and closed your mouth a few times as your mind scrambled to catch up and respond. You didn’t even think to remove your hand from him. “What makes you think I feel the same way?” 

“As I’ve said multiple times,” he said with a cocky grin. “I’ve got you all figured out.” 

