#stephen strange x female reader


In Good Care

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe 

Characters: Doctor Strange, Reader, Nicodemus West

Pairing: Doctor Strange x Reader

Contains: Hurt/Comfort, Being Vulnerable, Hospital Visit, nothing too out there

Summary: After being hurt at work due to a mishap, you learn what happens when the girlfriend of the Sorcerer Supreme is harmed.

AN: This is an amalgamation of different ideas I had involving the Sorcerer Supreme. It may seem a tad OOC but we have seen Doctor Strange be very tender with the likes of Christine Palmer. I’m fully convinced he would be the same way if any woman he loved was hurt in any way. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys. 

Everything seemed to be going so well…

Stephen had managed to clear his calendar for the day sooner than he had expected to, so he was already back at the Sanctum Sanctorum,changing into some nicer clothes.

Stephen smiled to himself picturing the look on their face when they saw him strolling into their office to pick them up early for a surprise lunch date, complete with a bouquet of flowers.

Once he was satisfied, he headed out the door and walked a few streets over. The first stop was a local florist where he purchased a bouquet of white and red roses. With a spring in his step, he headed towards a particular place of business, one that the most gorgeous, talented woman he knew worked at.

Once inside, he saw something very odd. He saw a group of people standing at the bottom of the stair case, cleaning up something red off the tile floor. Everyone looked somber. 

Stephen quickly saw that you were nowhere in sight. His heart sank as he took it all in. Nearby he heard one of your co workers mention your name, wondering how badly you were hurt.

Stephen quickly walked over to the employee and got their attention. The employee went from sad to stunned to see that somehow the world famous Doctor Strange was there. And he looked furious.

“Where is she?! What’s happened?!


Alone at the Metro General Hospital emergency room, you laid on the hospital bed. Though you had arrived by ambulance and was quickly admitted, it had been several hours before anyone had seen you. So far you had several tunes of blood drawn, an xray, along with a cat scan and stitches on your forehead. But beyond that, nothing.

Due to the emergency room being a wide open bay, the only privacy you had was a thin curtain around you. Though the staff had given you meds for the pain, nothing was more painful than thinking about how you ended up there. All because several of your coworkers decided to goof around for a social media video, you ended up at the bottom on the office stairs.

You didn’t know what all injuries you had for sure, but if the swollen tissue and discoloration of your left ankle was any indication, you at the very least were going to be spending a few days on crutches 

Everything hurt. For whatever reason, none of your coworkers had seen fit to inquire about you. The last you saw of them, one had handed your bag to you as you were loaded onto the ambulance. 

Looking at your phone again, the only thing that made you smile was the photo of you on your lockscreen, that of your boyfriend of a couple of months, Doctor Stephen Strange.

Very few knew you were involved with him. At least your co workers didn’t know. As far as you were concerned, what you did in the off hours wasn’t their business.

Thinking of him made you miss him even more. You wanted to call him, but as far as you knew, he was still away on a mission. Thinking it wouldn’t hurt to send a text, you sent a simple message "Please call me when you get this. I love you.”

After sending the text, you wondered how you were going to get home. Your dear roommate Julia was out of town for the weekend already, at her family’s place in the Hamptons. You knew she would come get you. But that was a very long drive and you didn’t wish to impose. The only thing you could do was hail a cab when you got released and try to make do.

With nothing to do but wait, you brought up one of your streaming services on your phone, and put on one of your favorite TV shows, Midsomer Murders. You figured you might as well be entertained. 

After learning what had happened, Stephen bolted from the building, quickly forgetting about the flowers he had brought. Your co-worker picked them up and took them up to your office, where they laid them on your desk. 

Stephen quickly opened a portal to Metro General West and jumped through it, hoping to find you quickly.

Still watching your show, in which DCI Barnaby and DC Jones were dealing with the death of an elderly woman at a fair, you did your best to ignore the pain and noise of the ER. A nurse had come to check your vitals and asked if you needed anything. You said “no” and continued to wait.

From the other side of the curtain, you hear a loud, familiar voice asking desperately “Where is (y/n)?”

Your heart lept up unto your throat. He was here?

Before you could respond, you saw the curtain pulled aside. Sure enough, it was Stephen, with a panicked look on his face. He quickly rushed over to you, cupped your face in his hands, kissed you tenderly. 

“You’re back already? But..”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m here now.”

Stephen quickly looked you over. His blood started to boil when he saw the stitches on your face along with the bruises on your leg. Seeing you like this and knowing it was caused by something foolish made him even more angry. 

“I thought I heard that familiar tone, Strange.”

The both of you turned to see who it was. Standing at the foot of your bed, with his arms crossed and looking at Stephen with a highly annoyed expression, was the Doctor on duty.


“Strange. Need I remind you that your practicing privileges here no longer exist.”

“Shall I remind you of all the mistakes you made that I had to fix?” Stephen snarled, very much not in the mood for this.

“Stephen! Please just let him do want he needs to.” You asked, wore out.

With one last annoyed look at Stephen, Doctor West said “I looked over everything. You’ve got a sprained ankle and a few bruised ribs. No concussion thankfully, but you will need to take it easy for a least a few days. I’ll have your discharge papers ready shortly. ”

With that, Doctor West walked away. Stephen’s temper subsided. He took a place next to the bed, and gently ran his fingers through your hair. You wanted to say something, anything, but you just closed your eyes, sighed and just tried to keep your cool.

Shortly after, the discharge nurse arrived to give you your papers and to take a payment. With a groan, you handed them your credit card that you saved for emergencies.  Even with insurance and even on salary, this was going to bite later on financially. 

Now that you could finally go home, Stephen picked you up and carried you out of the emergency room. Those who were on staff that day, who knew Stephen from before his days as the Sorcerer Supreme,  watched in stunned silence as he carried the woman he loved out the door.

Once outside, you looked up at Stephen and asked “Can I trouble you for a stop at the drug store and then my place? I want to rest.”

“I think we can do better. Stay with me.”


“I’m serious, why not stay at the Sanctum?”

You couldn’t believe it. You were finally going to get to see where it was that Stephen lived. Because of the nature of the place, it was closed off to those who were not affiliated with Kamar-Taj. This was a rare occasion indeed.

“Will the others mind?”

“I’m the Master of it. What I say goes. Plus you will need to soak your muscles. Your place doesn’t have a bathtub.”

“Okay. But I’m going to need clothes.”


The first stop ended up being the corner drugstore down the street from your apartment. Thankfully they already had your prescriptions filled. Stephen also helped you get a pair of crutches, some ace wraps and a few other items. 

Next was your apartment. Stephen helped you pack a bag with enough items for the next few days. Once it was done, Stephen conjured a portal that led to the upper level of the sanctum and helped you through it, carrying your bag for you.

Walking through the Sanctum for the first time was both awe inspiring and nerve wracking. The place looked a lot more like a museum than you expected it. So many different artifacts behind display cases. When you could move around better, you planned to ask Stephen about each one.

Stephen kept a close eye on you as you slowly maneuvered you way through. This wasn’t your first time on crutches, having sprained your ankle as a kid. But this was different. You felt sore in places you didn’t know you even had. Though you tried to hide your discomfort, Stephen quickly noticed it.

“Let’s get you in the tub.”

Stephen led you to the ornate bathroom.Once inside, your jaw dropped. Decorated to look more like a turkish bath,.it looked too fancy to use.In the center was a massive copper bathtub with claw feet and a long back rest. 

Stephen quickly started the water and as you slowly started to undress, he poured different salts into the water. One of the many benefits of living at the Sanctum was having things like that on hand for injuries. 

“Oh no.”

“What is it?” Stephen asked, turning to look at you. 

“I just bought this.” You groaned, gesturing to the large rip in your pencil skirt. “I had a hell of a time finding this too.”

“We’ll get to that.” Stephen assured you, already formulating a plan. He then walked over to you to help you undress. 

It was painful, both mental and physically. The soreness was bad enough,but you hated being this vulnerable. Being so used to caring for yourself because others couldn’t be bothered,  you grew to hate being fussed over.

“Stephen, I can..”

“Please let me help.” He pleaded gently. “If you like I can hold you up.”

As much as you hated having to be assisted like this, there was no denying that with how sore you were, you would need a bit of help. 

“All right.”

A bit at a time, Stephen helped remove piece by piece of clothing, putting them all in a neat pile. It was during all this that Stephen saw some of the bruises from your fall along your back and your stomach. Stephen kept his temper as best he could. 

Once undressed, Stephen walked with you over to the tub. You reached down and tested the water temperature, which turned out to be perfect. It took a bit of maneuvering, but you managed to get into the tub without injuring yourself further.

You sighed with pleasure as you laid back against the tub.The hot water felt absolutely amazing against your muscles. For the first time since that morning, you were able to finally take a moment to yourself. Knowing that you would be spending the next few days in the care of an incredibly sexy Doctor was just an added bonus.


While you relaxed in the tub, Stephen took your clothes with him. Using a spell he found in the library, he successfully stitched up the rip in your skirt. Once repaired, he put your clothes on to wash. He was determined to make the next few days as stress free for you as possible. 

While your clothes were being washed, Stephen went through his massive wardrobe looking for a robe for you. Unfortunately due to him being taller than you, none of them would fit. He considered going back to your apartment for one, but he didn’t wish to leave you alone unless you needed help.

With no better options, he selected one of his, a dark blue one and used his powers to trim it more to your size, hoping it would fit alright.

Once it was done, he carried it back to the washroom, thinking it would also be a good time to check on you. To be polite, he knocked first and waited for your permission. 

“Come in.”

Stephen walked in and hung the robe on a hook behind the door. Looking at you in the tub fully relaxed, with a washcloth over your eyes, he smiled gently and walked over to you.

Kneeling beside the tub, he ran his fingers through your hair, just enough to get your attention. You removed the cloth from your eyes and smiled in return at Stephen.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, in that sweet, tender tone he reserved only for you.

“Better already. I don’t know what you put in this water but it’s a massive help.”

“It’s kind of a special mix. One of the healers at Kamar-Taj makes them. They are a big help when one gets thrown around like a rag doll.”

“Does that happen often? ” You asked, raising an eyebrow.

“More than you might think.”

“Either way, thank you.” You said, taking his hand in yours.

Stephen took your hand and kissed it, glad he could at least do something to help you feel better. He was still angry that you had been hurt due to others carelessness, but at least he could help take care of you, as you had done for him.

“Anything else I can do to help you feel better?”

One idea quickly popped into your head. You didnt know if he would be interested but it didn’t hurt to ask. Sure it was one often found in romance novels, perhaps it could apply here as well.

“Join me in here?”

Stephen gave you a playful smile, stood up and quickly undressed. You moved up a bit to allow him to get in, hoping the water wouldn’t be too hot for him. He quickly settled in behind you, wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.

You closed your eyes again and just basked in being held by him. Stephen always had a way of making you feel comfortable and after such a stressful day, comfort was what you needed.

The weekend may not have started the way you thought it would, but perhaps it would end better than you ever expected it to.


The First Course 

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe 

Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)

Genre: Fluff. Smut

Word count: over 2,700

Contains: Domestic Fluff, Unprotected Adult Fun

Characters:Doctor Strange, Female Reader

Paring: Doctor Strange x Reader

Summary: It’s your first full day living at the New York Sanctum and you have decided to cook dinner for your boyfriend, Doctor Strange. The main course and dessert are planned but what or who will end up being the first course? Read on to find out.

The New York Sanctum is a place of magic. Its a place where there are sentient doors, garments. There are things there that no one could possibly imagine. Unless they were a magic wielder themselves.

Its not out of the ordinary to witness something spectacular there, but there is a form of magic that isnt or wasnt practiced much until now. Until you moved in as the girlfriend to the master of the Sanctum, Doctor Stephen Strange.

It was your first full day living at the Sanctum and you were already trying to make a good impression. Because one of your passions was cooking, you wanted to make a couple of your favorite recipes for your boyfriend. You knew the perfect ones to start off with. 

Because it was a cool, crisp fall day, you felt that soup and a sweet dessert would be the perfect way to start. But unfortunately, you discovered that the kitchen at the Sanctum wasnt very well stocked. Because your boyfriend was often gone, he kept only some of the basics on hand. Also because he was used to only keeping things stocked for him, it was all things he could eat on the go. This was gonna take some work.

So you made a list and ran down to the local store to get what you needed. On the way back, with arms loaded down, you stopped by the liquor store for one particular type of booze. You made an interesting picture carrying all your items back, but you managed it.

After unloading it all, you got started. Because the dessert was going to take longer to put together, you decided to start with that. You opted to make your famous Bourbon Apple Cobbler. After peeling, cutting up and mixing the apples with the rest of the ingredients, you turned to making homemade buttermilk biscuits to put on top. The kitchen was left smelling like a fall candle.

Once the cobbler was in the oven, you turned to cleaning up for the next bit, silently cursing just how much of a mess you made. After it finished baking, you took it out to cool and then turned to the main course, Zuppa Toscana.

While you cooked the italian sausage, garlic and onions, you cut up some small potatoes. Once the meat was done, you put it all in the crockpot, along with some soup stock and set it to cook on low. The last few ingredients would be added later.

Around three in the afternoon, the Master of the Sanctum returned. He had a long night and he was eager to see how you were getting on. Hearing a bit of noise coming from the kitchen, he went to investigate. As he got closer the smell of italian sausage hit his nose, along with the smell of baked goods, making his mouth water.

Walking in, he spotted a crockpot on the countertop being used. He also saw a baking dish set off to the side. You on the other hand were busy at the sink, scrubbing off the last remaining dishes.As quietly as he could, he snuck up behind you, wrapped his arms around you and kissed you.

Keep reading

The First Course 

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe 

Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)

Genre: Fluff. Smut

Word count: over 2,700

Contains: Domestic Fluff, Unprotected Adult Fun

Characters:Doctor Strange, Female Reader

Paring: Doctor Strange x Reader

Summary: It’s your first full day living at the New York Sanctum and you have decided to cook dinner for your boyfriend, Doctor Strange. The main course and dessert are planned but what or who will end up being the first course? Read on to find out.

The New York Sanctum is a place of magic. Its a place where there are sentient doors, garments. There are things there that no one could possibly imagine. Unless they were a magic wielder themselves.

Its not out of the ordinary to witness something spectacular there, but there is a form of magic that isnt or wasnt practiced much until now. Until you moved in as the girlfriend to the master of the Sanctum, Doctor Stephen Strange.

It was your first full day living at the Sanctum and you were already trying to make a good impression. Because one of your passions was cooking, you wanted to make a couple of your favorite recipes for your boyfriend. You knew the perfect ones to start off with. 

Because it was a cool, crisp fall day, you felt that soup and a sweet dessert would be the perfect way to start. But unfortunately, you discovered that the kitchen at the Sanctum wasnt very well stocked. Because your boyfriend was often gone, he kept only some of the basics on hand. Also because he was used to only keeping things stocked for him, it was all things he could eat on the go. This was gonna take some work.

So you made a list and ran down to the local store to get what you needed. On the way back, with arms loaded down, you stopped by the liquor store for one particular type of booze. You made an interesting picture carrying all your items back, but you managed it.

After unloading it all, you got started. Because the dessert was going to take longer to put together, you decided to start with that. You opted to make your famous Bourbon Apple Cobbler. After peeling, cutting up and mixing the apples with the rest of the ingredients, you turned to making homemade buttermilk biscuits to put on top. The kitchen was left smelling like a fall candle.

Once the cobbler was in the oven, you turned to cleaning up for the next bit, silently cursing just how much of a mess you made. After it finished baking, you took it out to cool and then turned to the main course, Zuppa Toscana.

While you cooked the italian sausage, garlic and onions, you cut up some small potatoes. Once the meat was done, you put it all in the crockpot, along with some soup stock and set it to cook on low. The last few ingredients would be added later.

Around three in the afternoon, the Master of the Sanctum returned. He had a long night and he was eager to see how you were getting on. Hearing a bit of noise coming from the kitchen, he went to investigate. As he got closer the smell of italian sausage hit his nose, along with the smell of baked goods, making his mouth water.

Walking in, he spotted a crockpot on the countertop being used. He also saw a baking dish set off to the side. You on the other hand were busy at the sink, scrubbing off the last remaining dishes.As quietly as he could, he snuck up behind you, wrapped his arms around you and kissed you.

“Stephen, home already?” You said, turning around to greet him properly.

“More like finally.” Stephen noted, keeping a hold on you.

“When did you leave this morning? You were already gone by the time I got up.”

At that, Stephen looked a little sheepish.

“You didnt come to bed last night, did you?” You guessed.

“No. I was about to around midnight when something came up.” Stephen explained. “You looked as if you’d just fallen asleep so I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Will you have to leave again soon?” 

“Hopefully no. I think I managed to calm things down for now.” Stephen said, still not sure if he had made the right call. Only time would tell if he had.

Turning to more pleasant matters, he asked  “What’s all this? It smells wonderful. ”

“Dinner and dessert. I made Zuppa Toscana and Bourbon Apple Cobbler.”

“Bourbon Apple Cobbler?” Stephen asked, greatly curious.


Stephen was touched. Though you had surprised him with meals before, it was still a unique feeling to come home to a meal waiting for him cooked by someone who had his heart.

“So, when do we eat?” 

“I put the soup on a little bit ago, its not going to be ready till about 8.” You said. “But I can make you a snack.”

“That sounds wonderful. But first I’m going to get cleaned up and relax a bit.”

“Alright, come find me when you are done.”

Stephen walked away to tend to matters. In your private chambers, he stripped down and showered, already formulating just how to show you his appreciation later on that evening. 

After a bit, you hadn’t seen or heard from Stephen so you went to check on him. You soon found him passed out on the bed. From the looks of it, he had enough energy to shower and put on a pair of boxer briefs and crash out.

Knowing he hadn’t slept all night and that you would have to mind dinner anyway, you went and pulled the curtains closed to make the room darker. Giving Stephen a gentle kiss on the forehead, you left the room and closed the door quietly behind you. 

 Setting a timer for later, you booted up your laptop and decided to go over some of your work emails and get a Head Start on the manuscript your boss had sent you that morning.  The biggest advantage of your job was the fact that you could work from anywhere. As long as everything got done on time, your boss didn’t care.

About 7 PM the timer went off.  Checking on the soup you used a fork to test the potatoes and saw they were almost done. You then added the last 2 ingredients: frozen kale and some heavy whipping cream, gave the soup a stir and put the lid back on and bumped the temperature up to high.

 It was then you decided it was time to check on Stephen.  Walking into the bedroom you saw that he was still sound asleep on his back. Or he appeared to be. You considered letting him sleep longer but you also wanted to make sure he had a fresh meal. 

 Crawling onto the bed you straddled him, brought your lips to his ear and murmured sweetly his name. He quickly opened his eyes and moved about. His eyes noted the fact that the drapes were pulled. Looking at the clock he groaned when he saw how late it was in the evening.

 "Good evening handsome. How was your nap?”

 Stephen stretched out a bit, noting the feeling of you astride him.  Seeing you on top of him made him smile not just because you were there but because it reminded him of the wonderful dreams that he had during his nap. Some parts were very sweet. Some were more than a little sinful. And the latter caused him to still be very hard.

“Much needed.” He purred as he started running his hands up your thighs. “ Though it would have been better to have you here.”

 "If it hadn’t been for work and dinner I would have". You remarked as you leaned over to kiss him. Stephen wrapped his arms around you as your lips found his, moaning softly as you playfully pulled on his lower lip. 

 For a few moments all the 2 of you could do was think about how much you needed each other and how much the 2 of you needed some time alone.  With Stephen often being called away, sometimes you only saw each other in passing. But now was as good a time as any to enjoy each other a bit.

 With you still on top of him he raised his hands up your stomach and up to your chest feeling to find out what bra you had on. Feeling that it was a front clasp he quickly unhooked it and began massaging your breasts. 

It wasn’t long before Stephen felt you grow hot between your legs. He delighted in hearing you whimper between kisses as he caressed you. It made him think back to the night before, when he had planned to come to bed and  wake you up just long enough to make love to you. But that hadn’t happened. Now it was time to make up for that.

“Do we have time?” He asked between kisses, his deep voice filled with lust.


You got off of Stephen long enough for you to strip off your clothes. Stephen himself removed his boxers and tossed them aside. He then took himself in hand and began stroking himself while he watched you strip down. He might have used his powers to make your clothes remove themselves, but it was far more enticing watching you do it.

Watching Stephen work himself over made your mouth water and made you even more wet between your legs. If you had known before that he was already hard for you, you might have woken him up by swallowing him. But nothing said you couldn’t do so anyway.

Stephen still had his cock in his hand as you crawled back onto the bed. He saw the feral look in your eyes as you made for his dick. Stephen didn’t let go of it until he felt you wrap your lips around the tip of it, sucking on it hard. He let out a deep shudder as he felt your mouth reach the base of it.

He proved himself up so he could watch you as well as feel you. His moans were as loud as yours, if not louder and only got more feral as he felt your head move up and down his shaft. Making even more pleasurable was the feeling of your hand massaging his balls as well.

Glancing up at him, watching him do his damndest to hold it together was so exotic. Being able to reduce him to such as blushing mess with just your mouth was quite the ego boost.

But it was also torment for you. Divine torment yes ,but just the same. As delicious as his cock was, as wonderful as it was filling 0your mouth and the back of your throat, your pussy ached tremendously. All you wanted was for it to be filled just as full as your mouth. No matter if it was with Stephen’s tongue, his fingers or his dick. 

You tried to keep your hands in place while you kept at him, but you were questioning just how much longer you could hold off. 

Stephen could sense your frustration in more ways than one. He had an idea that might resolve it, that was if he could pull it off. It was something the two of you discussed before but hadn’t attempted. 

Stephen waited until you weren’t look, formed a hand sign, closed his eyes, and hoped for the best.

You were doing so well keeping it all together as you deep throated Stephen again. Your focus was where it should be. Until it wasn’t. Out of nowhere, you felt another pair of lips on you, and not just anywhere. Whomever they were, they were quickly working their way up your thighs, their facial hair brushing against your skin.

Letting go of Stephen, you glanced down between your legs and saw, to your shock, it was…Stephen. A perfect duplicate of him, with his face now buried deeply in your opening, exploring you like mad.

Looking back up at who you thought was Stephen, you saw that he was struggling to hold the spell.

“Keep going.”

Just as you swallowed him again, you felt the other Stephen’s tongue slip into your hole and swirl around.  Instantly your legs began to shake. He then proceeded to make it better, or worse, by running his thumb over your swollen clit. 

The whole affair was pushing Stephen to his limits, mentally and physically. He wanted to hold out long enough for you to come first, but he didn’t know how much longer till he blew his load. There was also the chance he could pass out from the strain of the spell first. 

His attention was drawn to the sounds of you whimpering loudly. He saw your legs begin to shake more, signaling to him that you were about to come very hard.As much as he didn’t want to break the spell, he didn’t want to miss out on you making a mess all over him.

 Stephen broke the spell which caused you to stop and gasp for air.   He quickly grabbed you,flipped you on your back and guided himself into you. With how worked up the both of you were,a slow steady rhythm wasn’t going to suffice. Within seconds, Stephen was pounded into you so hard and fast the bed was shaking and banging against the wall.

Though your rhythm had been briefly interrupted, it quickly built back up to a fever pitch. Pinned firmly to the bed by Stephen, you could only wrap your arms tightly around his neck as he sped up. Stephen growled like a wild animal as he felt you grip him even tighter.

“Come for me.Now.”

Stephen kept at you as you came, groaning aloud as he felt you throbbing and as he heard you moan his name over and over. He kept at you as hard as he could, pushing to finish strong. 

You were still in the middle of your climax when Stephen swore loudly, gripped the sheets under him tightly and blew his load into you. Each wave of pleasure was immense. He shuddered deeply as he felt himself tighten up.

Stephen slowed down a bit, only stopping when he felt himself go soft. He remained inside you as he did, laying his forehead on yours.

The both of you lay breathless, covered in sweat. Stephen opened his eyes and stared into yours longingly as you lay underneath him, still lost in post-coital bliss.

Gently he brought a hand up and caressed your cheek. You responded in kind by kissing the palm of his hand.

“Are you alright?” He asked, gently. 

“Yeah.” You responded, still a bit breathless. “I just didn’t expect you to cast that spell.”

“Was it too much?” He asked, a bit concerned. 

“No, it was amazing. Unexpected, but amazing.” You confessed,  giving him a quick kiss to reassure him.

“If a spell is ever too much, promise me you will tell me.” Stephen said.

“Scout’s honor.”

Reassured, Stephen kiss you deeply, running his fingers through your hair. After breaking the kiss, he rolled off of you to allow you to move. It was then that Stephen felt his stomach growl a bit. He hadn’t eaten since the night before and now it was catching up with him.

“I don’t know about you, but I am starved. When did you say dinner was ready again?”

“Oh at…Oh shit!”

You quickly rolled out of bed, grabbing your robe, covering yourself with it and dashed out into the kitchen.

Stephen soon followed. He found you in the kitchen,stirring the soup, a look of relief on your face. 

“Still good?”

“Yes, perfect timing actually. ” You said. “Let’s eat.”

Stephen helped you by grabbing some bowls and cutlery. After turning the crockpot off, you reached into the fridge for one last ingredient, parmesan cheese. 

Lading up some soup and adding cheese on top, you waited nervously as Stephen took the first bite. Instantly he closed his eyes, and moaned a bit.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing." 

"I’m glad. I just hope you like the desert too.” You said, relieved.

“You made it, I know it will be wonderful.”

The two of you enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. Sure enough, the dessert was a hit as well, with Stephen eating at least half of it and asking that you make it often. 

Throughout the whole dinner Stephen marveled just how much he enjoyed this bit of domesticity. It was something he hadn’t had in his life for a very long time. He hadn’t realized just how much he needed it until today. He hadn’t realized till now just how much you made the Sanctum a home till now.

After dinner, Stephen pulled you into his arms and held you tightly, looking forward to spending every day and night like this with you. It was now he fully understood the phrase “Home is where the heart is.”

You were his heart. You were his home now.

Fandom: The Avengers/MCU

Relationship: Stephen Strange/Fem!Reader

Words: 803

Summary: After years as your best friend, Stephen is sick of waiting for you to put the pieces together. (TW: brief mention of menstrual cycles/tampons). 

Notes: About a month ago I posted a link to a Spotify playlist and asked people to give me song recommendations that I could write songfics for. Y’all pulled through and gave me a lot of inspiration (and heartbreak). 



“Moving in together is a big step,” Stephen, your best friend, warned you over brunch. 

You raised an eyebrow as you reached for your bottomless mimosa, a luxury Stephen insisted on providing for you. “Yeah, but Dylan was so excited to show me the penthouse he picked out. And he caught me surprise, so I told him I would think about it.” 

“A penthouse?” he repeated. 

“What about it?”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“Tell him what?” 

“That you’re afraid of heights!” 

When you and Stephen first met during your freshman year of college, a few things became very clear. 

One, he was the smartest person in the room.

Two, he was very aware of that fact. 

And three, he was in no condition for a stable relationship. 

But that didn’t bother you one bit. A drunken, one-night stand was just the thing you were looking for to get over your high school sweetheart. What better way to get over him than to get under a cocky premed student? 

Once your fun was had and the time came for the two of you to part ways, you just didn’t. Somehow you seamlessly fell into a comfortable friendship that saw you through the rest of your college days. Between the late-night cram sessions and early morning coffee runs, Stephen wormed his way into being your favorite person. 

So, when you landed a cushy job after undergrad and he continued on as an impoverished medical student, you allowed him to live with you rent-free. At the time you made jokes that he would have to make it up to you once he became a hotshot doctor. 

A joke he took very seriously. 

Between the lavish brunches, and surprise tickets to see your favorite shows, Stephen absolutely spoiled you. You told him long ago that it wasn’t necessary and that his friend was all you needed. However, the gifts continued, nonetheless. 

“I’ll be fine,” you assured him before taking a sip from your glass. “As long as I don’t look out any windows.” 

He snorted before rolling his eyes. “I swear he knows absolutely nothing about you.” 

“He knows plenty about me!” you defended your long-term boyfriend.

“Just last week he took you to a concert for some rap star.” 

“We had a good time!” 

“You hate rap.” 

He had a point there. 

“Okay new rule,” you giggled as you set the champagne glass down on the table. “No more using our weekly brunch to bash my boyfriend.” 

“All I’m saying is that you could do better,” he shrugged casually. “You need someone who is cable of figuring you out. Someone who actually pays attention.” 

“People aren’t just problems you can solve, Stephen.” 

“Of course, they are,” he argued. “Take me, for example. I know you better than anyone.” He pointed at your plate. “Today, you didn’t order your usual spinach frittata, and instead opted for chocolate chip pancakes. You don’t normally have such a sweet tooth this early in the morning.” He dug into his coat pocket. “That, along with today’s date, tell me that you’ll be needing these.” He took out a small box of your preferred tampons and slid them across the table towards you. 

Your cheeks warmed as you quickly took the box and shoved it into your bag. He was correct, after all. “You have a few unfair advantages.” 

“Advantages, yes, but I wouldn’t say they are unfair,” he said with a cocky grin. “I just pay attention.” 

“You’ve also known me forever a decade and you have a photographic memory.” 

“Put a blindfold on me and tie one hand behind my back, and I’d still be a better fit for you than him.” He leaned back in his chair as if to rest his case. “I’m just saying.”  

“There’s just one problem with that,” you retorted. “You are not in the market for a relationship. Especially not with me.” 

Stephen only chuckled. 

“What’s so funny?” 

“Were you ever going to figure it out on your own?” he asked as he tilted his head at you. “For such an intelligent woman, I’m amazed at how oblivious you are.” 

You wanted to take offense to what he was saying, but before you could snap at him 

“I’ve loved you for years.” Stephen leaned forward again, all his attention on you. “I’ve dropped so many little hints, and you’ve missed every single one. It’s honestly astounding.” He reached out and took your hand in his before kissing it gently. 

You opened and closed your mouth a few times as your mind scrambled to catch up and respond. You didn’t even think to remove your hand from him. “What makes you think I feel the same way?” 

“As I’ve said multiple times,” he said with a cocky grin. “I’ve got you all figured out.” 



Defender Strange - ‘of spilled tea and more than sympathy’

a Defender Strange x Female Reader fic[continued from]

photo edit by@doctorstrangeaskblog

summary: an unexpected friendship blossoms between the Sorcerer Supreme and a Sorceress training at Kamar-Taj

characters: Defender Strange, Sorceress Female Reader/Y/N

genre: friendship, pining, angst, hurt/comfort (if you squint)

rating: general audience

word count: 1.7k

You had been happily surprised at how swiftly the Sorcerer Supreme had drawn you into his life. Barely three weeks ago, a chance meeting in the compound sauna, moments of soft vulnerability shared there, the beginning of an unexpected friendship. Why me, you had often wondered since that evening. You were nothing special among the ranks of those who dwelled in Kamar-Taj, yet somehow Stephen Strange found your company pleasant enough, your conversations interesting enough, to ask for more.

That evening had led to regular evening tea and conversations—on an astonishingly wide range of topics—on those nights when he wasn’t ranging far across the globe or multiple dimensions, fulfilling his duties as humanity’s staunchest, most dutiful, defender. All too soon you began to miss him when he was away. And worry for his safety. Not that you could speak of such feelings to him. The balance between you was strictly platonic, and mentor to student—transforming the crush you had harbored for months and months into a bittersweet secret you needed to guard more religiously than any secret of your life.

Keep reading

*high pitched squeak that could be heard through every universe*

“*big sigh* Did @sobeautifullyobsessed wrote a fanfic again? Damn…”
