#cas has covid


Fandom: The Avengers/MCU

Relationship: Stephen Strange/Fem!Reader

Words: 803

Summary: After years as your best friend, Stephen is sick of waiting for you to put the pieces together. (TW: brief mention of menstrual cycles/tampons). 

Notes: About a month ago I posted a link to a Spotify playlist and asked people to give me song recommendations that I could write songfics for. Y’all pulled through and gave me a lot of inspiration (and heartbreak). 



“Moving in together is a big step,” Stephen, your best friend, warned you over brunch. 

You raised an eyebrow as you reached for your bottomless mimosa, a luxury Stephen insisted on providing for you. “Yeah, but Dylan was so excited to show me the penthouse he picked out. And he caught me surprise, so I told him I would think about it.” 

“A penthouse?” he repeated. 

“What about it?”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“Tell him what?” 

“That you’re afraid of heights!” 

When you and Stephen first met during your freshman year of college, a few things became very clear. 

One, he was the smartest person in the room.

Two, he was very aware of that fact. 

And three, he was in no condition for a stable relationship. 

But that didn’t bother you one bit. A drunken, one-night stand was just the thing you were looking for to get over your high school sweetheart. What better way to get over him than to get under a cocky premed student? 

Once your fun was had and the time came for the two of you to part ways, you just didn’t. Somehow you seamlessly fell into a comfortable friendship that saw you through the rest of your college days. Between the late-night cram sessions and early morning coffee runs, Stephen wormed his way into being your favorite person. 

So, when you landed a cushy job after undergrad and he continued on as an impoverished medical student, you allowed him to live with you rent-free. At the time you made jokes that he would have to make it up to you once he became a hotshot doctor. 

A joke he took very seriously. 

Between the lavish brunches, and surprise tickets to see your favorite shows, Stephen absolutely spoiled you. You told him long ago that it wasn’t necessary and that his friend was all you needed. However, the gifts continued, nonetheless. 

“I’ll be fine,” you assured him before taking a sip from your glass. “As long as I don’t look out any windows.” 

He snorted before rolling his eyes. “I swear he knows absolutely nothing about you.” 

“He knows plenty about me!” you defended your long-term boyfriend.

“Just last week he took you to a concert for some rap star.” 

“We had a good time!” 

“You hate rap.” 

He had a point there. 

“Okay new rule,” you giggled as you set the champagne glass down on the table. “No more using our weekly brunch to bash my boyfriend.” 

“All I’m saying is that you could do better,” he shrugged casually. “You need someone who is cable of figuring you out. Someone who actually pays attention.” 

“People aren’t just problems you can solve, Stephen.” 

“Of course, they are,” he argued. “Take me, for example. I know you better than anyone.” He pointed at your plate. “Today, you didn’t order your usual spinach frittata, and instead opted for chocolate chip pancakes. You don’t normally have such a sweet tooth this early in the morning.” He dug into his coat pocket. “That, along with today’s date, tell me that you’ll be needing these.” He took out a small box of your preferred tampons and slid them across the table towards you. 

Your cheeks warmed as you quickly took the box and shoved it into your bag. He was correct, after all. “You have a few unfair advantages.” 

“Advantages, yes, but I wouldn’t say they are unfair,” he said with a cocky grin. “I just pay attention.” 

“You’ve also known me forever a decade and you have a photographic memory.” 

“Put a blindfold on me and tie one hand behind my back, and I’d still be a better fit for you than him.” He leaned back in his chair as if to rest his case. “I’m just saying.”  

“There’s just one problem with that,” you retorted. “You are not in the market for a relationship. Especially not with me.” 

Stephen only chuckled. 

“What’s so funny?” 

“Were you ever going to figure it out on your own?” he asked as he tilted his head at you. “For such an intelligent woman, I’m amazed at how oblivious you are.” 

You wanted to take offense to what he was saying, but before you could snap at him 

“I’ve loved you for years.” Stephen leaned forward again, all his attention on you. “I’ve dropped so many little hints, and you’ve missed every single one. It’s honestly astounding.” He reached out and took your hand in his before kissing it gently. 

You opened and closed your mouth a few times as your mind scrambled to catch up and respond. You didn’t even think to remove your hand from him. “What makes you think I feel the same way?” 

“As I’ve said multiple times,” he said with a cocky grin. “I’ve got you all figured out.” 



Fandom: The Avengers/MCU

Relationship: Wanda Maximoff/Fem!Reader

Words: 4,253

Summary: You and Wanda met and bonded over being the only single mothers in Westview. What happens when Wanda realizes her true feelings for you, only to be too late? (Westview AU-Ish?)

Notes: About a month ago I posted a link to a Spotify playlist and asked people to give me song recommendations that I could write songfics for. Y’all pulled through and gave me a lot of inspiration (and heartbreak). This song was added by the lovely @mollygetssherlockcoffee​! Since she loves Wanda I couldn’t resist! 



Wanda was one of the first friends you made when you got to Westview. You had been relieved to meet another single mother so quickly. Your past experiences with suburban neighborhoods were that they tended to be judgmental of single mothers, even in this day and age. There were the weighty stares and assumptions about your character, all because you were raising your little girl alone. 

Wanda, thankfully, was a reprieve from all that. 

She raised her two boys with as much love and affection as any chil could hope for. You admired her strength and compassion, and if you were being honest, you were a little envious of it. She didn’t speak much about the boy’s father, but when she did her eyes took on a sad and loving light. So you did your best not to remind her of him. 

It was a relief when your daughter made fast friends with Billy and Tommy, meaning that you and Wanda could spend time together. 

As occasional playdates became weekly family dinners became daily carpools, you and Wanda grew closer. She quickly became your very best friend, (in truth she was your only friend but you didn’t like to think about semantics). It got to the point where if you didn’t see Wanda every day it felt strange, like something was missing. 

One night, as the kids camped out in the back yard, you and Wanda stayed inside to watch some cheesy romcoms. After splitting a few bottles of wine, you mentioned that you had a craving for something sweet and Wanda left for the kitchen with a conspiratorial smile on her lips. 

“Don’t tell the boys,” she whispered as she returned from the kitchen holding a container of ice cream and two spoons.

You gasped in surprise. “How did you hide it from them?” The boys were notorious for their addiction to ice cream, and no cartons were safe from their clutches. You were lucky that your daughter preferred cake for some reason. 

“I hid it in a bag of frozen green beans,” she leaned in and whispered. “I figured they would never check there and so far, I’m right!” 

You threw back your head and laughed. Trust Wanda to be such an evil mastermind. The two of you clinked your spoons together before diving in to the sweet, forbidden treat. 

“You’re telling me all your secrets,” you teased during a commercial break. “How do you know I won’t betray you?” 

Her eyes flashed for a moment as an unreadable expression crossed her face. You worried that you had pushed her too far with your harmless joke, but after a moment she simply shrugged. 

“I trust you,” she replied, her tone far too heavy for the previously lighthearted atmosphere. 

You both sat in that silence. Wanda didn’t talk much about her life before Westview, but you were quickly able to gather that trust was a big deal for her. It wasn’t something that she handed out lightly. 

“I’m honored,” you said, your voice low. 

She cracked a grin and grabbed another spoonful of ice cream. Her mood shift instantly lighting up the room. “However, if you felt so inclined to tell me a secret of yours, I wouldn’t be opposed.” 

You thought for a moment before deciding on what you wanted to tell her. I wasn’t a secret exactly, it just wasn’t something you talked about often. If you were being honest with yourself it was something you only recently came to terms with. A part of you had always known, but you denied it for so long that it still felt weird to say out loud. Even your daughter’s father hadn’t known this when you were together. You could only imagine how he would have reacted. 

“I like woman, as well as men,” you said the words coming out in a rush. It felt good to get the weight off your shoulders even if it terrified you to say. “I guess the word is bisexual, but I’m not one hundred percent sure if that fits me exactly, and-” you would have continued to ramble but Wanda took your hand and paused the movie. 

“Thank you for telling me that,” she said earnestly as she looked into your eyes. “Please know that it doesn’t change how I see you at all, okay? It’s okay if you don’t know what exact label you fall under, just know that you are still my friend and I love you.” 

You giggled as you felt tears spring up in your eyes. “That was like the textbook supportive mom response to someone coming out.” 

Wanda chuckled. “I’ve been practicing in case Billy or Tommy or both of them, ever need that talk.” 

“Good job. I feel very reassured.” You wiped a tear with your free hand. “Thank you for being my supportive, straight best friend.” 

“Anytime.” Wanda squeezed your hand once more before letting it go. 

Part of you felt a little disappointed that she didn’t correct you or inform you that she was also queer, but you felt silly. Just because you had a small crush on her did not mean that the world would magically align and she would feel the same way too. 

“You’ve got some ice cream on your face,” Wanda told you with a slight laugh. 

You licked your lip before turning to her for inspection. “Did I get it?”

“Wrong side,” Wanda murmured before reaching over to wipe your chin with her thumb. “There we go.” She absentmindedly put her thumb into her own mouth, humming a little at the taste of melted ice cream. 

“Th-thanks,” you stuttered slightly, hoping she wouldn’t notice. 

She just smiled warmly. “No problem.” She turned back towards the TV as though she hadn’t just kicked your heart into turbo gear with a simple touch. 

You tried to control the spread of warmth on your cheeks as you also returned your attention towards the movie. But it was no use. All you could see was Wanda sucking the ice cream off her mouth thumb and picturing the innocent gesture in a completely different scenario. 

That wasn’t good. 


When the doorbell rang at 6:58pm on Friday night, Wanda expected to see you and your daughter on the other side of the door. She expected your infectious smile as you held out your weekly confectionary experiment for her to take. Wanda could not hide the disappointment when she opened the door and it wasn’t you. 

“Aren’t you happy to see me, sis?” Pietro, her twin, asked holding his arms out. 

On any other night, she would have been overjoyed. Pietro’s surprise visits were far and few in between. Too far in her opinion, but he did have a tendency to show up at the worst time. Wanda watched as your car pulled into her driveway. It was precisely 7pm. 

“Are we expecting company?” he asked peering over his shoulder. “A new beau I should know about?” 

You got out of the car and waved to Wanda. You had a confused look on your face as you took in a strange man at her door. Wanda had not told you that she was inviting someone else to dinner. 

Wanda grabbed his jacket and dragged him inside the house. “It’s just Y/N and her daughter.”

“Is it Friday?” Pietro put a hand to his cheek in mock innocence. “Oh dear, I hope I’m not interrupting your weekly dinner you’ve told me oh so much about?” 

“I hate you,” Wanda hissed lowly. 

“You love me,” Pietro insisted before turning towards the living room and yelling. “Where are my two favorite nephews?” 

Twin cries of “UNCLE P” were the last warning Wanda had before her house descended into chaos. 


Despite the rocky start, dinner went really well. You and Pietro seemed to get along. Wanda at first was nervous how you would respond to his teasing, but you handled it like a pro. Pietro immediately took to your daughter, including her in all the games he played with Billy and Tommy after dinner.

It warmed your heart as you watched them from the kitchen window. Uou had no family nearby and therefore your daughter didn’t have any uncle figures.

Pietro suddenly looked up from what looked like a a more complication version of tag. He turned and looked directly at you and winked. You felt your cheeks grow warm.

Or father figures for that matter. 

Pietro smirked before turning his attention back to the kids. 


Billy and Tommy were happily playing video games, as Wanda and her brother cleaned up after dinner. Wanda was doing the dishes and enjoying the companionable silence that only her twin brother could provide. 

“Any chance I can have Y/N’s number?” Pietro asked, breaking her from her thoughts. 

Wanda raised an eyebrow and looked at her brother over her shoulder. “Why?” 

“I know it’s been a while Wanda, but you do remember ‘dating’, right?” he replied, putting finger quotes around the word. “Man likes woman and asks her out on a date. Sometimes they go to dinner or maybe the movies?” 

“You can’t date Y/N!” Wanda argued before she even thought about it. 

“Why not?” he asked, crossing his arms playfully. 

Wanda searched her mind for an answer. Pietro was a great guy. He could be a little goofy at times, but he was reliable and loved kids. You would be lucky to go out with him. 

“Because she’s my best friend!” Wanda finally said, even though the words felt weak even to her own ears. 

Best friend?” Pietro repeated with that knowing look on his face. 

That was the problem with having a twin, Wanda decided. Pietro could see right through her sometimes, even when she was fooling herself. 

“Alright,” Pietro relented, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “Message received. Y/N is off-limits.” 

Just like that, he dropped the subject entirely. Wanda wasn’t sure if she was relieved or frustrated by that fact. Her thoughts stewed in her mind. Why had the idea of you dating her twin brother make her stomach twist painfully? 

As she turned back towards the sink, Wanda missed the mischievous grin on her brother’s face. 


It took her a few more weeks, but Wanda came to terms with her feelings. She was in love with you. Perhaps it should have been obvious, but then again she was never the best at expressing her emotions. She put a lot of thought into the best way to tell you, before coming to the most obvious solution. 

She sat at your usual table at your usual cafe. Your midweek coffee dates had been a staple in your routine since you met. Every Wednesday at 10 am you would meet and get coffee and enjoy a few blessed hours alone without your children to interrupt. She had come to covet those few hours. 

In retrospect, Wanda should have known her feelings for you went deeper than friendship. But hindsight was 20/20 after all. 

Wanda arrived early for once, and ordered both of your usual drinks. She flexed her fingers nervously as she watched the door, waiting for you to walk through. 

At 10:02 am you walked in, your face apologetic as could be. 

“I’m so sorry I’m late!” you said sliding into the seat across from her. 

Wanda felt some of her tension ease as she looked at you. Ever punctual, it must ate at you to not arrive on time. 

“It’s alright,” she brushed your concerns aside. “I just sat down.” It was a lie, she had arrived almost twenty minutes ago but you did not need to know that. 

You visibly relaxed, glad that you hadn’t kept her waiting. “I have got some news for you. You know Cathy?” 

“The bitch president of the PTA?” Wanda asked.

You made a face, letting her know you did not condone her use fo that word, but she nodded all the same. “She called me last night and…” 

You drummed your hands on the table as a mock drum roll and Wanda nearly melted from adoration. How had she not noticed sooner? 

“The PTA voted to let me plan the big end of the year fundraiser!” you announced, your mouth nearly splitting from how wide your grin was. 

While Wanda had made a point to not get involved with the PTA outside of what was required for her kids to be included. You, on the other hand, desperately sought their validation. 

While Wanda would roll up to a bake sale with a dozen store bought cookies, you would arrive with a wagon full of differing treats, having spent hours researching recipes to accommodate every food allergy under the sun. 

Yet, despite all your efforts the heads of the PTA ignored you and passed you over for every council and committee. 

Until now. 

“That’s amazing!” Wanda congratulated you. “I know how much you wanted that!” 

You nodded. “I’m so excited. I have so many ideas. I’m torn between a carnival theme and a casino night theme.” 

Wanda watched as you rambled on and on about all the things you had to do to prepare. Every other year, Wanda could not have cared less what the theme for the fundraiser was. She would simply write a check with double the recommended donation amount and stayed home with her boys. 

But for you, she already knew she would not only be attending. Oh no, she would be staying up late licking envelopes with all the invitations. Then across the table you would look at her with those big, tempting eyes and she would have no choice but to stand up and-

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about-” Wanda started but you did not seem to hear her as you continued talking. 

“Oh my god, what a week. First I meet Brad and now this-” 


Your eyes widened in surprise. “I didn’t mean to mention that,” you said before quickly adding on. “Not that I would hide anything from you. We just met and it’s all so new and my daughter doesn’t even know about him…” 

“You’re dating someone?” 

“I think it’s too early to call it dating,” you looked down at your drink nervously before continuing on. “But yes! Oh, I know you’re just going to love him!” 

A petty, more immature part of Wanda wanted to cross her arms and stomp her feet at the news. But that was a version of her that she had left behind long ago. She knew that as your best friend she should be happy for you.

“Congrats,” she managed with a forced smile. “I hope everything goes well for you.” 

“Thank you, Wanda. It means a lot,” you said before perking up again. “Oh, I almost forgot. Do want to go Costco with me and talk to them about catering the event? I was thinking we could go on Sunday?” 

“Sounds good,” she replied, as she pretended her heart didn’t burn with jealously. “Sunday works for me.” 


It was wrong, but Wanda had wanted Brad to be terrible. She wanted him to be a typical fuck boy, but no. He seemed to be perfect. 

Annoyingly perfect. 

He got along great with the kids and he was understanding that to you, being a mother came first. 

Wanda listened every Wednesday as you gushed about him, and she did her part to play the supportive best friend. She thought she was doing a good job as you seemed to believe it. As the two of you worked to plan teh fundraiser, you would not help but notice that Brad was absent. 

“It’s not his thing,” you replied with a shrug. “He promised to make sure his schedule was free so he could go with me.” 

“Ah, so he wants to be your arm candy while he skips all the hard work,” Wanda teased as she arranged the centerpieces to your liking. 

You rolled your eyes. “It’s not like that.” 

But the way your shoulders slumped told Wanda her words had hit a grain of truth. 


After months of preparing, the night finally came. As Wanda walked into the gym, dressed in a dark red cocktail dress you had pick out for her, she had to admit you had done a phenomenal job. If this didn’t get you in the good graces of the PTA, she didn’t know what would. 

“You made it!” Agnes cried as she ran over to embrace Wanda. “You just made me a fortune, the other moms didn’t think you would show.” 

Wanda rolled her eyes at her neighbor. Of course the other mothers had nothing better to do than- “Agnes what are you doing here? You don’t have kids.” 

Agnes grinned and wiggled her fingers. “But, Y/N said she needed a fortune teller and I humbly volunteered my services.” 

She raised an eyebrow. “What did she bribe you with?” 

“She promised to pet sit my cats next time I’m out of town,” she admitted. “But I would have done it for free. For the good of the children.” 

“Right,” Wanda said skeptically. “For the good of the children.” 

She nodded somberly, before looking over her shoulder. “I should get back to my table. Come see me when you get a chance.” 

With a wave she took off, leaving Wanda alone at the door. She looked around, mentally keeping tabs of all her contributions to the evening. It had felt like a lot, but in comparison to what you had done it was minimal at best. 

Finally, she spotted you across the gym. You looked gorgeous. Wanda was ecstatic she managed to talk you into a spa day the day before. After working so hard, she wanted you to look and feel your best. It was your night and you deserved to shine brighter than a diamond. 

And if treating you to a upscale facial and manicure ate into her allotted ice cream budget, then so be it. 

You waved at her excitedly and Wanda took a step towards you. Only for the crowd to clear a bit and for her to notice Brad. 

Perfectly polished and with you hanging off his arm. He smiled congenially at all the PTA parents as they gushed over you and how amazing you did. 

As she got closer, she could hear that bitch Cathy

“You really did a remarkable job,” she praised you. “Although I bet it helped a lot that you had this strong man by your side.” 

Wanda wanted to gag. She had even felt up his bicep as she said it. Of course they would assume you needed Brad’s help to accomplish such a feat. There was no way a single mother could balance so much alone in there eyes. Wanda watched as you opened your mouth to respond hen Brad cut you off. 

“What can I say?” he smugly said. “We’re an incredible team.” 

He looked at you, and Wanda watched as you wilted under his gaze. “A dream team,” you weakly added on. 

Content that her misogynistic and heteronormative world view was unchallenged, Cathy left you alone. 

Wanda felt angrier than she had in years. For months, Brad had not lifted a finger to help you, even though he knew how important tonight was to you. If anything, he would tease you about how muhc effort you were putting into it. Then he had the audacity to take credit. 

Meanwhile, Wanda stayed up late countless nights helping you pick between nearly identical color swatches and she had enjoyed every second. When you offered to put her name on the project and give her half of the credit she had refused. Because she new it was your night and your success alone. 

You took a step towards her, just as one of the event volunteers grabbed your arm. She whispered to you about what was undoubtedly and minor problem that someone else could have solved. You shot an apologetic look to Brad and to Wanda before following the volunteer away. 

Brad shrugged to himself and looked around. 

Wanda went to go find a drink. 


Five tiny glasses of champagne, and Wanda was fed up. You were constantly being whisked away, and when you weren’t Brad was always next to you. Hogging your attention. 

The longest time she saw you was when you were on stage making a speech. Wanda would have bowed out earlier, but you had told her how nervous you were to make that speech. So, of course she stuck around long enough to support you through it. 

She was pleased when your eyes fell on her as you spoke, and stayed on her for the duration of your speech. 

Once you had finished talking, the band started to play and your gracefully made your way off the stage. As couples flocked to the dance floor, you came to sit at Wanda’s table. 


“I feel like I haven’t been able to spend any time with you all night,” you said with a sigh as you sat down. 

Wanda smiled, accepting your unspoken apology. “You’ve been busy solving every crisis under the sun.” 

You rolled your eyes. “Not so much crisis as minor annoyances.” 

Wanda laughed in response as you fell into a comfortable silence. She sipped at her currently glass of champagne as you looked wistfully towards the dance floor. 

One of the event volunteers started to walk up to you and Wanda gave them her best glare. Luckily, they seemed to take the hint and turn and left in the opposite direction. 

“Where’s Brad?” she finally asked. “I expected he would be twirling you around the dance floor.” She hoped you wouldn’t notice the thinly veiled bitterness to her words. 

You looked away from the dance floor to look at her. “He decided to head home early.” You waved your hands dismissively. “This really isn’t his scene.” 

Wanda raised an eyebrow. “So he just left you here, alone?” Wanda knew how much this night meant to you you had been planning it for months. The idea that your boyfriend would leave you infuriated her. The fact that everyone was dancing and he wasn’t there with you enraged her. 

You shrugged with a self-depreciating smile. “It’s fine. I don’t mind, really. I told him I could get a ride home with you, if that’s okay.”

Maybe it was the flood of pathetically weak alcohol in her veins, but Wanda couldn’t stop herself from blurting out, “That’s bullshit!”  

You giggled, shaking your head. “Maybe we should both call an Uber-” 

Wanda cut you off, grabbing at your wrist desperately. 

I could be a better boyfriend than him!” 

She hadn’t meant to say the words, but once they were out she could only feel relieved. It was the truth after all. If tonight had taught her anything it was that Brad didn’t respect you dreams. He couldn’t even stick by your side for a few hours at a charity fundraiser. 

“What?” you asked, your eyes wide in surprise. 

Kamor je šel bik, naj gre še štrik. 

“I could do all the shit he never did,” she continued before gesturing around the room. “Look around, I already do.” 

“Wanda, don’t joke about this…” you begged softly. 

Wanda relaxed her grip on your wrist, and your shoulders slumped slightly. “I’m not joking, Y/N.” She grinned as she intertwined her fingers with yours. “I think I’m going to steal you from him. God knows I’ve been thinking about it for months and what better opportunity-” 

“Which one of us is rambling now?” you asked, chuckling as you tried to blink back tears. 

“What I mean to say is that I never would have left you alone,” Wanda continued, stroking the back of your hand lovingly. “Will you let me be a better boyfriend than him?” 

You shook your head and Wanda released your hand immediately. 

“I’d rather you be my girlfriend, if that’s okay?”

Wanda surged forward to kiss you, and for a moment you began to panic. What would the other parents think? Quickly, you found that you didn’t care. They didn’t give a damn about you the way Wanda did. You bent over backwards time and time again and they continued to overlook you because you didn’t have a husband. 

Fuck them. 

You leaned into Wanda’s hands on your cheeks as you kissed her back. 

“Want to get out fo here?” you asked, lowering your voice.” 

“No yet,” Wanda replied with a grin. “First, I am going to take my lovely new girlfriend out on the dance floor, and let her enjoy the night that’s she’s so earned. Then, when she is partied out, we will go back to her place.” 

“But the kids-” 

“Pietro’s in town and watching the boys, and I’ll text him to go pick up your daughter. They’ll enjoy a little impromptu sleepover.” 

“You have this all planned out, don’t you?” you teased gently as you ran your fingers through her hair. 

“Of course,” Wanda leaned into the touch. “All you have to do is text Brad and let him know he’s been replaced.” 

“I should at least call him-” 

Wanda cut you off with a stern look. “After leaving you alone, he’s lucky your not changing your Facebook status on him.” 

You laughed and took Wanda’s hand again. It felt so right in yours and you were overjoyed to start this new chapter of your relationship. “I’ll text him.” 

“That’s my girl.” 

