#steve rogers x reader oneshot


A Wedding

It had been a crazy day. You’d agreed to be the personal attendant for your friend’s wedding and honestly were regretting it.

The morning had started off with you dropping your can of Diet Coke and having it roll under your roommate’s car. Then when you tried to stop for one the place you went was out, so on your third try you’d finally been able to get your caffeine fix.

You’d arrived at the venue with a minute to spare then when it was time to do your hair you’d been told you needed to know what you wanted done. Which, was a complete surprise to you, and the hair stylist was little help.

Then you’d changed, followed the bride around during her four hour photo session with her family, wedding party, and fiancé.

“Oh shit, this is the wrong thing!” One of the groomsmen says looking down at the corsage pinned to his lapel. “Can you go get me the right one?” He asks and you nod biting back a groan at the nearly half mile walk back to the clubhouse.

You start for the clubhouse when a shout stops you.

Steve and Bucky like to spend Saturday’s on the golf course. And Sunday’s, and pretty much any other time that they can when the golf course is open in the summer.

Sometimes there are weddings at the clubhouse, the members know it’s a possibility but honestly it’s so nice when they do because less people come out and play so he and Bucky can take their time.

“Wanna start on the back nine?” Bucky asks as he throws his bag onto the back of the golf cart.

“Why the hell not?” Steve says adding his bag to his own cart. Then he climbs onto the cart and takes off, Bucky following closely behind him. They get to the tenth hole and that’s when Steve sees you. You’re in a navy blue dress, it’s higher in the front and lower in the back just barely above the ground. You’ve got sandal heels on and you’re on your way back toward the clubhouse. He doesn’t know what causes him to do it but he calls out,

“Hey!” You look up and his heart stops.

“Oh, sorry.” You tell him stopping before you cross the path.

“You wanna ride?”


“A ride. To the clubhouse?” You blink at him for a moment then your face breaks into a smile.

“I would love that.” You climb onto the cart and Steve waves Bucky by. His friend gives him a strange look but you don’t seem to notice.

“Here for the wedding I assume?” He asks and you nod.

“Personal servant. I mean attendant.” You amend and he laughs. “I’m being kinda bitchy about it, sorry.”

“Long day?” You nod,

“Yea, we started at seven and clean up is at 11:45 so we’ve got a way to go.”

“Damn.” He mutters and you laugh, he grins over at you.

“Yea, this is the fourth time I’ve been up to the clubhouse.”


“Yea. Thank you for the rescue, um, sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“Steve.” You tell him your name in return.

“Thank you for the rescue Steve.”

“I’ll be here when you’re done getting whatever it is you need.”

“Oh, you don’t have to.”

“Darlin’ I’m not doing a half assed rescue.” He says quirking up one side of his mouth, you give him a grateful smile then hurry inside to find the right flower for the groomsman. When you hurry back out you’re pleased to see Steve waiting, he’s standing next to the golf cart and he offers you a hand,

“M’lady.” You laugh and allow him to mock help you onto the golf cart. He drives you back and when he stops he stops you with a gentle hand on yours. “Could I get your number?” You’d normally say no but he’s drop dead gorgeous and seems really sweet so you nod and give it to him.

“Thank you again for the ride Steve. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course, oh and you look real pretty.” You give him a soft smile.

“Maybe, before you leave you could join me for a drink later?” You ask and he gives you that little half smile.

“I’ll text ya.”

“Sounds great.” You head back to the wedding party and the bride is grinning at you.

“Make a new friend?” She teases and when you glance back at Steve you see him smile and give you a wave before driving off.

“God I hope that’s not all he is.” You tell her and she laughs loudly. You give her a grin then go pin the correct flower on the groomsman and the show continues.

Four hours later you’re sitting at the back of the ceremony, you wanted to be able to pick your seat and since you’re alone you’re not willing to take a front seat. The ceremony finishes, it’s beautiful and your friend can’t stop smiling. You’re just about to follow the crowd out of the space when a shadow blocks the sun. You glance up and smile widely when you see Steve.

“You free for that drink?” He asks and you nod,

“I’ve got at least fifteen minutes before I’m needed to bustle the bride’s dress.”

“I’ll take it.” He offers you his arm and you take it as he leads you to the downstairs of the clubhouse, the door says members only.

“You’re not going to get into trouble for having a nonmember down here right?”

“As long as you’re with a member you’re okay.” He tells you pulling open the door and ushering you inside, he guides you with a hand on the small of your back to a bar where he gets himself a captain and coke. You order a Diet Coke, and then Steve brings you to the most plush looking couch you’ve ever seen.

“This alright?”

“I could sleep on this couch.” You tell him and he laughs softly.

“Understandable. Is there anything I can do?”

“This, this little break is so so nice. I can’t thank you enough.”

“If you wanna get away for a while feel free to text me, I live about five minutes from here.”



“I live about twenty. I’d hate to get to know an amazing guy and then have to just text all the time.” You say your heart in your throat.

“Oh, right. Very good point.” He says with a little smile at you. “I’d hate to not see you again.” He takes your hand and you smile at him before relaxing back into the couch with a soft sigh. “How late will you be here?”

“Probably about one. Last dance is at midnight then I need to help clean up.”

“I’ll stay awake then, until you’re home safe.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I know.” He says with a small smile. “I think it’d be fun.”

“Come join the party? A wedding crasher? Is that your thing?”

“Only when the personal attendants are as pretty as the bride.” He flirts and you let out a surprised laugh. You glance down at your watch,

“I have a few minutes.” You tell him, “then I have to go bustle the dress so things can keep moving.” When you stand he stands too, god he’s tall and handsome and you’re so glad your friend decided to get married here.

Steve walks you to the bottom of the stairs when you linger there he gives you a soft smile. “Thank you for the drink. And the break.” You tell him giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and you smile up at him before heading up the stairs.

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