#avengers oneshot


I Wish You Could Be Honest Chapter Six: Leaving is Only For the Faint of Heart

HYDRA didn’t die out when it failed to take down S.H.I.E.L.D. during the time of the Winter Soldier. Now, top enemy agent Y/N L/N has been sent to finish the job by killing Steve Rogers. When she’s captured by S.H.I.E.L.D., she doesn’t know what to expect, but it certainly doesn’t involve Captain America himself trying to win her over.

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Moore leaves soon enough, and you’re alone on the balcony once more. You turn back to the landscape before you, hoping for something to distract you from the relentless surge of thoughts all crawling down your throat, but even the sky and sun can’t ease your mind anymore. The sunset has finished, the colors are gone. All that’s left is the gradual growing dark of night.

Steve comes back about five minutes later. You have to hand it to him, he tries hard to get you talking anymore, but the charm of your previous conversation has been lost. You feel restless, like you’re a junior agent on her first mission instead of the battle-hardened spy that you’re supposed to be. What happened to make you like this? Who stole your courage like a pickpocket snatching a purse?

You know, of course. Moore coming to tell you about the impending break-out attempt should have lifted your spirits, but it’s just sunk you back down into a wealth of shadows. You knew you would be leaving at some point, or you hoped as much, but now that you’re face to face with the truth, you almost don’t know what to do with yourself.

It’s good news, though. It’s meant to be good news. When Steve gives up and walks with you back to your cell, you force your mind to parade through every happy thing awaiting you back at the HYDRA base. Clean clothes that are actually yours and not just borrowed from the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms. Your best weapons. The friends you’ve made. The promotion that’s awaiting you, or at least the familiar burn of a chastisement. Everything about the organization that’s been your life for the past few years.

Yet, when you shut your eyes, alone in your cell once more, you do not see the faces of your boss, nor your coworkers, or even yourself. You see the blond man sitting before you, how he tilts his head back when he laughs and squints his eyes shut as if he can’t even believe himself for thinking what’s been said is funny, let alone you too. 

This illusion of your mind shrugs his shoulders, tips his bottle forward against yours then draws it back just as quickly for a drink. He does not know you’re going, and he won’t, not ever. You can keep a secret, even if you don’t know how to keep it from yourself.

There’s a security camera in the corner, it is watching you with a relentless stare. You sit up slightly, staring it dead in the eyes. Who’s the agent on the other side, looking back at you? Is it someone you’ve hurt? Is it any one of the other friends you made before you betrayed them all when HYDRA reared its head? Hell, is it Steve? Did he see your furrowed brows and wonder what you were hiding from him?

The red recording light blinks once as if in acknowledgement, then shuts off completely. In the weeks you’ve spent in this cell, that has never happened once, not even when Steve was talking to you outside of the interrogation. It stayed on all along.

You stand slowly, wavering as blood rushes to your legs. Moments later, the door to your cell clicks open, a precise sort of sound like the whir of a machine. Your head jerks towards it, your hands clenched into fists. The lights click on about half a second later, revealing Moore standing in the doorway.

He raises his hands in mock surrender, grinning. “You can calm down, L/N. We’re skipping town, so if you’re attacking anyone, it shouldn’t be me.”

You force your shoulders to relax, but there’s still a churning sort of nerves messing up the rest of you. “What happened to waiting it out? I thought we weren’t leaving for a while. Has something happened?”

Moore shakes his head, casually strolling further in the room so he can pretend to check out the room like a potential buyer on a reality TV show. “That was so you would take it easy, like you should be doing now. If I told you that we were going tonight, you would have reacted accordingly. We can’t have you communicating anything to Captain America or his trusty thugs, even by accident. What, did you want to give him a little goodbye kiss?”

You walk closer to Moore, laying a hand on his shoulder and squeezing just enough that he squirms in your grip like a fish out of water. “I’m going to suggest you stop talking and just get me out, or I’m going to tear your arms off.”

Moore laughs nervously, although he does a quick sidestep out of your reach the second he can. He works his shoulder with a free hand, grimacing. “So pleasant, Agent. I can see why you have so many friends.”

At a sharp glance from you, he sighs. “Alright, alright. Let’s go.”

You follow him out of your cell, but you only make it a few steps outside before he stops walking again. 

“Another detour?” You ask. “Why, are the security cameras on a loop or something?”

Moore has the bravery to scoff. “What? No, I know what I’m doing. No one can hear or see us unless they decide to take a trip down to the incarceration block for a fun nighttime activity.”

You give him a pointed look. “Then why are we stopping?”

Moore pulls a stack of key cards out of his pocket, handing half to you. “I’ve ordered some cell rearrangements. Everyone in this hall is a member of HYDRA. If we’re doing one jailbreak, we’re doing them all.”

You nod, grabbing the cards. Moore walks past you to the other end of the hall and begins to unlock another door. You were in the cell on the far left, so you move one door over and swipe a card against the lock. It opens with that same mechanical click, revealing an agent tied to a chair in the dead center of the room.

You recognize her, having seen this very same agent when you first arrived at the S.H.I.E.L.D. cell block. It’s Henrietta Clarke, the woman Steve took you to visit in the hopes of seeing whether you’d rat out anyone in HYDRA if given a chance at freedom. You hadn’t revealed her then, but upon coming face to face with her again, you can’t help but remember Steve’s words. 

He had said that you were the only HYDRA agent who had refused to turn in a fellow agent, contrary to what you had been told in the past. It’s HYDRA principle to never betray your coworkers, yet not one of your captured agents had ever played by that rule. Steve could have been lying, of course, but you’ve memorized his tells like a gambler memorizing the day’s lotto numbers. You know when Steve is lying, and he wasn’t lying then.

You push the thought out of your head. You don’t have time to think about Steve, not now. If you’re captured at this point, no amount of tricks will save you from a true interrogation. You’ve been offered an olive branch, and you need to use it to escape now. If Steve finds out about your attempt to flee, he’ll never offer you the same kindness again.

You reach for the dummy S.H.I.E.L.D. badge on your arm, removing the hidden blade in one crisp movement. As you saw at Clarke’s restraints, though, you can’t force your thoughts from Steve any longer. Moore wasn’t wrong about the date change for the break-out. If you had known that you were leaving tonight, you would have–

Well, what would you have done? Would you have told Steve that you were leaving, would you have hoped for a goodbye? Not a chance. Steve is still your enemy, even if you think you can share drinks with him on a sunny afternoon. There is no future that doesn’t involve the two of you gunning for each other, and no amount of jokes and false pretenses can change that. 

It’s over now, it’s done. This hasn’t been one of the worst lies you’ve told, and if you’re going to be honest with yourself, you might even miss it on late nights when the solitude of a spy’s life gets to you. Maybe you’ll reminisce whenever you see a man who smiles with eyes even half that blue, or when you delude yourself into thinking that you’ll ever be more than a killer. One man thought that you could be more than just yourself, and you’re proving him wrong right now.

You tug through the last of Clarke’s restraints with a savage tug of your blade, and she stands up. You can’t return her relieved smile, just slap another key card into her palm and tell her to start letting people out. You open door after door, and eventually, you meet up with Moore and a dozen or so newly freed agents.

From there, it’s relatively simple. Moore must have been planning this operation with other HYDRA agents for a while, because he’s got everything under lock. You can admit that much, even though you still think the guy’s a greasy asshole who’s far less slick than he thinks.

He manages to get you back your uniform and guns, too, even though your belongings are probably covered in trackers and have to be ditched soon enough. Well, the thought counts. Moore has identified specific corridors that are monitored by dead cameras, and you and your entourage of liberated HYDRA agents dash through the hallways as quickly as you can.

You’re running on adrenaline and the hope that you’ll get out soon, so when Moore starts directing you further into the S.H.I.E.L.D. complex instead of towards the doors leading out, you can’t help but feel frustrated.

You catch up to him, and mutter under your breath as you run. “Excuse my confusion, but I thought we were supposed to be leaving, not staying around even longer. Shouldn’t we be going the other direction?”

Moore smirks. “That’s if we’re going immediately, yes. We still have a shot to finish your mission.”

Something like ice starts to claw its way out of your stomach, freezing around your heart and crawling up your throat to tip your tongue with cold. “What does that mean?”

He chuckles. “Oh, come on. We’ll never get a chance like this again. Steve Rogers is going to come out of that door over there in approximately thirty seconds, and he’ll never be able to take on all of us, not when we have surprise on our side. I bet you twenty he doesn’t even have his shield with him.”

You turn to face him slowly. “We’re killing him now?”

This is too much. You were barely pulling yourself together when you thought you were leaving Steve with nothing, but now? You try to visualize what is about to happen. Steve comes walking out of those doors, coasting on the feeling of being safe for once in his life. He isn’t watching his back. He doesn’t have to, not in his own base.

What will happen when he sees you, out of your cell and surrounded by your own men? Will you watch those sky blue eyes flash with surprise, then grow cold when he realizes that you’ve betrayed him? You are the primary agent here, even though Moore’s been leading this rescue operation for a while. You will be the one expected to take your gun and pull the trigger.

It will be your hands stained with red, then. It will be your bullet piercing Steve’s skull. He will fall dead at your feet, because you never miss and you certainly won’t when he’s so close to you. Will you wait for him to realize the situation before you take the shot, or will you save yourself the torment of watching him understand, and kill him before he knows you’ve turned traitor once again?

All this flashes before your eyes in the space of about half a second. You blink, hard, to clear away the vision of Steve lying dead at your feet, and the linoleum clears itself of blood in about half a second. You have killed many times before, and murdered people far more innocent than Steve. You were ready to assassinate him weeks ago. You can do it again. You have no other choice but to do it again.

But Moore is shaking his head. 

“No, not this time, I’m afraid. We’ll do it eventually, of course, but he’s been so open to you that it’s got me thinking. Why cut off a perfectly good lead if you can keep using it? I’m thinking we take Rogers back with us to base, glean every piece of information we can, then shut him up once and for all. I mean, I’ve been undercover here for a while, and they only let me know so much. I can’t imagine the wealth of knowledge Rogers is sitting on, and if he shares even half of it, we’re golden.”

You let out a slow breath, feeling oddly relieved. “Alright, then. Shoot to wound?”

Moore considers this, then frowns, disagreeing. “Why bother? The noise would only alert people. We surround him, maybe rough him up a bit to get him to surrender, then knock him cold. We’ve got enough people that we can get him out without too much fuss. There’s a vehicle parked right out that door.”

You nod. “You’ve certainly planned this out well.”

It’s a statement of judgment, but Moore just seems pleased by it. “Yes, I have. Gratitude looks good on you.”

You’re not certain that you’re grateful in the slightest, but you don’t have time to unpack that, because the doors at the far end of the hall are opening and Steve Rogers is stepping out into the corridor. As the door shuts behind him, he freezes slightly, noticing that there’s a crowd of people where there should be nothing but empty rooms.

His eyes meet yours, flash to the people around you, then back to you again. He tilts his head back slightly, knowingly. “I suppose there’s no way I can convince you to go back to your cells, then?”

Moore laughs, the sound strangely discordant as it echoes off the half empty walls. “Not a chance. Stand down, Rogers. We’ve got you outnumbered.”

Steve shakes his head once. “Not the way I see it.”

Despite Steve’s bravado, Moore isn’t wrong. Steve may be a supersoldier, but even he can’t take on more than a dozen HYDRA agents that have been spending the last few weeks or even months biding their time for a chance to strike. He puts up a good fight, but there’s nothing he can do.

Eventually, he’s forced to the ground, his hands on his head. Moore rummages around in his pack for a syringe, and you find yourself standing directly in front of Steve, looking down at him.

Steve’s gaze is unwavering, and you feel the need to speak, anything to get this sudden, looming weight off of your chest. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. You knew I was a bad guy all along. It’s not my fault if you wanted to believe something different.”

Steve’s expression doesn’t change for a heartbeat. “I don’t believe it anymore.” He says, and you rear back for just a second as if he’s slapped you.

At the same time, Moore, having located the syringe at last, jams the tip into Steve’s neck and pushes in the plunger, releasing the sedative. Steve’s eyes shut in a matter of seconds, but you swear you can still feel his gaze burning holes into your head.

Moore looks up at you triumphantly. “Well, we did it. Mission accomplished, I’d say.”

You smile back feebly, and you don’t think it’s ever been harder to fake such a simple expression. “Mission accomplished,” you repeat.

This is supposed to be a celebration, a chance for you to finally go home, but you can’t seem to stop one question from replaying in your head, again and again until you think you might go mad:

What have you done?

series/marvel tag list: @maluisamarvelfan123,@navs-bhat,@thatfangirl42,@rogueanschel,@mycosmicparadise,@ellobruv,@caswinchester2000,@with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie,@23victoria,@watchreadfangirlrepeat,@faiirybread

A Wedding

It had been a crazy day. You’d agreed to be the personal attendant for your friend’s wedding and honestly were regretting it.

The morning had started off with you dropping your can of Diet Coke and having it roll under your roommate’s car. Then when you tried to stop for one the place you went was out, so on your third try you’d finally been able to get your caffeine fix.

You’d arrived at the venue with a minute to spare then when it was time to do your hair you’d been told you needed to know what you wanted done. Which, was a complete surprise to you, and the hair stylist was little help.

Then you’d changed, followed the bride around during her four hour photo session with her family, wedding party, and fiancé.

“Oh shit, this is the wrong thing!” One of the groomsmen says looking down at the corsage pinned to his lapel. “Can you go get me the right one?” He asks and you nod biting back a groan at the nearly half mile walk back to the clubhouse.

You start for the clubhouse when a shout stops you.

Steve and Bucky like to spend Saturday’s on the golf course. And Sunday’s, and pretty much any other time that they can when the golf course is open in the summer.

Sometimes there are weddings at the clubhouse, the members know it’s a possibility but honestly it’s so nice when they do because less people come out and play so he and Bucky can take their time.

“Wanna start on the back nine?” Bucky asks as he throws his bag onto the back of the golf cart.

“Why the hell not?” Steve says adding his bag to his own cart. Then he climbs onto the cart and takes off, Bucky following closely behind him. They get to the tenth hole and that’s when Steve sees you. You’re in a navy blue dress, it’s higher in the front and lower in the back just barely above the ground. You’ve got sandal heels on and you’re on your way back toward the clubhouse. He doesn’t know what causes him to do it but he calls out,

“Hey!” You look up and his heart stops.

“Oh, sorry.” You tell him stopping before you cross the path.

“You wanna ride?”


“A ride. To the clubhouse?” You blink at him for a moment then your face breaks into a smile.

“I would love that.” You climb onto the cart and Steve waves Bucky by. His friend gives him a strange look but you don’t seem to notice.

“Here for the wedding I assume?” He asks and you nod.

“Personal servant. I mean attendant.” You amend and he laughs. “I’m being kinda bitchy about it, sorry.”

“Long day?” You nod,

“Yea, we started at seven and clean up is at 11:45 so we’ve got a way to go.”

“Damn.” He mutters and you laugh, he grins over at you.

“Yea, this is the fourth time I’ve been up to the clubhouse.”


“Yea. Thank you for the rescue, um, sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“Steve.” You tell him your name in return.

“Thank you for the rescue Steve.”

“I’ll be here when you’re done getting whatever it is you need.”

“Oh, you don’t have to.”

“Darlin’ I’m not doing a half assed rescue.” He says quirking up one side of his mouth, you give him a grateful smile then hurry inside to find the right flower for the groomsman. When you hurry back out you’re pleased to see Steve waiting, he’s standing next to the golf cart and he offers you a hand,

“M’lady.” You laugh and allow him to mock help you onto the golf cart. He drives you back and when he stops he stops you with a gentle hand on yours. “Could I get your number?” You’d normally say no but he’s drop dead gorgeous and seems really sweet so you nod and give it to him.

“Thank you again for the ride Steve. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course, oh and you look real pretty.” You give him a soft smile.

“Maybe, before you leave you could join me for a drink later?” You ask and he gives you that little half smile.

“I’ll text ya.”

“Sounds great.” You head back to the wedding party and the bride is grinning at you.

“Make a new friend?” She teases and when you glance back at Steve you see him smile and give you a wave before driving off.

“God I hope that’s not all he is.” You tell her and she laughs loudly. You give her a grin then go pin the correct flower on the groomsman and the show continues.

Four hours later you’re sitting at the back of the ceremony, you wanted to be able to pick your seat and since you’re alone you’re not willing to take a front seat. The ceremony finishes, it’s beautiful and your friend can’t stop smiling. You’re just about to follow the crowd out of the space when a shadow blocks the sun. You glance up and smile widely when you see Steve.

“You free for that drink?” He asks and you nod,

“I’ve got at least fifteen minutes before I’m needed to bustle the bride’s dress.”

“I’ll take it.” He offers you his arm and you take it as he leads you to the downstairs of the clubhouse, the door says members only.

“You’re not going to get into trouble for having a nonmember down here right?”

“As long as you’re with a member you’re okay.” He tells you pulling open the door and ushering you inside, he guides you with a hand on the small of your back to a bar where he gets himself a captain and coke. You order a Diet Coke, and then Steve brings you to the most plush looking couch you’ve ever seen.

“This alright?”

“I could sleep on this couch.” You tell him and he laughs softly.

“Understandable. Is there anything I can do?”

“This, this little break is so so nice. I can’t thank you enough.”

“If you wanna get away for a while feel free to text me, I live about five minutes from here.”



“I live about twenty. I’d hate to get to know an amazing guy and then have to just text all the time.” You say your heart in your throat.

“Oh, right. Very good point.” He says with a little smile at you. “I’d hate to not see you again.” He takes your hand and you smile at him before relaxing back into the couch with a soft sigh. “How late will you be here?”

“Probably about one. Last dance is at midnight then I need to help clean up.”

“I’ll stay awake then, until you’re home safe.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I know.” He says with a small smile. “I think it’d be fun.”

“Come join the party? A wedding crasher? Is that your thing?”

“Only when the personal attendants are as pretty as the bride.” He flirts and you let out a surprised laugh. You glance down at your watch,

“I have a few minutes.” You tell him, “then I have to go bustle the dress so things can keep moving.” When you stand he stands too, god he’s tall and handsome and you’re so glad your friend decided to get married here.

Steve walks you to the bottom of the stairs when you linger there he gives you a soft smile. “Thank you for the drink. And the break.” You tell him giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and you smile up at him before heading up the stairs.

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afterwards : y.b

i really came back after a few months and decided pain, huh? but in honour of my love florence pugh’s bday - here’s a yelena piece

masterlist/permanent taglist/etsy shop-requests open!

yelena decides to go visit a place that brings her peace, only to find another there. (contains black widow and hawkeye spoilers) 1.1k

Leaning against the sink, Yelena blinks rapidly staring at her reflection. Immediately she notes the surroundings have changed, the wallpaper is different, the mirror she looks into differs entirely from mere seconds ago.

With a heavy sense of unease, she wanders out from the bathroom to see a family sitting there.

“Yelena,” The woman rises to her feet whilst her partner takes a hold of their child, backing away from the scene. “you’re back?”

“I, what’s happened?” Yelena manages to ask, bewildered by the reactions presented. “I just went in there and,” Trailing off, the woman helps her toward the couch and proceeds to explain what happened.

“And somehow, you, you’re back.” The woman chuckles in disbelief, sitting beside her old comrade after five years.

Nodding slowly, Yelena processes everything, feeling tears forming in her eyes at the realisation. “I, I have to find Natasha.” She quickly stands, her mind rushing with thoughts of her sister; her family. “Will you help me find her?”

“Of course.” The woman says, taking Yelena’s hand, squeezing it lightly.


It’d been a while since you’d visited. In truth, you were afraid to see it still standing there and facing the fact that she was really gone.

The look on Clint’s face when he returned alone, holding the stone in hand is one that haunts you. Hearing Natasha says with a smile ’see you in a minute’ with the hope that the plan would work still brings you to tears. Nothing’s the same, even if you were able to save everyone, you lost your best friend.

With a bunch of peonies clad in one hand, you approach the large tree and see the headstone beneath.

Bunches of flowers lay around the stone, her name embossed on the granite surface along with notes of adoration, thanks and appreciation. Most of the ink has run from the paper, now just a memory like Nat is.

“Hey, Nat,” You start, kneeling down to place the peonies in the centre of the pile, removing the withered ones aside. “of all the places, you really picked Ohio?” A chuckle sounds from you, picturing her smile at the thought, imagining her witty response. “Sorry it’s been a while, things haven’t exactly been the same since,” Trailing off, you stand back up, sensing someone else was with you.

Quickly, you turn around to see a blonde woman standing there, flowers in hand too as she stares right at you.

“Who’re you?” You’re the first to speak up, both of you keeping your ground and not daring to move first.

Few knew of Natasha’s final burial place, most left flowers near the Stark Tower.

“I could ask the same,” The blonde asks, her voice thick with a Russian accent. “why are you at Natasha’s grave?”

“What does it look like?” You quip, the tears you felt mere moments ago vanishing into anger. “I’m paying my respects for a friend, family even.” You tell the blonde, watching her shrug at your response. “And who are you to ask in the first place?”

Holding her hand up, you watch a look of realisation cross the woman’s face. “Holy Shit,” She starts. “you’re one of the Avengers aren’t you?” A laugh follows her question, one filled with sarcasm as opposed to excitement that usually follows with such.

“Yeah,” You tell her, sighing to yourself. “well, I was. I, I’m not really involved anymore.” Lowering your tone, you glance over to Natasha’s tone, seeing the words beneath her name. ’Daughter, Sister, Avenger.’

“I know who you are,” She states. “you’re Y/n. aren’t you?”

Nodding in response, the blonde steps closer. “Hold on,” You pause, paying closer attention to her. “no,” You mumble. “are you,”

The blonde raises a brow, noting the expression that mirrors the one she wore.

“Yelena?” Your voice almost cracks as Yelena’s expression changes from stubborn to sorrow. “Oh my god, you’re Nat’s sister.” A watery laugh sounds through your hands as you cover your mouth. “I, I can’t believe it.”

“You, you know who I am?” Yelena asks softly, a small frown playing on her lips.

“I, of course!” You admit. “Nat, she, she talked about you a lot. When we were on the run she told me about her sister, this amazing woman she’d turned into that she admired, and missed deeply.”

Without noticing, Yelena could feel tears fall down her cheeks.

“She really loved you, you know?” A sad smile etches itself on your face as Yelena nods to herself. “She’d be proud of you. Nat, she, she saved the world., for everyone.” Wiping away your own tears, Yelena sniffs loudly.

“I wish I got more time with her, you know?” Yelena painfully says. “You got to know her, she told me about you too. About her best friend, Y/n, the fighter with the gentle heart.”

You can’t help but chuckle at that. Of course, that’s what Nat would label you as.

“She told me we’d get on,” Yelena adds, half smiling to you. “I just wish she was here to see it all.”

Turning around, you face the grave once more as Yelena stands by your side. “What happened to her, I don’t think any of us will ever fully heal from.” You mutter, lifting your head up to see Yelena beside you with her eyes focused on the fresh peonies you placed.

“Why did she do it?” Yelena asks, knowing there are few who know the details, the truth behind her sisters death. “Clint Barton should not have let it happen, I,”

“Hey,” You interrupt her. “Clint wanted to go, I, we’ll never know what happened fully, but Natasha sacrificed herself for everyone, for Clint to have his family back and for you to come home.”

After a long silence, Yelena eventually finds her voice. “I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”

Looking down, her fingers brush against yours lightly. “I know,” You whisper, hearing your words get lost into the breeze. “but Nat is looking over us, wherever she is.”

Yelena chuckles. “Oh, she is, probably drinking beer with that Tony Stark.”

“Sounds about right.” You add. “She’ll never be gone, not truly.”

Placing her flowers beside yours, Yelena returns to your side. “Thank you, Y/n.” She tells you. “I, I would like to hear more stories, if you have time?” Yelena asks apprehensively.

“We’re in Ohio, Yelena,” You remind her. “I’ve got all the time in the world.”

With a nod, the pair of you retreat from Natasha’s grave as the blossom on the tree blows down, clearing the last of the withered petals from her name.

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A/N: Hey guys! This isn’t a request but is something I thought of and I thought it was kinda cute heheh it is an Avengers x Reader fic but you could tell that i was leaning towards a special lil thunder god Anyways, I hope you guys don’t mind me posting my work first while waiting for me to complete the other requests…well, enjoy!

You trudged through the hallways, a big sigh escaping your lips as you ran your fingers through your hair. It was not a good day for you. You messed up a mission and got badly reprimanded for it, you knew you deserved it because it was your fault but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a shitty feeling.

“Ugh…” you muttered as you dropped your head and stared at the ground as you walked. Shutting yourself in your room for the next few days didn’t sound like a bad idea.  

Pausing in your footsteps, you realised something. You didn’t want to wallow, well, at least not today. Scratching your head, you wondered how to cheer yourself up.

You frowned, you could stay in your room to watch netflix or play your games. No, you don’t want to stay in your room. You continued walking as you thought about it, gasping when you realised what would do the trick. Hugs!

You loved hugs, the feeling of someone holding you close and safe was wonderful. But who should you hug?

Smiling to yourself, you knew what you could do. You were gonna have a competition to find who gives the best hugs. Excitement buzzed through you as you went to find your first competitor.

As you reached the living room, you saw Bruce sitting on the couch watching the news. You shuffled up behind him and tapped his shoulder, making him turn to look at you.

“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted, standing up as he saw your expression. “What’s wrong?” 

“My mission didn’t go too well,” you said with a sigh, looking at your feet.

Bruce walked around the couch to stand beside you. “Oh, it’s okay, no one is perfect, you don’t have to worry about it. Do you want a hug?” 

You nodded as he pulled you into his arms. You rested your chin on his shoulder as he soothed your back. “What happened?”

“I don’t really wanna talk about it,” you replied. Bruce nodded as he he hugged you for awhile more.

“Feel better?”

You pulled back with a smile. “I do, thank you, Bruce.”

He smiled back as you waved and turned to walk away. Warm and nice hug. You’ll rate it an 8/10. You continued smiling as you went to find the next person. 

Going to another floor, you walked down the hallway, you saw Tony in his lab fiddling with some stuff. You walked into the lab, gaining his attention.

“Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked as you never came to the lab before.

You were pretty close with Tony so you didn’t want to act too much. Pouting, you raised your arms out. “I want a hug.”

He scoffed. “What are you, five?”

Keep reading

I love this❤
