#stiles stilinksi


Chapter 5

S2 Episode Five

SUMMARY: The pack get word that Derek is trying to kill Lydia, and make it their mission to protect her.


“Hey,” The all-too-familiar voice purred as you opened your locker. You rolled your eyes, not needing to look towards it to know who it was.

“Aren’t you supposed to be running from the law or something?” You answered.

“Who says I’m not just teasing the law now by coming to school?” Isaac smiled, leaning on the locker next to yours to get a better view of you. You cursed the empty hallways, wishing you wouldn’t have shown up so early that morning.

“I doubt your pack daddy would approve of that,” You chuckled, looking over to see the smug look on his face falter. “Or did he let you off of your leash for the day?”

“Ouch,” He held his chest sarcastically before smiling. “What happened to you? You used to be such a sweetheart.”

“That was before you gave me a reason not to be. Did you need something or are you just trying to get on my nerves?” You scoffed, closing your locker to look into his playful gaze. “Again.”

“A little of both,” He smirked. “But my pack daddy wouldn’t approve of what I’m about to tell you so I’m gonna need you to come with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Suit yourself,” Isaac shrugged, looking over your shoulder. “Scott’s looking for you anyway. I’m sure you’d so much rather hear another one of his pathetic apologies instead of Derek’s plan to kill someone today.”

You looked behind you to see the boys walk around the corner in deep conversation. Stiles waved his hands around as he passionately explained something and Scott listened intently. Luckily, they were so submerged in the conversation that you went unnoticed in the midst of small crowds of students. However, you weren’t quite ready to face your best friend.

You placed your hands on Isaac’s chest and quickly pushed him into the nearby empty classroom. His brows shot up in surprise as he stumbled back, catching himself on a desk.

“You have two minutes, asshole,” You frowned, looking down at your wristwatch. “What do you mean Derek is going to kill someone today?”

“I only need one,” He grinned. “He gave Jackson the Kanima’s venom last night to see if it would paralyze him and it did. So it can’t be him. He think it might be Lydia.”

“What the fuck?!” You furrowed your brows in suspicion. “Wait, why are you telling me this? Why should I believe you?”

“Maybe I’m telling you because I wanted a moment alone with you,” His lips curved into a coy smile, making you frown. “And you should believe me because we have a bond.”

“Ew, would you stop saying that? We do not have a fucking bond!” You snapped.

“I’m serious! I wouldn’t lie to you,” He sincerely admitted. “I don’t even think I could if I tried.”

“Yeah, okay,” You brushed off sarcastically. You hated that he was getting in your head. You wholeheartedly believed it was a scheme but he was becoming a little too convincing. You didn’t know what to believe anymore. “What makes Derek think Lydia is the Kanima?”

“Peter gave her the bite. There are only two things that happen when someone gets bitten, turn or die. She did neither and now we have a Kanima on our hands.”

“What if she’s somehow immune to the bite? How do you know she won’t be immune to the venom too?”

“He said it’s not possible to be immune to the bite. It’s never been done before,” He shook his head, leaning on the desk behind him.

“Oh, so it must be true if Derek said it,” You scoffed. “Your blind devotion will lead to your downfall.“

“I could say the same to you,” He shrugged. You narrowed your eyes, not quite ready to defend the boy he spoke of. “If you wouldn’t have listened to Scott, this would all be over by now. We’re just finishing the job that you couldn’t follow through on the other night.. You can’t save everyone, Y/N.“

“Don’t talk to me about the other night. That’s between my pack and me. I don’t care to hear your opinions or commentary,” You hissed, feeling a dark cloud of anger begin to sneak it’s way back into your subconscious. You took a breath when you saw his face fall, attempting to take your emotions and thoughts back under your control. “Look, there’s a better way of going about this. I don’t want to kill an innocent teenager if we aren’t one hundred percent sure that she really is the Kanima. Forgive me for trying to spare the life of my best friend.”

“You were so eager to kill an innocent teenager the other night. What happened?” He smirked. You clenched your jaw, feeling the storm of emotions quickly brewing in your chest. “Suddenly your morals shift because your afraid of losing someone you love?”

You fell to silence for a moment as you recollected your thoughts, clenching your fists in an attempt to prevent any black mist from forming. “You’re playing with fire, Isaac. Don’t taunt me-.”

“For telling the truth?” He scoffed. “You were fully ready to kill someone’s kid, sibling or friend by the pool. But now that it might be yours, you hesitate?”

With that comment, you felt something snap within you; you were no longer in control of your emotions- your magic. You felt your eyes darken, similar to the way they did the other night. Your fists felt hot as they began to emit the black mist that often decorated them now. His boyish grin faded as you stepped toward him, making him almost trip on the desk he leaned on as he tried to step away.

He attempted to stand up before you held your hand out, making him sit back on the desk as you leaned in close, sensing and feeding off of his fear.

“You forget who you’re talking to, Lahey,” You smiled as your fingers brushed his neck. “Do you realize how easy it would be for me to cut off the circulation to your head? All I have to do is think about the veins and arteries in your neck, and they’ll pop.”

“Let me go-“

“Ah, ah, ah. I’m talking,” You cooed, pressing your finger against his lips and sealing them shut with the help of the black mist. You chuckled dryly. “I think we both know that if you really wanted to help me, you wouldn’t be sitting here mocking and judging me. No, I’m not too convinced you were trying to help me at all. I think Derek sent you to talk to me.”

“Mmm! Mmm!” He mumbled.

“Let me make myself perfectly clear, Isaac,” Your smiled quickly dropped before your tone darkened. “If you so much as touch a hair on her head, I will not hesitate to kill you and your pack. Slowly and painfully. Got it?“

He nodded spitefully before you smiled again, waving your hand to unseal his lips.

“What happened to your pack’s moral code?” He spat, making you let out a breathy chuckle.

“You chose the wrong pack member for that,” You responded before nonchalantly stepping back as if nothing happened. The cloud of black that once covered your hands evaporated as you reached for the door. “Thanks for the heads up though. I gotta get to class.”

“Are you just gonna leave me sitting here?!” Isaac cried as you reached for the door. “I can’t move!”

“Oh, I actually don’t know how to undo that. Don’t worry though, it should wear off soon,” You smiled before leaving the room. You readjusted your backpack as you walked down the now heavily populated hallways of Beacon Hills, looking for your boyfriend. You felt a smirk form on your face, remembering the look of utter fear on Isaac’s face when he couldn’t speak.

You loved the feeling that was left in your body. The power you felt when you hovered above him, the way your magic pumped through your veins like a drug, the chaos you created in his mind; it was addicting.

“Hey! You’ll never guess what my dad told me this morning!” Stiles smiled before looking into your eyes. “Did you cry? Your eyes are bloodshot. Oh my god, are you high?”

“What? No! My allergies are just acting up,” You played it off. “What’s your dad tell you? Wait, is it about Isaac coming back?”

“What the hell? Yeah, actually. How’d you know that?” He tilted his head. Something was off about you this morning, he sensed it but decided against asking about it again.

“He pulled me into a classroom and told me. He also told me that Derek’s going to make Lydia eat the Kanima’s venom to see if she has a reaction to it,” You lowered your voice. “They’re gonna kill her if she doesn’t.”

“Wait, what? They’re gonna kill her? But she didn’t even have a reaction to the bite. What if she’s immune to the supernatural?”

“That’s what I said. But apparently Derek’s convinced that it’s not possible,” You shook your head. “We need a plan.”

“Follow up question: since when are you and Isaac friends?” He questioned.

“We’re not. He just won’t leave me alone,” You huffed. “He thinks I cast some sort of bonding spell when I stopped him from killing you at the Sheriff’s Department a while back.”

“On the night of the full moon. Yeah, I remember that,” He nodded, grabbing his backpack from his locker. “What do you think?”

“I think that theory has Derek written all over it,” You rolled your eyes as you both began walking to class. You felt odd not telling him about the magic you used only minutes prior, but you knew now wasn’t the time to bring up another issue. You needed to focus on Lydia.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the euphoria that came with the magic pumping through your veins and the confidence it brought with it. Or the fact that the sensation went away when you healed yourself with Scott’s blood, leaving you with a light and clear, yet uncomfortably empty mind. It was not your black-misted subconscious clouding your judgement because this was solely for Lydia’s well-being. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.

“I don’t know. I’d be on my knees if you looked at me the way you looked at him,” Stiles smirked.

“I’ve had you on your knees for less,” You smiled, making his lips part as a subtle blush rose to his cheeks at your reference to the previous night’s events. You two have been getting hot and heavy for the past few days, not quite going all the way due to parental interruptions but going far enough to almost make due. It was not only your comment that caught him off guard, it was the confidence you said it with too. That alone almost drop to his knees on the spot

“Anyways. Could you catch Scott up on Lydia’s situation? We need to take turns staying by her side today. I got her covered up til Math. Then it’s up to you guys until Chem,” You continued casually before giggling at his flustered appearance. “You feeling okay, baby? You look a little flushed.”

“You fucking asshole. I gotta get to class,” He chuckled as the first bell rang, looking down at your smug look. Before walking off, he leaned down next to your ear and mumbled, “For the record, though, I plan on having you begging you on your knees tonight.”

“I don’t beg,” You narrowed your eyes playfully.

“Yeah? We’ll see about that,” He smiled before kissing your cheek and turned on his heels to walk away, leaving you with the same pink tint on your own cheeks. You let out a small laugh before turning to head the class.

“Why are you so giddy?” Lydia grinned as you took your usual spot beside her.

“No reason,” You responded, making her laugh.

You spent the rest of the day by her side, switching off with Allison or the boys when you didn’t have a shared class. The first three hours dragged along slowly. You kept catching Erica and Isaac’s dirty glares and hushed voices. The anticipation was killing you. You caught yourself looking over your shoulder constantly and keeping Lydia nearby at all times. You even followed her to the bathroom in second hour. You finally let out a breath of relief when you switched shifts with the boys.

After a quick stop to your locker, you made your way down the corridors of the school to your next class. You were lost in thought when you felt a hand grab your upper arm and pull you aside. You quickly whipped around to see your best friend staring back at you.

“Scott, what the fuck?” You gasped. “Jesus you scared the shit out of me. Who’s on Lydia duty?”

“She’s with Allison. Can we talk about the other night?” He sighed. “I hate fighting with you.”

“I don’t have anything to say to you,” You frowned.

“Well, I do,” Scott began, not letting go of your arm in fear of you walking away. “Y/N, I’m so sorry for reacting the way I did at the pool. I know there were a million better ways of having a discussion about our different views and opinions. I blew it way out of proportion. I‘m just.. I don’t know. I’m just scared of the possibility of your magic making you crazy, you know? So I assumed you weren’t in the right headspace but I get now that you were. I’m sorry for doubting you. And for yelling at you. I still don’t necessarily agree with what you did but I really am sorry for being such a dick.”

“You really were a dick, huh?” You smiled, making him laugh.

“So we good?” He grinned. You nodded before he pulled you into a hug. “You promise to tell me if you feel like you’re going crazy?”

“Mhm,” You smiled. It wasn’t a lie; you weren’t going crazy yet. You were just riding the magic high for a little longer.

“Okay,” He chuckled. “I’m gonna go to class. Meet us afterwards?”


“Someone help me?” You read off of Stiles’ phone. “What the hell?”

“Maybe she knows!” Scott offered, earning a glare from his best friends. “What?”

“Leave this to the big boys, alright?” Stiles patted his shoulder before turning to you. Allison smiled sympathetically at her boyfriend, holding his hand. “What do you think?”

“Honestly? I don’t think this has any correlation to Derek. You remember how she screamed at the ice rink? It might just be a case of PTSD,” You said, looking down at the screen again. “A really weird one.”

“So what’s the plan for chemistry? I heard we’re doing something weird today. I don’t know if we’ll be able to keep an eye on her the whole time,” Allison spoke up. The four of you looked into the classroom to see Lydia mindlessly doodling in her notebook. You moved aside as the last student from the previous class walked past you before you got an idea.

“Hey, your name’s Nicole, right?” You smiled at the girl, earning a friendly lab. “What are we doing in Chem today?”

“Some lab where we turn goo into crystals. We switched partners a few times,” She answered kindly.

“How many times?” Allison asked.

“Like four.”

“Okay, thanks!” You smiled before turning back to the pack. “Four. That’s perfect! We just have to take turns as her partner!”

“Will do.”

“Sounds good.”

“Shoot.. Guys, we have company,” Allison said as you all walked in. You all rushed to take the seat next to Lydia, earning an odd glare from her and the rest of class.

“I mean I know I’m popular but this is new,” She blinked. You all chuckled before Mr Harris spoke up. He began with his usual insult before explaining the lab.

“You’re going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let’s see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in this group’s case,” He said, looking over at the four of you hovering above Lydia. “Less than one. Erica, you take the first station. You’ll start with-“

He paused when the hands of virtually every teen boy’s hands flew up.

“I didn’t ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal hands down. You’ll start with Mr. McCall,” Mr Harris said before looking over at the four of you again, assigning you all to your stations. Allison was up first with Lydia followed by you then Scott.

Towards the end of class, Stiles switched seats with the girl next to you to have the chance to be your partner for the last rotation.

“Hi,” He greeted.

“Hi,” You smiled. “You’re going to get in trouble.”

“No, I won’t!”

“Mr. Stilinski,” Mr. Harris called as if on cue, drawing all eyes on your boyfriend. “You’re supposed to be at Station Two.”


“I don’t want to hear an excuse. You’re lucky I decided against giving you detention. Go!”

“Fine..” Stiles grumbled, gathering his stuff and plopping down at Station Two. He looked over at his partner to see Isaac staring back at him with a smirk. “Great. Of course he’d put me with the killer werewolf.”

“I haven’t killed anyone yet,” Isaac smiled before looking at Lydia who was leaning forward, talking to you. Stiles followed his gaze before frowning.

“If you keep trying to make a move on my girlfriend or lay a hand on her best friend, I’m gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present,” Stiles threatened as he continued the experiment next to Isaac.

“Oh?” Isaac chuckled. “I’ll stop trying to make a move when I stop smelling her attraction towards me..”

“Spare me the fake details,” Stiles muttered, mixing the concoction in front of him. “I mean.. if you genuinely believe there’s some sort of special bond between you two, be my guest. She’s not into you, my guy. Just know I’m not too worried about it.”

“I would be,” Isaac chuckled, catching Stiles’ attention. “Don’t get me wrong, she likes you. Loves you even. But there’s a science behind attraction. Pheromones. And I can smell them. She digs me, bro. On a biological level.”

“I’m actually surprised you know such a big word,” Stiles said condescendingly. “Can you even spell the word pheromone?”

“Are you calling me dumb?”

“The fact that you’re asking me for clarification,” Stiles began, looking straight into Isaac’s eyes. “Answers your question.”

“I don’t like you.”

“Cry me a river,” Stiles scoffed.

“Mm, no. I think I’ll fuck your girlfriend instead,” Isaac smiled as he looked back at you, gaining Stiles’ wide-eyed death glare. Isaac shrugged. “I’ve never been very good at crying.”

“Alright, class! Move to your last station!”

“I thought we were only moving four times,” Scott asked Harris.

“Mr. McCall, I’d be more concerned with the state of your crystal than the amount of stations I’m making you move to,” He replied. You all looked at one another before seeing Isaac slip into the seat next to Lydia. There wasn’t much you could do but finish your projects and keep an eye on her from a distance.

You finished your project with another student, proudly lifting up a crystal. You looked to your left only to be greeted by Stiles holding up something that looked like cement in his beaker.

“Now for the part of that last experiment I’m sure you’ll all enjoy,” Mr. Harris smiled. “You can eat it.”

Stiles shot you a look of disgust, making you giggle.

“Go ahead,” You smiled from the desk beside him. “Eat it.”

He scrunched his nose. “Hell no! This looks like the cafeteria’s mashed potatoes.”

“Here, you can eat mine,” You held up your crystal and held it out for him to take a bite. He smiled and took a bite, only for the rest of it to crumble into pieces.

“Oh, man,” He mumbled. “I was gonna give the other half to you.”

“LYDIA!” Scott jumped up, making everyone gasp from his volume. Your eyes quickly shifted to Lydia who sat in her seat in shock, waiting for Scott to say something.

“What?” She asked.

“Uh..” Scot hesitated before realizing he couldn’t do anything about the crystal that was covered in venom. “Nothing.”

The class fell to silence, all watching him as he stood awkwardly behind her before he took his seat again.

She took a bite into the crystal. You waited for her to have a reaction but it never came. The bell rang a few minutes later and she practically skipped out of the classroom.

“Follow me,” Stiles took your hand and led you all to Coach’s empty office for a quick talk.

“Derek’s outside waiting for Lydia,” Scott explained.

“Waiting to kill her?” Allison asked.

“If he thinks she’s the Kanima, then yes,” He nodded. “Especially after what happened at the pool.”

“It’s not her,” Stiles argued.

“Stiles, she didn’t pass the test, man. Nothing happened,” Scott said softly.

“No, it can’t be her,” You agreed. “I feel like I should have some sort of gut feeling, you know?”

“It doesn’t matter because Derek thinks it’s her,” Allison intervened. “So either we can convince him that he’s wrong, or we’ve gotta figure out a way to protect her.”

“I doubt he’ll try anything here,” You chimed in.

“True. Not at school anyways,” Scott nodded.

“What about after school?” Allison questioned. You and Scott fell silent again. “Well what if we can prove Derek’s wrong?”

“By 3:00?” Stiles scoffed.

“Yeah, there could be something in the bestiary!”

“Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read?” Stiles deadpanned. “Good luck with that.”

“Actually I think I might be able to translate it,” You said, gaining everyone’s eyes. “What? You told me to learn Latin so I’ve been learning Latin. I can’t translate it perfectly but I can try.”

“That’ll do. Uh, I can talk to Derek,” Scott suggested. “Maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it’s not her. But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?”

“What does that mean?” Al asked.

“It means you can’t heal like I do,” He admitted.

She reached into her bag and grabbed a crossbow. “I can protect myself.”

“Same here,” You smiled. Stiles gave you a look. “What?”

“You still can’t control it, Y/N. It’s probably better if you don’t use magic today,” He spoke softly. “Let’s just keep you out of the crossfire, yeah?”

“Come on! I can be of use today,” You pouted.

“Same,” Allison nodded.

“No, he’s right. I don’t want you guys getting hurt,” Scott nodded before turning to his girlfriend.

“Fine,” You sighed, leaning next to Stiles. You looked over at him and saw him messing with Allison’s crossbow as Scott spoke to her. You zoned out slightly as you watched Stiles pretend to aim and shoot it at Scott.

“Seriously, if anything goes wrong, you call me, okay? I don’t care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I’ll hear you and I’ll find you as fast as I can,” He grabbed her face, looking deeply into her eyes.

You heard a snort come from your boyfriend. You looked up at Stiles to see that he was laughing at the theatrics of the couple in front of you.

“Stop that,” You whispered to your boyfriend, trying to hold back a laugh as the couple continued on with their conversation. “Let them have their moment.”

“I can’t help it. They’re so dramatic,” He whispered back, catching Scott’s attention.

“Can you guys fuck off?” He huffed.You no liner could hold back a chuckle. Stiles grinned before taking your face into his hands. “Can you blame me for being nervous-“

“Call, text, scream, yell, whatever!” He exclaimed with exaggerated passion.

“You promise you’ll hear me and find me as fast as you can?!” You grabbed at your chest before he kissed you dramatically.

“You two really couldn’t be more perfect for each other if you tried,” Allison rolled her eyes.

“Quick, let’s see who can get their tongue furthest down the other one’s throat!” Stiles pulled away briefly only to lean back in with his tongue sticking out.

“Ew,” You laughed, pushing him away and making him giggle. “Sorry, Scotty. I promise we’ll be careful. If worst comes to worst, I got their backs.“

“Thanks, Y/N,” He smiled, pulling you in for a quick hug. “Be careful, asshole.”

“You too,” You muttered before letting go.

He nodded before turning around and walking back into the hallway. The three of you waited for a moment before Stiles went to go find Lydia. You followed Allison to the library so that you could connect the flash drive to a computer. You took the seat next to hers as she pulled up the page that spoke of the Kanima.

“God, this might be a little out of my reach,” You breathed as you attempted to read the words.

“It’s okay, just try.”

“Okay, uh,” You cleared your throat before continuing. “Kanima. Like the wolf, it’s power is greatest at the moon’s peak… Hold on, what does this mean..?”

“You speak French and take Spanish, fill in the blank,” Allison sighed. You have her a look, annoyed with her pushy tone. “Uh, sorry. I meant to say please.”

“Alright, it says that like the wolf, the Kanima is a social creature, but where the wolf seeks a pack, the Kanima seeks… a friend?” You finished. “What does that mean?”

“Maybe it’s lonely?” Allison asked before a look of realization dawned upon her. “Oh my god. Like a teenager.”

You gathered Lydia and Jackson as soon as the bell rang and drove them to Scott’s house. As soon as you all got into the foyer, Stiles turned around and locked every single lock on the front door before turning around to see Lydia’s confused and unamused look

“Uh, there’s been a few break-ins around the neighborhood,” Stiles pursed his lips.

You grabbed a nearby chair and placed it under the door handle, shifting their attention to you.

“And a murder,” You added.

“Yeah, it was bad,” Stiles agreed, trying not to smile. Lydia furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to say something before Jackson beat her to it.

“Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute,” He said before leading her to Scott’s room.

“Nice job, you two,” Allison chuckled. “That was almost convincing!”

“Almost?” You and Stiles questioned.

“Well, I for one think we were pretty damn good,” He smiled, giving you a high five.

The three of you continued to chat for the next hour, choosing to ignore the argument that was taking place upstairs. You made sure to lock every door and window around the house. You opted to stay at the entrance of the house because it allowed you to have a better view of the street.

“The sun’s going down,” You mumbled, gaining the attention of the two teenagers. “They should be coming soon.”

“They’re here,” Allison whispered, peeking out of the window. Stiles’ eyes widened before he scrambled to the nearest window, taking a look for himself. “We need to call Scott.”

“Here,” Stiles dug his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Allison. She told Scott it was time for him to come home before hanging up and handing it back to Stiles. You all sat around for another ten minutes, waiting in anticipation for them to attack but nothing happened. “What are you doing?”

You looked over at Allison to see her messing on her phone. She looked up with teary eyes.

“I think… I think I have to call my dad,” Her voice was shaky.

“No, but if he finds you here, you and Scott-“ Stiles protested.

“I know,” She interrupted, making the room fall to silence. “But what are we supposed to do? They’re not here to scare us, okay? They’re here to kill Lydia.”

You all stopped and glanced back at the pack of werewolves that slowly paced around in the front yard. You looked over at Allison, seeing her antsy hands debate on calling her father.

“I got an idea,” Stiles said, looking at Allison. “Just shoot one of them.”

“Are you serious?” She breathed.

“We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let’s do it,” Stiles spoke as if he didn’t know who he was convincing; the two of you or himself. “Or at least give it a shot, right?”

“Okay,” Allison said.

“What about me?” You asked.

“Hold off for a second. They don’t think we’re going to fight. So if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they’ll take off,” He shrugged. “So just shoot one of them.”

Allison slowly moved the curtain and looked out again. “Which one?”

“Derek. Yeah, shoot him. Preferably in the head,” Stiles said.

“If Scott can catch an arrow, Derek definitely can,” Allison shook her head.

“Okay, then shoot Isaac,” Stiles muttered, recalling their earlier conversation. “Again, preferably in the head.”

“Isaac’s not out there.”

“What do you mean? I just saw him,” You protested, peeking out to see only the other three standing together. You felt your stomach drop before seeing Allison aim. You looked over at her right as a hand reached out for her and knocked her to the ground. “What the-“

You felt someone flip you over their shoulder, and next thing you knew, you were lying on the floor gasping for the air that got knocked out of you.

“Hey!” Stiles shouted before Isaac sent him flying backwards into the wall. He groaned as he hit the floor. He looked up to see Isaac was making his way back to you. “Now, Y/N! Use your magic now!”

You smiled. The energy you’d been pushing down since that morning all rushed into you within milliseconds. It was a different sensation than before; your hands no longer misted and your chest didn’t feel as heavy. This was less overwhelming and less powerful but easier to control. It wasn’t coming from a place of emotions, you’d consciously summoned the magic.

“Y-your eyes are glowing green!” Stiles called, worried it was a bad sign.

“You sure want a round two, Lahey?” You smirked, hopping back onto your feet. “You weren’t much of a match this morning. What changed?”

“I’m actually trying to hurt you now,” He smiled before lunging at you. You held out your hand, focusing on and sent him flying back.

“This is you trying? How cute!” You laughed, looking at Allison and motioning upstairs with your head. She nodded and ran up. “Go.”

He growled with frustration before jumping on his feet and running towards you. You put your hand up but he dodged the force you sent his way. Your eyes widened before you jumped out of his way, kicking off of a nearby wall and running around him. He was right on your heels though. You thought you’d successfully dodged him before you felt his hand grab a fistful of you hair and pull you back, sending your body flying towards the front door. You grunted before looking up to see you’d landed between Erica’s legs.

“And you call yourself a witch,” She sneered, lifting you up by your shirt and holding you in the air. “Where is she?”

“Who? You’re gonna have to be a little more specific. There are a few women here,” You smiled.

She frowned before launching you into the dining room table. You felt the wood break against your back as you flew into it. You groaned again, feeling the pain erupt in your ribs as you rolled on your side. You coughed as you sat up, seeing dribbles of blood fly from your lips. Erica giggled before slowly making her way back to you. She pushed your shoulder back into the broken table, making you hiss from pain.

“I’m gonna ask you one more time. And if you don’t answer me, well,” She hovered above you and looked to her left. You saw Isaac holding his claws up to Stiles’ neck, similar to the way Peter held Kate in her last moments. “We kill him.”

You felt your chest tighten with anxiety before a wave of anger settled into your chest. Before you knew it, you felt the familiar black mist take over your mind one again. Your eyes no longer shine green; instead, they were now completely dark, the black covering even the whites in your eyes. Your hands began to mist and the pain in your body subsided into nothingness as magic pumped powerfully through every vein in your body.

“That little magic trick with your eyes doesn’t scare me, princess. Where is she?” Erica purred. “WHERE IS SH-“

She grabbed at her throat as she tried to choke in some air. You stared blankly at her, not moving a muscle as you lifted her and launched her backwards with lethal force. Your eyes snapped towards the claws that teased at your boyfriend’s flesh. Isaac’s eyes widened with fear before his wrist snapped backwards, touching the back of his forearm. He screeched in pain and dropped to the ground, gripping his arm.

“Okay, Y/N! That’s enough!” Stiles cried as you walked toward Isaac. You looked up blankly before fixing your gaze on the boy whimpering on the floor again. “Y/N! Don’t!”

You lifted your hand, not knowing exactly what force would come out, wanting nothing more than to see the boy who threatened your boyfriend dead, when out of the corner of your eye, you saw Erica run up stairs. Your head snapped her way before running towards the stairs to stop her from finding Lydia.

“Scott!” Stiles breathed as he saw his best friend run into the dining room. “She’s out of control again!”

“Who? Lydia?!” He asked, looking over to see you running up the stairs. “Oh shit..”

Scott didn’t hesitate to follow you, jumping over the rubble and onto the stairs. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back. He almost gasped at the sight of your eyes; completely overtaken by darkness, ready to kill.

“Let go of me! She’s going after Allison!”

Allison. He faltered; every cell in his body was telling him to go protect his girlfriend. But something told him that if he left you in this state, you’d kill Derek’s pack without hesitation. He smelled your craving to kill; there was a chance you wouldn’t just stop with his pack. Morally, he couldn’t leave you alone, regardless of Allison’s dangerous situation.

“Look at me!” He shouted, showing his golden eyes.

“Let go!” You pleaded.

“I SAID LOOK AT ME!” He roared. Your body instantly stopped fighting his grip, relaxing into his touch as you looked into his eyes. “Snap out of it! Fight it! You’re stronger than this.”

He watched as the whites of your eyes and your Y/E/C orbs returned to normal. You gasped before blinking in confusion, looking around at your surroundings.

“You good?” He asked urgently.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” You nodded before looking towards his room. “Oh my god, Allison. Erica was-”

“Go find Stiles, I got Al,” He ordered before running off.

You slowly made your way back downstairs, grabbing at your throbbing ribs as you hobbled into the entryway. You quickly found your boyfriend, hovering over Isaac. They both looked up at you as you walked into the dining room. Your heart sank at the look of fear they both gave you. What have you done?

You awkwardly wrapped your arms around yourself, opening your mouth to say something before hearing Scott come back downstairs with Erica dangled limply on his shoulder. He grabbed the collar of Isaac’s shirt before opening the door and throwing them both out of the house. Allison and Stiles both followed Scott out but you hesitated, not knowing if they wanted to be near you. You didn’t even want to be near you.

Stiles noticed your hesitation and reached out his hand, inviting you to come with him. You looked at it before back into his warm gaze, taking his hand into yours as he guided you onto the porch. The four of you looked down at Derek proudly.

“I think I’m finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott,” The Alpha spoke. “You’re not an Omega. You’re already an Alpha of your own pack… But you know you can’t beat me.”

“I can hold you off until the cops get here,” Scott responded as distant sirens grew louder. Footsteps scurried along the roof, catching everyone’s attention. You all ran out from under the roof to catch a glimpse of the Kanima. It looked over at you all and screeched before running off. You felt Stiles grab your waist and pull you in subconsciously.

Lydia’s heels clanked on the ground as she ran out of the house.

“Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?” She demanded.

“…It’s Jackson,” Scott muttered.



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Chapter 2

S2 Episode Two

SUMMARY: With the discovery of a new werewolf on the day of a full moon, the pack plans on saving Isaac from himself, the hunters, and the cops. Y/N asks Stiles about her fake-date plan.


TW: talking about sex, suggestive language

“So Scott and I were talking and thought of a plan,” You smiled as you unwrapped the towel in your hair and entered Stiles’ room wearing his clothes. His jaw dropped slightly at the sight of you. There were a few of his shirts he never wore because of the simple that they were too baggy on him. On you though, they seemed to fall off of your body in the perfect way. Today you opted for an old graphic t-shirt with a pair of your shorts. This was indeed a sight he could get used to. “And you’re zoned out. Earth to Stiles!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a word you said,” He replied, looking you up and down. “Damn, you look so good when you wear my shirt. What were you saying? A plan?”

“Yeah,” You giggled as you grabbed a brush from your bag and running it through your damp locks. “So you know how he’s got Argent on his ass and he can’t hang out with Allison? And my mom basically is banning me from seeing you. What if Scott and I pretended to be a couple so that we could all spend more time with our significant others? I told him I’d run it past you before we agreed to anything.”

“I.. Y/N, I don’t know,” He sighed. “I don’t really feel comfortable with that.”

“Okay, no biggie,” You smiled sweetly before kissing his cheek. He grinned at your easy-going personality, silently thanking you for not asking any more questions as he climbed into his bed. The last thing he wanted to do was act like a jealous douche bag. “Just thought I’d ask.”

“Scott really surprises me with his stupid plans sometimes,” Stiles chuckled, making you pause. “… That was his plan, right?”

“Yeah! Yup, you know Scott with his.. dumb plans,” You muttered, making Stiles laugh while mentally cursing yourself for lying.

“So dumb! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the guy but damn it’s like sometimes he forgets that we’re people with feelings or something. Anyways are you ready for bed?” He grinned, scooting over to his side of the bed and holding the blanket open for you.

“Yeah,” You smiled as the guilt began settling in your stomach from your dishonesty. You thought about telling him as you turned off the lights and again when crawled in with him, but by the time you worked enough courage, he changed the conversation completely. You both talked about nothing and everything for an hour in each other’s arms. What harm could come from a small white lie anyways?

“Your shampoo is literally the best thing I’ve ever smelled in my life,” He breathed into your fragrant hair, making you laugh. “Seriously! It’s heavenly.”

“I actually feel the same about yours.”

“You picked mine out.”

“Yeah, hence why it smells so good,” You shrugged, making him chuckle. You readjusted next to him, facing him as you spoke. “I really like your cologne too. Before we were dating, I remember-”

“Come back,” He pouted, holding his arms open.

“I’m comfier over here!” You argued with a smile.

“Okay and?” He furrowed his brows and waved his arms around as if to tell you to come back anyway. “Come on! I can’t fall asleep when you’re not on my chest!”

“I have a solution. Face the wall,” You began, making him scoff.

“Okay,rude!” He shouted before turning around with sass. You giggled before scooting up behind him and wrapping your arm around him. “I’m not going to be able to sleep like this.”

“Let’s just try it!” You rolled your eyes. “I like hugging you.”

“You can hug me from my chest,” He yawned. And within a couple of minutes, he fell asleep. It was the first time he’d ever fallen asleep before you, making you smile. Not going to be able to sleep your ass.

You snuggled into his back, kissing the back of his neck and breathing in his scent. The sound of his breathing soothed you like the crashing waves on a beach. You loved hearing his sleepy groans and mumbles as he slept, though it was rare for you to be awake to experience it.

“Goodnight. I love you,” You whispered, not expecting an answer.

“Mm love you too,” He grumbled in his sleep, putting his arm around the one you wrapped around him. You smiled; even in his sleep, he was the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for.


“Alright, show’s over, assholes,” You called as you walked up to Lydia and Allison who stood frozen under the crowd’s gaze. Everyone stared at Lydia in silence, judging her for the naked hiatus she took in the woods. Suddenly, their eyes all shifted to you, making you roll yours. “Go!”

And just like that, everyone scattered, looking back as they walked away. You smiled and looked back at Lydia.

“I was gone for a few days and now you’re the queen bee, huh?” She teased.

“Oh, hell no. Just keeping your seat warm on the throne is all,” You smiled, making her laugh. “Now, let’s get to class, yeah?”

“And to think, you were this shy, insecure little thing when I found you! I think my job is done. You can dress, walk the walk and now you can talk the talk! I’m so proud of myself!” She grinned before walking away, leaving you and Allison standing at the doorway.

Gee, thanks, Y/N,” You muttered, making Allison laugh. “You’re such a good friend. Thank you for shooing everyone away!”

“Oh,please,” Allison laughed, wrapping her arm around you. “You didn’t actually expect a thank you from her, did you? She’s back and as cool as ever again.”

“Yay us,” You grumbled, making her throw her head back in laughter as you walked towards your lockers. “So, how are you? I feel like it’s been forever since we talked.”

“Things are really good actually,” She blushed. You furrowed your brows and smiled. “Like so good.”

“NO WAY!” You squealed. “NO FUCKING WAY!”

“Shh!!” She giggled, pulling you aside at your locker. “Yes way! Scott and I finally.. you know..”

“Youfucked!” You grinned. “Finally!”

“What do you mean finally?” She tilted her head.

“Scott was so mad at me for basically sharing all of my firsts on the same day as him. First kiss, first I love you- you name it. We basically had the exact same milestones as you guys. He made us swear to wait until he lost his so we could lose ours,” You admitted.

“That’s ridiculous!” Allison laughed. “Technically, we did it after midnight so you could lose yours tonight as a fuck you. Figuratively and literally.”

“I’m actually a little nervous,” You admitted as you messed with the lock on your locker and opened it. You continued to speak as you took things out of your bag and organized them neatly in your shelves. “What’s it like? Does it hurt? Is it awkward?”

“A little bit at first. You have to make sure to like… warm up, if you get what I mean. It’s not bad though. It’s actually a lot of fun,” She bit on her pointer finger, remembering the events from the previous night. “And it’s not awkward. It was really sweet actually. Are you having second thoughts or something?”

“No!God, no. He’s great! It’s just.. losing your virginity seems like such a big deal. I’m just excited to get the first time over with,” You grumbled.

“Don’t think like that! It’s really not that big of a deal at all. It’s just a label. But make sure to savor it and be safe. It’ll definitely be something you’ll remember for the rest of your life so might as well make it sweet,” She smiled, hugging you from behind. “Just don’t tell Lydia about it.”

“Oh, that’s a given,” You said before the two of you erupted into giggles and walked to class.


“He’s playing goalie? But he hates goalie,” Allison furrowed her brows. You looked up from your book to see him jogging towards the goal. “What’s up with that?”

“I don’t know actually,” You responded, looking over at Stiles. His features were decorated in concern, eyes locked on his best friend. You placed a bookmark in the novel you were reading and put it in your bag before leaning against Allison. “Something’s wrong. Look at Stiles.”

“He always looks like that.”

“Okay, well he’s shifting his weight and playing with his hands. That’s a dead giveaway that- what the fuck?!” You gasped as Scott ran from the goal and tackled the first guy in line. “Did he just sniff him?”

“Yeah, it looks like it,” She leaned forward in concern. “Scott, what are you doing?..”

Scott looked up from the field before running back to his position. The two of you watched as he proceeded to repeat his actions with everyone in line until Jackson walked off, making you narrow your eyes in suspense. You recognized the next player as Isaac Lahey. He and Scott took off running and tried to tackle one another, resulting in them falling to the ground. Isaac landed on all fours and looked up at Scott, reminding you of how Scott practiced and played when he first turned.

“Oh my god,” You whispered. “Al, I think-”

“The cops are here,” Allison interrupted, pointing to your left. You looked over and, sure enough, a group of policemen walked over to Isaac, taking him away. The lacrosse team watched as they walked him off.

“Watch my stuff?” You looked over at Allison, earning a nod before you walked down the bleachers and made your way to the boys. “What the hell is going on?”

“I saw his eyes glow,” Scott leaned in and spoke in a hushed tone. “I thought I sensed another werewolf in the locker room earlier so Stiles asked Coach if I could play goalie.”

“That explains the tackling,” You mumbled sarcastically.

“His father’s dead. They think he was murdered.”

“Are they saying he’s a suspect?” Stiles asked.

“I’m not sure. Why?” Scott responded as you all looked over again.

“Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours,” Stiles responded.

“Like overnight?”

“During the full moon,” You breathed.

“How good are those things at holding people?”

“People? Good,” Stiles looked over at Scott. “Werewolves? Probably not that good.”

“Stiles, remember when I said I don’t have the urge to maim and kill?”


“He does.”

“Alright, ass wipes. Enough staring! Back to practice!”


The three of you sat in Mr. Harris’ class and spoke more about the previous events, trying to figure out if the Sheriff’s Department could hold Lahey or not.

“I don’t think they can do that. Well, not unless they have solid evidence,” You responded to Scott.

“Or a witness,” Stiles’ eyes widened. “Wait.. Danny. Where’s Jackson?”

“Principal’s office. Talking to your dad,” The dark-haired boy responded.

“What? Why?!”

“Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?”

“A witness,” Stiles looked back at you. “We’ve got to get to the principal’s office.”

“One step ahead of you,” You said, crumbling up a piece of paper and launching it at Mr. Harris’ head, causing the class to erupt in laughter.

“Who in the hell did that?” He growled, turning around. The three of you pointed at one another, earning a spot in the principal’s lineup. You all walked to his office and took a seat, looking in as Scott listened to the conversation. The sheriff walked out of the office and looked over at the three of you. Stiles quickly pulled up a magazine to his face in an effort to hide.

“Hi, Scott. Hey, Y/N,” He greeted his son’s friends before shooting his son a look of annoyance. You both waved as he walked away.

“Nice playoff,” You deadpanned, taking the magazine out of Stiles’ hands.

“Hey, give that back! I was actually reading about the Mets-”

“You three. Come on in,” A voice said from beside you. You all looked over to see Gerard standing before you.

“Y/N Y/L/N,” He read off of a file. “Beacon Hill’s smartest student. Very involved in the community; honor society, student council, writer’s club, and you still find time to volunteer. I see you’ve been lacking a bit. You haven’t logged many hours in a few weeks.”

“My parents divorced and I had to pick up shifts at the clinic,” You explained, not straying too far from the truth.

“That’s a shame. Sorry to hear about that,” He said unsympathetically. “Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete. Mr. Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse.”

“Oh, actually I’m already-”

“Hold on. McCall,” Gerard held up a finger. “You’re the Scott that was dating my granddaughter.”

“We were dating but not anymore. Not dating. We broke up. I’m actually in a new relationship,” He said, taking your hand. You and Stiles looked over in annoyance at your stumbling mess of a friend. “With Y/N. We’re dating now.”

“We are?” You asked, getting a look from Scott. “I didn’t know we’re official. Uh, yeah, yeah.. We’re dating now.”

“Childhood friends. It was bound to happen,” Scott shrugged. “Isn’t that right, babe?”

It took everything inside of you not to gag at the way he called you babe without any sort of irony. You swallowed and nodded.

Stiles scoffed before you kicked his ankle. “Sorry. I’m still bitter about that. I liked her too.”

The new principal chuckled before looking back at Scott.

“Well, that’s too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me,” Gerard smiled before looking away. You yanked your hand from Scott’s and shot him a look. “Now listen guys- Yes, I am the principal but I really don’t want you to think of me as the enemy.”

“Is that so?” Stiles asked sarcastically, making you let out a breathy chuckle.

“However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention.”

You looked over and Scott and realized he was looking past you. You looked to your right in time to catch Stiles’ gaze. He looked around at all of you before his jaw dropped.

“I threw the-” You began.

“No, I got it!” He flailed his arms. “I’ll go..”


“Stiles!” Scott called after his best friend who marched away. “Dude, I’m sorry! I freaked out! Y/N brought up the idea and Allison gave the okay so I assumed-”

“But I didn’t!” He stopped, turning back to Scott. “She asked me and I told her I wasn’t comfortable with it! Of course you assumed. You always do!”

“Stiles, I’m sorry-”

“Youalways are, dude! You never ask for permission. You always beg for forgiveness! I’m so tired of you just jumping into your own plan- … Wait, Y/N came up with the idea?”

Your eyes widened as he looked over at you.

“Did I say Y/N? No, it was my idea. That was all on me-”

“NO, Scott, it’s okay. Yeah, I did,” You confirmed, looking at your boyfriend. His face dropped, no longer showing an ounce of anger. He was hurt. “I just.. figured it’d be a good way around my mom’s strict rules so I could spend more time with you. But then you turned it down so I didn’t talk about it again.”

“Why would you-.. You told me it was Scott’s- You know what? Never mind,” He scoffed and walked off.

“Sti!” You began to walk after him before Scott held his arm out, preventing you from chasing after him. “What are you doing? I need to go after him.”

“He needs to cool down,” He shook his head. “Or else he’ll say something he doesn’t mean. Just give it an hour, okay? The conversation will still be there.”

“You’re right,” You hesitated. “God, it feels awful to hurt his feelings.”

“Tell me about it,” Scott sighed, looking over his shoulder to see Stiles walk around a corner. “Come on. Let’s go get some lunch, yeah?”


“Hey, you want me to wait on you, or should I catch another ride?” You asked as Stiles closed his locker after school.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be. It’d probably be best if you got another right,” He sighed. He wasn’t trying to hurt you. He genuinely didn’t know how long detention would run. Not to mention, his feelings were still hurt. His stomach dropped at the sight of you. Though it was a small lie, he couldn’t help but fear the possibility of his best friend developing feelings for the girl he loved wholeheartedly while in this fake relationship. After all, it hadn’t even been a full year since Scott got over his little crush. What if it came back?

“Stiles, can we just talk about this? I’m so s-”

“I have to get to detention, Y/N,” He shook his head before walking off. He was never one to be vulnerable, let alone when he was hurt. You thought you’d seen him open up more towards you but seeing him dismiss you made you think your relationship just took a step back.

You sighed. You weren’t expecting this reaction. He was genuinely hurt, and you could understand why; you lied. You’d be offended too considering a lot of your relationship was built on always telling the truth. It made you nervous, the impact of a small lie.

You’d recently learned more about the Delvoux family and kept it hidden from everyone, including Stiles. The powers developed in certain generations of the family. Those with magical abilities were often cursed; many of them went crazy. Of those, almost every single one either committed suicide or a heinous crime. Magic was a hard thing to control, and it often was the one doing the controlling. The stronger the witch and the more magic she used, the higher the risk was.

You didn’t say anything because the chances of having any sort of magical abilities were slim. It wasn’t until you started feeling tingling in your fingers and predicting events that it hit you; you had the ability. You thought you had it under control, but the magic kept finding you. Predictions came naturally. Not only that, but your intelligence was another form of magic in and of itself. Perfect grades regardless of the lack of studying, being able to understand even the hardest of topics, figuring out perfect plans for the pack to use during trying times; it was all your bloodline’s gift. Truth be told, you had no idea how long you’d been using magic to ace exams and focus on your studies.

“Hey,” Allison spoke, bringing you out of your deep thoughts. “I heard about Stiles. Are you okay?”

“Scott told you?” You sighed, adjusting your backpack.

“Yeah. I almost didn’t believe it until I saw him walk past me a minute ago,” She nodded. “How are you holding up?”

“Oh, I’m fantastic,” You smiled sarcastically, making her laugh.

“Wanna come over? We can get our minds off of our relationships and just watch a movie or something,” She offered. You hesitated before realizing that was actually exactly what you wanted to do and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go! I’ll let you pick the movie.”

You walked out to her car and made a quick stop by the video store, opting for the movie Inception. You also dropped by the store and picked out a few snacks for the movie, laughing and joking the whole time. She really had a way of cheering you up in your worst times.

After returning home, you greeted her parents. You knew they were skeptical of you, being Scott’s friend and all, but they smiled and treated you with nothing but kindness. You sat down at the dinner table after your movie and made them all laugh with your goofy stories and sweet disposition.

“Let’s go to my room and study!” Allison giggled, pulling you away from her mother and running up towards the stairs. She almost ran into a man dressed as a cop, apologizing as she moved aside. You caught glimpse of a small wooden container with a wolfsbane flower engraved on the top and froze. She gave you a look of concern before being summoned into her father’s office. “Go ahead. I’ll be right up to tell you everything.”

“Okay,” You nodded, jogging up to her room. It was only a few minutes before she opened her door with urgency and made her way to you.

“We need to do something about Isaac. Like right now. They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out-”

“I saw that! I’m assuming they’re sending him to Isaac?” You sighed. “He was carrying a box with wolfsbane in it. I could tell from the top because it was carved on top.”


“Yeah, it’s toxic to the werewolves. I think they’re gonna-”

You stopped at the sound of your phone going off. You looked up at Allison before grabbing and answering it.

“Hello?” You hesitated.

“Hey, sorry. Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally. He had my phone the whole fucking time!” Stiles’ voice echoed into your ear, making you frown. You could tell by his tone that he was still angry.

“It’s cool. Look, we have a bigger problem on our hands. I’m with Allison and her dad just sent a guy dressed as a sheriff’s deputy to the station for Isaac,” You explained. “He was carrying a box of wolfsbane with him.”

“Oh my god. They’re gonna kill him,” Stiles said. “Okay, okay, what’s the plan?”

“Um..” You trailed off.

“You don’t have a plan?!”

“Doyou?” You rebutted. “I just found out about this literally five seconds ago!”

“Okay, uh, you and Allison follow that guy to the station. Slow him down, alright? I’ll meet you there,” Stiles scrambled for the words as he conceived the plan on the spot. “See, now that wasn’t too hard was it?”

You rolled your eyes. “I’ll see you soon. Bye … Allison, let’s get in your car. I’ll explain everything on the way.”

You both ran downstairs and hopped in her car before speeding off. You quickly filled her in on the plan and within a few minutes, you had the man on the ground screaming with an arrow in his leg.

“Nice!” You whispered, making her smile. “If things don’t work out with Scott, just know I’m next in line.”

“Noted,” She chuckled. “I’ll keep the spot reserved for you.”

You laughed as you both ran away to get some distance. Once you felt safe, you picked up your phone and dialed your boyfriend.

“Hey, did you slow him down?” Stiles answered.

“You could say that,” You let out a breathy chuckle as you looked at Allison.

“Alright, well, uh, I’m headed to the station right now.”

“Where’s Scott?” Allison chimed in, leaning against your head to hear the conversation.


“Does he have a plan?” She followed up.

“Yeah, but not a very good one. And unfortunately, we don’t really have time to come up with anything better,” Stiles huffed.

“I have to go find him,” Allison said.

“Oh, that’s not a very good idea either,” Your eyes widened.

“No! That’s a really stupid idea actually!” Stiles cried. “Stay at the station. It’s safer there. He should be going all out werewolf right about now.”

“Let’s split up,” Allison brushed off. “You stay here. I’m only a phone call away and Stiles is on the way.”

“Allison!” Stiles shouted. “Al, listen to me! You’re safer as a group! Stay with-”

“She’s gone,” You sighed. “Fuck! What am I supposed to do here? What’s Scott’s plan?”

“This wasn’t a part of it,” Stiles squeaked. “I’m picking up Derek right now, okay? Hide. I’ll be right there. And Y/N!”


“Just.. be careful, alright? I’m still pissed but I really don’t know what I would do without you so just stay safe,” He lowered his tone.

“You too,” You smiled softly. “Take a breath. We got this, okay? I’ll see you soon.”

“Thanks. I love you, bye!”

You sat in an alleyway and watched as people entered and exited the sheriff’s station. You kept your eyes peeled for anyone with a limp. Time seemed to fly by now that you finally heard him say he loved you. Ever since your lab earlier, you felt anxiety swell in the pit of your stomach that begged to know just how badly you screwed up. His tone cleared it all up; this was simply argument. Nothing catastrophic.

Just as your mind began to wander back to the thoughts and secrets of your bloodline, you saw a familiar baby blue Jeep pull up. You smiled and jogged up to it before tapping on the passenger’s window.

“Would you please tell this person of interest that going in there as a distraction isn’t the best idea?” Stiles flailed his arms.

“I’m an innocent person of interest!”

“You?!” Stiles laughed. “Yeah, right!”

“Going back to your question, it depends on the distraction,” You shrugged. “If you flirt, you’re golden. It’s the new deputy and she drops everything at the opportunity to get her dick wet.”

“She has a dick?” Derek raised his brows

“I don’t know! It’s just an expression,” You chuckled.

“You’re only saying that because you hate her,” Stiles deadpanned. “She doesn’t drop everything for male validation. She just happened to have flirted with me in front of Y/N.”

No. I might not like her but I’m just saying the truth,” You argued.

“Oh, so now she’s capable of telling the truth!” He gasped.

“Stiles, refer to me in the third person again and I will do this by myself,” You huffed.

You opened Derek’s door and motioned him to walk in front of you before following close behind. You and Stiles waited for him to capture her full attention before sneaking in behind them. Stiles led the way to his father’s office, typing in the code to a small safe. When he opened it, there was nothing in there.

“Oh, no..” He mumbled, making you peak over his shoulder before you looked at one another and took off running. You looked through the hallways and whipped a quick right to run into a cop. “Oh, uh, just looking for..”

You both looked down at the man’s leg to see it was impaled with an arrow. “Oh shit..”

He held out a gun and pushed the two of you in front of him, herding you to the holding cells. You saw Stiles trip beside you and took the opportunity to yank the fire alarm. The man’s eyes lit up with anger before shoving you with force into the room. You stumbled and fell backward into the open cell.

“That’s not good,” You muttered, pausing to look around for the feral werewolf that loomed in the room. As soon as you caught a glimpse of him in the corner, he launched his body into that of the faux cop. He stumbled back before trying to fight back. His hand was quickly caught and bent to an ungodly angle. You took the opportunity to run towards your boyfriend, checking him for any scrapes before looking back once again.

“Are you okay?” He asked, holding your face in his hands. You nodded before seeing a figure appear at the doorway.

Derek entered the room and stomped on the vile of wolfsbane before calmly looking up at Isaac. Your eyes widened in fear when his eyes shifted to your boyfriend; the intention of maiming in killing was certainly clear now.

In the midst of the chaos, you lowered your jaw and felt yourself give him a deadly look. Isaac approached with a similar look until he caught your gaze. He froze, making the men in the room look towards you as well.

Back.Off,” You ordered with an authoritative voice. Isaac simply stared at you, the look of horror slowly arising. “GET THE FUCK BACK!”

He stumbled back with utter terror, falling back into the wall behind him and curling into a ball. You heard his whimpers and breathed out a sigh of relief before looking back at Stiles. His lips parted in amazement.

“How did you do that?” He breathed.

“Peter was right,” Derek spoke up in disbelief. “You’re a Delvoux.”

He quickly gathered his beta before fleeing the scene, leaving you and Stiles in the room alone with the unconscious man on the opposite of the room. Stiles got up and offered you a hand.

“So what else are you hiding from me?” He furrowed his brows. “You gonna cast a spell of forgiveness next?”

“Wha- I didn’t even know I could do that!” You argued, making him scoff.

“I don’t even know what to believe anymore,” He grumbled, letting go of your hand.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Stilinski?!” You shouted. “This is the thanks I get for saving your life? Yes, I lied. And I’m so sorry. Truly. You have to know how guilty I’ve felt about hiding this from you. But you don’t get a free pass into every bit of information about my life just because your my boyfriend!”

“Jesus Christ, Y/N. I never asked that from you! All I ask is for the truth. If you’re not ready to talk about something, then fucking tell me that! I won’t push you to talk about anything but I feel like a boyfriend should know when his girlfriend is going through something. I’m fed up with your secrecy!” He shouted. “You had no right to tell me your little dating plan was Scott’s idea!”

“You’re right, Stiles. That one is completely on me, okay? And I won’t ever do that again. I’m sorry I hurt you,” You lowered your tone, but anger dripped from your following words. “But this whole Delvoux thing?! I’m hiding most of it to protect you because I would assume you wouldn’t want to know that it’s a fucking curse!”

“A curse?” He blinked. “What do you mean by that?”

You stayed silent and looked away.

“Look, I get that you don’t wanna talk about it but don’t hold back on my account. I can handle the-”

“Stiles?” You heard a voice from the doorway, making your boyfriend look towards his father. You sighed, holding back tears from the argument. “Y/N, wait in the lobby. Stiles, come with me.”

You nodded and walked past the group of deputies, towards the lobby. You could hear the inaudible shouting from his office and closed your eyes, wishing this would all just stop. You wanted nothing more than to curl up into your pillow and cry away the hopeless feeling that sank into the pit of your stomach. You placed your head on your hands to hide the tears that refused to stay in your eyes, not knowing how much time passed before you felt a familiar presence in front of you.

“Hey,” Stiles spoke softly. You remained in your position, not wanting to show your tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. “Can we talk in the Jeep?”

You sighed and nodded before grabbing your backpack and standing up, not daring to look at his sympathetic gaze. You walked out in front of him, seeing his hand move past you to open the door. He repeated the usual act when you got to his Jeep. You hopped in and wiped your cheeks as he jogged over.

“I’m sorry,” You began. “I’m sorry for not telling the truth and for hurting you. It was never my intention. You didn’t deserve that, Sti. I’m so sorry.”

“I know,” He nodded. “I’m sorry for acting so childish. I don’t think I would’ve been so mad had Scott not said you were his earlier. I was acting out of jealousy and you didn’t deserve that either. It’s okay that you hid some stuff from me and that you lied. I get it. And you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. Just know I’m here for you if you want to.”

“I feel like I’ve been on the verge of a mental breakdown from not telling you everything. I think you should know,” You sighed, swallowing the knot in your throat. You proceeded to tell him everything; the magic, the way you mindlessly used it for your intelligence, the effect it might have on you and it being the reason you’ve been so hesitant about looking into it.. You didn’t want to accidentally use more magic. He listened intently while rubbing his hand on your thigh.

“We’ll find a way,” He reassured. “We always do.”

“I don’t know, Stiles,” Your voice finally broke. “I don’t think we will this time. I’m so scared.”

“Hey, come here,” He whispered, pulling you into his embrace. “I will find a way around this if it’s the last thing I do, okay? You’re going to be okay. You have my word. And I’ll stick it through with you no matter what.”

He held you tightly as you sobbed quietly into his shoulder, rubbing your back for the few minutes you allowed yourself to cry it all out. Once your breathing finally regulated, you leaned back again.

“I don’t know how I would do this without you. I love you so much,” You laughed, wiping the final tears from your face using the sleeve of your shirt. “It actually hurts sometimes.”

“God, I feel that in my soul,” He chuckled, reaching over to wipe your cheek with his thumb. “Love sucks. No one ever tells you how bad you feel when you hurt the person you love. Or how your chest literally feels like it’s going to explode when they fall asleep on it.”

“It sucks so bad,” You giggled, making him smile. “I don’t even wanna imagine what heartbreak is like.”

“Oh, I don’t plan on ever feeling it with you,” He admitted. “I refuse. You’re just stuck with me I guess.”

“I’m okay with that,” You looked into his eyes. “I’m still sorry.”

“It’s okay! It’s okay! All is forgiven,” He laughed. “Just please don’t cry again because holy shit I feel like I just got punched in the gut.”

“Okay, I promise I won’t cry again,” You smiled. He returned the facial expression, looking at you with utter admiration. “So you were jealous, huh?”

“Oh my god. So fucking jealous!” He said, making you laugh again. “Like I was fully prepared to just like punch him and surround myself in mountain ash.”

“If it makes you feel better, there’s nothing to be jealous about,” You put your hand on the side of his neck.

“Oh?” He raised his brows. “Why’s that?”

“Because I am so, completely, and utterly yours. I don’t think anyone could compare to you. You’re like the best boyfriend ever. I mean, you’re hot, nice, smart, and hot and funny and caring, oh and did I mention hot?!” You grinned as he threw his head back in laughter before scrunching your nose. “Also, Scott?! EW! Bleh! Hell no! I really do see him like a brother so that’s just fucking gross!”

“Thank God,” He leaned back and sighed in relief. You took his hand in yours and took in his features, still not quite believing he was yours. “I love you.”

“I love you more, dumbass,” You smiled, squeezing his hand. “Hey, my mom’s working the late shift. You mind if I stay the night?”

“I was just about to ask you actually,” He chuckled. “Yes, please stay the night!”

“Okay, I’ll definitely make it all up to you tonight,” You said, a little more seductive than you anticipated. His eyes widened in response. “Let’s go.”

“H-hold up,” He stuttered. “Wait, wait, wait. What? Tonight?!”

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. We just got into an argument so I totally understand if don’t want to-” You blushed.

“NO! I mean, uh,” He squeaked before clearing his throat and speaking in a deeper tone. “No, I definitely want to. But didn’t we promise Scott not to until he..?”

“He did it last night,” You smiled. “So?”

He looked at you with wide eyes and lips parted before clumsily fumbling to start the car and speeding off. You laughed at his urgency and the grin that painted his features. “This is gonna be awesome.”



As always, please let me know what you think of this! I love love love to hear from you guys :) Plz like and/or reblog, it really helps me out! Comment or DM if you’d like to be added to the tag list! Thanks for reading!

Before, I continue with my regularly formatted, goofy A/N, I want to talk about something first. The War in Ukraine..

My heart goes out to Ukraine and those oppressed under the Russian regime. My soul feels heavy knowing about the horrors going on in their country. Innocent people and children are dying because of a mentally unstable facist’s pride. I stand with Ukraine and their heroic fight for democracy. I have never felt such pride as I do seeing these people fight for their freedom and livelihoods. They are truly the definition of heroes. If you want to donate, please visit this website. It will provide you with multiple organizations and charities that you can donate to.

Now back to your regularly scheduled, dumb ass A/N. I’ve had written for a couple of weeks now.

A/N:Sorry y’all. You know me, I’m a SLUT for some angst. Can’t have a relationship without an argument from time to time. I just have a feeling Stiles is like super petty as a way to hide his vulnerable side before he comes to his senses and apologizes. I promise he’ll get better at handling his emotions, he’s just ✨traumatized✨. I feel like he needs Y/N’s divine feminine energy to really get in touch with that side of himself. Anyways, I’m ranting now. SERIOUSLY HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE WITH THE SERIES RN OMG.


Riding off in the sunset with my homies for life ☀️

Riding off in the sunset with my homies for life ☀️

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Stiles Stilinski - 5x07 -  American Apparel Flex Fleece Zip Hoodie in Cranberry submitted by @a-luck

Stiles Stilinski - 5x07 -  American Apparel Flex Fleece Zip Hoodie in Cranberry

submitted by @a-lucky-kind

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20 Characters I Love: Stiles Stilinski

Personally, I’m a huge fan of ignoring the problem until eventually it just goes away

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Teen Wolf Inspired Stiles Stilinski Quotes T-Shirt Gearing up for the new season of Teen Wolf. You sTeen Wolf Inspired Stiles Stilinski Quotes T-Shirt Gearing up for the new season of Teen Wolf. You s

Teen Wolf Inspired Stiles Stilinski Quotes T-Shirt

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Artwork done for the AMAZING work It Was a Wednesday by the PHENOMENAL @isthatbloodonhisshirt !!!!! If you want to be freaking mind blown by how awesome this plot is GO READ THIS RIGHT NOW!

On another note hello thank you Blood for being the sweetest sweetie that ever sweeted. Can’t wait to work with you in the future. Our brain babies will be glorious!

Ps I love your face
