#stiles stilinski sister


Hi guys! This is the next part of the Stiles Sis Fic series based loosely (and even that is generous) off of season two episode two. For the rest of this series and more of my writing, click here.  Enjoy!

You were starting to contemplate how you were going to explain what was about to happen to your father, when by some miracle he got called back into the station. Your relief was short-lived though as with every minute that passed, Isaac was struggling more and more. His senses were on overdrive, he felt every muscle in his body, and both his senses and emotions were heightened. He felt the fear of the hunters, the sadness of losing his dad, the anger at his dad for being in this position in the first place. But he also felt safe being with you and an overwhelming need to protect you, he was trying to channel into that and ignore everything else. What had you called it earlier? Finding an anchor. Maybe for now you could be his anchor. 

“Isaac, you still with me?” you asked after he had zoned out for a minute. 

“Yeah, sorry.” 

“You have nothing to be sorry for, you’re doing great. I just wanted to check in, is there anything you need?”

“Just keep talking, it helps. Keeps me focused.” 

So, you decided to catch him up on everything that had happened in your life since that fated night before school when Scott got bit. Before you could finish though, you were cut off by Isaac’s sudden shift in demeaner. His teeth were clenched, breaths forceful. He tensed up and was on the verge of losing control all together. 

“Isaac,” you said cautiously. 

“You have to go, I don’t want to hurt you!” 

“Listen Isaac, this is the worst of it. Right here, right now, you just have to fight it out a little longer and it will all be over.”

“I can’t! Please go,” he struggled, all but growling. 

“Isaac I’m not leaving, and you aren’t going to hurt me. You are the strongest person I know, you just need to focus on what it is that makes you human. Find an anchor. I believe in you, you can do this,” you reassured him, taking a step towards him. 

Isaac recoiled away from you, afraid of what he might do. Deep down he could feel it, the bloodlust, he could hear your pulse, he could…  what were you doing?

He looked at your hand which had reached for his now clawed one. You gently took it in yours and carefully placed it over your heart. You were grounding him the way you used to do when he had panic attacks. He could feel your heart beat and the calming rise and fall of your chest.

“Hey, look at that,” you spoke. 

Isaac looked up and realized for the first time that his claws and fangs had retracted. His senses were still heightened, but it was more manageable. He glanced at the clock, he had made it. Relieved, he pulled you into a tight hug and you let out a breath that you hadn’t even known you were holding.

“Congratulations on making it through your first full moon.”

The two of you didn’t say much else, electing instead to crawl in your bed and allow the exhaustion to take over.


When Scott and Stiles arrived at Scott’s house, the plan was for a quiet night in. That was at least before Allison called. Apparently, she overheard a conversation between her grandfather and her dad in which it was revealed that Isaac’s dad was killed by something supernatural, but not a werewolf. If that wasn’t bad enough, they were sending hunters to Isaac’s house, with the intention to put him out of his misery if he so much as looked at the full moon. On top of that, they were apparently suspicious of Lydia as well.

“We have to do something, if Isaac’s at his house Y/n’s there too,” Stiles realized.

“You’re right, but with the hunters there we can’t just show up or they’ll expect something,” Scott added.

“I’ll go,” Allison decided, “his father was just killed, so I can say I was just checking in on him as a friend. Besides, nobody knows that I know about him or their plans.”

“You are not going alone, it’s too dangerous,” Scott argued.

“I’m an Argent, they won’t do anything to me, besides, I can handle myself,” she reminded.

“They might not, but if this is Isaac’s first full moon, I’m not taking that risk. I’ll meet you there,” Scott decided, hanging up before she could object.

“I gotta go. See if you can sneak into the morgue or the station or something and get photos of what happened to Isaac’s father. After that maybe swing by and check on Lydia,” Scott instructed as he searched for a hoodie. 

Before Stiles could say anything else, Scott was sprinting out the door and towards Isaac’s house. Careful not to be seen, he made it inside and was soon met by Allison. It was soon revealed that neither you or Isaac were there.

“Where should we check next?” Allison asked, “Scott?”

“I thought I could control this,” Scott struggled.

“It’s okay Scott, what do you need me to do?”

“You have to leave. I can’t - It’s not safe,” Scott said as his breathing began to speed up. 

“I’m not leaving you Scott, there has to be something we can do,” Allison decided bravely.

After some thought, it was decided that Allison would lock him in the freezer. They same way Isaac’s dad had done to him on far too many occasions. She reluctantly tightened the chains around it before locking them. She had originally planned on staying by Scott’s side, but she heard noises coming from upstairs. She thought that maybe it could have been you and Isaac, so she cautiously made her way up.

But instead it was one of her father’s men who had come to take out Isaac. She knew that she had to keep him from going downstairs and discovering Scott at all costs, especially if he wasn’t fully in control.

Upon seeing her, the many questioned why she was here and where Isaac was. Before she could lie though, a lizard-like creature burst through the window. She screamed and raced forward to get a knife before backing herself into the corner. The creature didn’t even glance in her direction, its sole focus on the hunter before it. Before she or the other hunter could react, it swiped the back of the hunter’s neck and then brutally shoved its claws in his stomach and dragged them up through his chest. Allison screamed again at the gruesome sight, not prepared for the horrifying gurgling noises that followed.

In the basement, Scott was doing everything in his power to escape the freezer. He had never heard Allison scream like that and he knew that she was in danger. He could protect her if he could just get out! He furiously pounded at the lid until it finally popped open. Within seconds, he was upstairs standing between Allison and the…what is that thing?

But as soon as he arrived, the creature darted off into the night.

He didn’t even consider following and instead turned to Allison holding her arms as he looked for any sign of injury, “Are you alright? Did it hurt you?”

“No I’m fine. It didn’t touch me,” she said softly trying to ignore the shock of the whole situation. Scott pulled her into a tight hug for a moment before his eyes met the body and pool of blood that were mere feet away.

The scent of the blood was nauseating, and the smell of Allison’s fear was not much better. “We have to get out of here, before more hunters show up” Scott said leading his girlfriend away from it all.


Stiles had completely struck out at the police station. The case photos that he snuck in to get weren’t even in his dad’s office. And as he was trying to sneak out of the office, he was caught by one of the deputies. Lying on his feet was not a strong suit of Stiles’ and he was forced to sit there and wait until his dad came to collect him.

He was agitated as this was supposed to be a quick in and out so that he would still have time to check on Lydia. He pulled out his phone and debated whether or not to call you, he knew you were probably still mad at him, but he was both worried about you being alone with Isaac (especially with the hunters involved) and he knew that you would be far more likely to get a response from Lydia than he would. 

He swallowed his pride and dialed your number only for it to go straight to voicemail. So either your phone was dead, you are ignoring him because your mad, or your in trouble. Great. He decided to call Scott next but once again, there was no answer. Feeling a growing sense of dread, he decided to call Allison, and then he realized that he still didn’t have her number.

Before he could call anyone else, his dad arrived with a disapproving look.

“You know that it is a crime to break in to the police station, in to the sheriff’s office, so do you wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?”

Luckily for him, Stiles had been provided with enough time to think of a valid excuse, “Honestly, I was trying to figure out what you knew about Isaac’s dad’s case. Y/n and him are close and I wanted to see if there was anything that I could do to help.”

“You can help by being there for him, not by committing a felony and trying to get me fired,” your dad rolled his eyes.

“Do you know where Y/n is?” Stiles tried changing the subject.

“She is at the house with Isaac, where I am supposed to be to keep an eye on him as he is still technically a suspect in a murder investigation,” his dad sighed, Stiles had good intentions, though he always seemed to have a knack for putting his nose where it didn’t belong. “Come on, let’s go home, we’ll talk about this later.”

Stiles felt somewhat relieved, though he still didn’t like the idea of you being alone with Isaac. Then he realized that he needed to distract your guys’ dad so that he wouldn’t accidently find out about Isaac’s secret. However, that wasn’t a problem as he was soon called to a crime scene. Another murder. He told Stiles to go straight home, and then quickly left the station.

It was as Stiles got in Roscoe that Scott called him back. He briefly explained what had happened and what he saw of the creature. After Allison had calmed down, she went to Lydia’s so she would have an excuse for being away from home. At this point it was after midnight, and the power of the moon was starting to dwindle. Scott asked is Stiles had heard from you at all, and Stiles told him that he knew you and Isaac were at your house, to which he was headed now, but that your phone was off. Stiles also told Scott that he should go home and lay low, but he doubted his friend would actually listen. 

When he pulled into the driveway he mentally braced himself for what he was going to find. His thoughts went back to Scott’s first full moon and his bloodthirst and complete lack of control. And that was Scott, he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for someone like Isaac who had been through everything that he had been through. He made his way upstairs and hesitated momentarily outside your door. He took a deep breath and opened it, allowing the light from the hallway to flood in. He was slightly shocked to see that you Isaac were laying on your bed. There were no signs that anything out of the ordinary had happened.

The light woke you up and you squinted to see who opened your door. It was Stiles, you rolled your eyes debating whether you wanted to deal with him right now. As he started to close your door, you forced yourself out of bed careful not to disturb Isaac.

“Lydia was completely fine tonight,” you say from Stiles’ doorway startling him, “I figured you would want to know,” you turned away.

“Y/n,” he called after you, “I am sorry about earlier.”

“I know you are,” you said sincerely, “and it’s fine. We can talk tomorrow about what happened today and Isaac, and everything else.”  

You decided to grab a glass of water before heading back to bed when you noticed that there was someone pacing outside your front door. You recognized Scott and stood there and watched him for a moment. It was weird, in all the time that the two of you had been friends, you couldn’t remember ever getting into an argument with him. You would be lying if you said his words hadn’t hurt you, but you reminded yourself that they weren’t truly his words. So you turned the lock on the door, “You know, you could have knocked, rung the doorbell, called, text, or even yelled instead of standing out here like a dork. Maybe my brother is starting to wear off on you,” you joke half-heartedly.

“Y/n I-” Scott started.

“You were dealing with the full moon, and said some things that you didn’t mean. But you are a high school student with the weight of the world on his shoulders and you didn’t ask for this. Every time you turn around it seems like there is one more obstacle between you and any chance that you have of living a normal life. It’s okay Scott, even you are allowed to have a bad day every once in a while.”

“That’s not an excuse, and I really am sorry.”

“Well, I accept your apology and later I promise to catch you up to speed on everything that happened. But its late and I’m exhausted.”

“Are you sure we’re okay?” Scott asked, confused at how you could possibly not be mad at him. 

“We’re good, I promise. Now come inside and get some rest, you can have your choice of Stiles’ room or the couch,” you said, grabbing him some blankets.

As Scott laid down on your couch, he started to think. Maybe Isaac being a werewolf would be manageable, after all the two of you were close and Scott knew that would work in your favor later on. Derek had to stop though, with the hunters on high-alert this was the worst possible time to be converting innocent teens into werewolves. His thoughts then drifted to that creature he saw and how scarred Allison was. One thing was for sure, tomorrow was going to be a long day.
