#still iconic



“You are my daily meteor shower.”

—Jack Pearson



not to be dramatic, but Okoye telling her bitch ass husband she would end him without hesitation when he tried to manipulate her changed me as a person and cured my depression. 

“would you kill me my love?”

“for wakanda? No question.”

a woman in my theater: “oH I HEARD THAT!!!!”


edmond dantes is rlly representing the dumbasses who have a 20 in charisma and wisdom but a 2 in intelligence bc when he realized that maximilian morrel was locked in his room & abt to kill himself, his first panicked response was to punch through the door’s window and to yell “WHOOPS I SLIPPED WOW YOUR FLOOR SURE IS SLIPPERY HA HA DON’T MIND ME STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, I’LL LET MYSELF IN”


an absolute FUCKING moron

brodyromero:gonna do more hopefully but heres some doodles from the megaforce panel at rangerstop!


gonna do more hopefully but heres some doodles from the megaforce panel at rangerstop!!

jake and gia one their outback steakhouse date and christina with her alternate universe self

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