
Illustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illus

Illustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illustrated by Louis le Breton

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Episode 7: Ozzie’s (Stolitz Analysis)


first, we see stolas brooding in his home, moping around, watching hellanovas and having cereal, which is a mood, (gabriella). then, he sees blitzo calling and panics but lighting up immediately. hes extremely excited at the mere prospect of blitzo calling him, no matter the context, which has proved me and probably many stolitz fans wrong. initially, i thought stolas was unable to separate his desires from his love for blitzo, which i still thought was there, he just didnt know about it. im honestly so happy to be proven wrong just by this scene.

(and yes, this proves that stolas likes blitzo for more than the superficial, if anyone needed clarification)


blitzo fumbles over his words, cursing under his breath as he tries to persuade stolas into going with him. blitzo didnt think his plan through, that much is obvious, because stolas was his first option (second if you count him flirting with the bouncer) to sneak in, even if he is taking advantage of the prince by doing so. however, he isn’t aware about how he doesn’t even need to try. judging by stolas’ expression, he’d go wherever blitzo needed him to, and that was what he did. 

anyway, we then witness some of the most awkward flirting ever, stolas doing his best to start off the date with blitzo just not paying attention. note how blitzo seems uncomfortable throughout the entire situation, he just used stolas a ticket in and nothing more. the owl is trying to take this date seriously now and it unsettles him. and even later on, blitzo never tells stolas this was a farce. i personally believe its because he doesnt have the heart to ruin stolas’ fun, since when was he ever one to not state clearly what he wanted from stolas?

back in episode two, stolas used money to get blitzo to accompany him to loo loo land and never once did blitzo ever entertain the thought that this was anything but a job. same with the harvest moon festival, where blitzo says his employees would like it and they couldnt do their job that day anyway without the book. i could be stretching though, since this is the first time we see blitzo intiating any romantic gesture with stolas and its to exploit the owl, so maybe he just doesnt wanna deal with it.

then we get to asmodeus’s song and where blitzo stands up for moxxie (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FROM EPISODE 6 OK HE’S PUTTING HIMSELF IN UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONS FOR MOXXIE) and his past comes back to haunt him. this time literally, rather than a breakdown manifestation, and how verosika and fizz criticise blitzo’s love life. im not even gonna get into WHY fizz knows blitzo sucks at romance cuz god, so many theories with blitzo’s past have emerged from this episode, but we know why verosika does.

verosika says he’s selfish and couldn’t reciprocate with love when she gave him all of hers, proving that yes, she was most likely in love with him and honestly i think he was to. his breakdown-verosika in ep 6 said he shoved away anyway that got too close to him until they resented him, so maybe he was starting to let verosika in emotionally, then realized if he did, he’d just get hurt so he ended it.

now, lets go into detail about whats happening here when asmodeus confronts stolas about him being with blitzo. 

asmodeus sings: “you used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! i hope you didnt give it up so you and him could get it uppppp” he immediately targeted the one weak spot stolas sees in his relationship with blitzo; the damage its done to his family. 


he doesnt feel ashamed about being with blitzo ever. i’d go as far as to say he wantseveryone to know he’s with blitzo. examples being the scene with the bouncer at the start of the episode, the entirety of loo loo land, and the harvest moon festival during his speech. most moments this episode, it feels like hes worried for blitzo instead of being ashamed of blitzo, but his family is the achilles heel of his love for blitzo and asmodeus hit the nail right on the head. 

he once told octavia that he’d never leave her for blitzo in loo loo land with the utmost certainty, and he didn’t, but it seems like stella and him have seperated at the very least, proving to everyone and himself that he fucked up and basically ruined his daughter family’s for blitzo. 

stolas then hides his face in the menu in shame and blitzo looks at him in fear, then looks away, betraying shock in his gaze. blitzo probably right then and there, realized this was just yet another relapse of everything, that this wasn’t gonna be any different from fizzarolli (whatever happened there), verosika or maybe even tilla and barbie wire.

(side note: its so ingenious using lust as the destination for this episode where stolitz have their first real conflict, and having m&m there. lust is the ONE THING stolas and  blitzo have for each other and the one thing m&m, while have, arent especially focused on it. 

it draws a comparison stolitz and how sexually charged their relationship is, and how the expression of love part is the problem here. they love each other, sure, but they really, really, really dont know how to do it healthily.  

having a club set in lust, a setting meant to be sexual but also puts heavy emphasis on romantic relationships, juxtaposes stolitz’s problems with romance to their sex shit. showing how stolas, an owl whos horny as FUCK and someone whose introduction was a rich prince that gave off almost rapey vibes, really craves blitzo’s love more than the sex, since he doesnt once suggest anything related to sex during the entire episode to blitzo, despite the whole setting being made for it.

asmodeus and fizzarolli most likely love each other too. being a “implied” (implied in quotes, because anyone with eyes can figure it out from their nuzzling and cuddling) couple, but they’re the primary antagonists towards stolitz and m&m’s relationships this episode. they attack m&m by making fun of moxxie’s song, despite obviously enjoying it in the end, and they just destroyed blitzo’s self-esteem, along with hitting stolas where it hurt.

but they’re two individuals who seem to be able to communicate with each other without a word, if their performative chemistry is anything to go by. they have each other’s back and are partners in crime, and even though they’re fundamentally assholes, they know each other. a parallel they have to m&m in a way, but another thing stolitz doesn’t have. they still seem to hate m&m’s adorable lovey-doveyness, but i’d chalk that up to them being performers in a club of lust for couples and not wanting this sappiness soaking up the sexual tension.)

when the whole debacle is over, stolas reaches out to blitzo tentatively but blitzo retracts his hand, nearly flinching the touch. blitzo tells stolas that they should leave and stolas hurries along worriedly. he doesn’t seem as affected by asmodeus more than he is concerned about blitzo, who had become incredibly defensive and moody. 

…now onto the car ride scene.

stolas starts, “thank you for…inviting me out tonight. despite everything that’s happened…i enjoyed spending time with you”, to which blitzo only responds with a “yeah” apathetically. you can see him face-palming in annoyance, but i believe that annoyance is more directed to the fact that in his mind, stolas still has the courtesy to “act nice” when he saw stolas recoil and hide himself when asmodeus confronted him about their relationship. he doesnt want to believe stolas could still love him after that. it’s also just him being in such an emotional, vulnerable state, he doesnt know what to do so he defaults to irritation. 


stolas offers blitzo to come in, proving that stolas just reallly loved blitzo enough to stick with him after that disaster. he wants this so badly, why else would he have tried so hard? finally, going on an actual date with blitzo, and sure, it ended terribly, but he doesnt want this to end. he really loves this imp. 

but blitzo isnt taking any of it.

“im not fucking you tonight, okay?” blitzo’s voice shaky and desperately trying to hide vulnerability in plain sight, just as he does this entire scene. he glares at stolas, the first time he’s made eye contact with the other this entire scene, even if it’s incredibly brief.


“i’m really…just” blitzo holds a finger up, in a give-me-a-minute gesture before he puts it down immediately after and chokes back tears. he sighs, trying to rein his true emotions back in as they spill out onto his voice, “i’m really not in the mood, stolas.” 

“we could talk?” yet stolas still continues to try to make an effort to reach out, “or watch a movie, or maybe cuddle?” his voice is tentative but wistful, and the music accompanies it, hopeful music surging in on the word “talk”.

“stolas, don’t act what we have is anything butyouwantingmetofuckyou.you make that really clear all the time, but i-i-i just can’t do it tonight, okay?” his bottom lip quivers, “i’m sorry.”


as i said in my episode 6 analysis (check it out if you’d like, i’m rather proud of it), i believe blitzo realized he cared more for stolas than he planned to via the drug trip, and knows he loves stolas now, because never once does he say “i dont love you” or “i don’t want you” episode 6 onward. his dialogue is explicitly “this is how our relationship works” or “you wanting me to fuck”. he doesn’t even say anything like “i can’t be with you” and deflects it onto “i can’t FUCK you tonight”. it’s all explicitly about the sex. 

and therein lies the problem of how blitzo sees their relationship. he can’t look past the fact stolas might see him for more than the “transactional fucking”, without the sex, without the deal. his past relationships have proved him otherwise before. even back in episode 5, when he first uses the phrase transactional fucking, he has to clarify it is only that. 

stolas, hearing this, droops immediately, but he respects blitzo’s feelings and back aways, bowing. “…okay. good night, blitz.”

we all know how this ends; stolas crying on the stairs to his mansion and blitzo crying, curled up in a ball in his apartment, all alone.


blitzo and stolas are a fucking mess, and i’ve seen people argue over who caused this incident. personally, i don’t think anyone particular was responsible for hurting each other. blitzo’s insecurities were what made him close himself up when stolas tried to reach out and stolas’ for when he was mocked by asmodeus. they were a ship ready to crash, and did they crash.

i honestly loved how this was handled, no matter how much it hurt. it was delicious and i can’t wait for episode 8.




Vivziepop: “Stolas and Blitzo are a romance!”


Blitzo is in genuine danger? Sexual Harassment.

Blitzo is trying to do his job? Sexual Harassment even AFTER Blitzo is clearly shown to be uncomfortable with Stolas’s antics.

Blitzo is trying to KEEP his job? Sexual Harassment AND Manipulation at the same exact time.

His underage daughteris there while he is on the phone with Blitzo in episode 2? MORE Sexual Harassment towards Blitzo while his 17 year old daughter is right in front of him.

I dont care if people try to call me “anti-stolitz” for pointing out how tone deaf the canon is. As a Stolitz shipper who has been here since the Pilot all I can say is this: This is AWFUL. What Stolas is doing to Blitzo is AWFUL. This is NOT romantic. This is NOT ok. STOP!

Stop using Stolitz (a shipping from fanon!) to defend the canon’s toxic implications with Stolas. Im not just going to “wait” until the relationship is anywhere CLOSE to healthy if the show chooses to continue this way. Them randomly changing him will never justify the fact that they tried to play said sexual harassment as “cute” and “funny” no matter how many times they try to make the audience sympathize with him. Especially since Stolas has many chances to treat Blitzo better…. but just chooses not to!

And here’s the thing too, him being in a monarchy is actually notan excuse either. If the show wants to show that “not all of the monarchy is bad” they should show it instead of making Stolas as insufferably creepy as humanly possible and it being a “flawed” relationship is not an excuse either. “Flawed” should not always have to mean genuinely harmful and or toxic.

Relationships can be “flawed” without them going to this level.

You dont HAVE to support Stolas’s actions to like Stolitz.

Ship him with Blitzo all you want! But that will NEVER change the canon’s implications. Canon Stolas is NOT a good father for doing these things in front of Octavia and her mother. Canon Stolas is NOT a good boyfriend or a “cute horny owl” for how he treats Blitzo.

Stop fetishizing or mocking men being sexually harassed and r*ped!

It was never funny and the fact that our community goes out of it’s way thismuch to excuse Stolas’s behavior towards Blitzo is actually genuinely concerning.



Not to mention that not every relationship has to be buttercups and rainbows. Something fun about growing and maturing is that you can recognize that fictional things =/= good things to replicate irl. Theres a noticeable disgust from Blitzo in this relationship, and people older than 17 (seriously fuck off the channel, this shit age restricted dumbass) can recognize that “hey, person B is uncomfey with person A’s advances. irl, this is not okay.”

we love how children look at adult content warnings and go “that sign cant stop me cause i cant read” and then get disgusted by the adult themes in the fuckin content.

I am literally a few weeks from 18, ive literally BEEN through the shit Blitzo has irl (assault) and was tortured with it till my family finally separated from them and never put with me them again.

Also OF COURSE not every relationship is sunshine and rainbows!

Who the hell thinks that just because they dont like seeing men getting sexually harassed viewed as a joke. Thats not how life works! Having chemistry or actual bonding (even in enemies to lovers!) doesnt make it just “sunshine and rainbows”.

Also I was literally sexually assaulted as a child!

I know what it’s like to be disgusted and hurt by someone else’s advances, being just ONE age from 18 doesnt automatically make us 12! Sit the hell down. I literally watched corpse party, read junji ito, and watched MULTIPLE adult shows in my life time, I can give two shits if something has “adult themes”, its not it being “adult” that’s the issue its that its excutued IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAYS!

Its either “its just a goofy sitcom” or “its a serious show and not for little babies!” Pick one! You cant just make both excuses and expect any other fandom to take you seriously, and if anything, you’re the one being immature because you actually think that relationships are somehow just “sweet cinnamon rolls or creepy r/pe fantasies!” when again… that’s not how life works! There’s a balance, even in relationships that dont have much love yet most shows (for adults!) show SOME chemistry or something to relate to, meanwhile with Blitzo and Stolas they never have any chemistry and are shown to just manipulate and harass eachother, no chemstry, not even a SINGLE actual conversation and yet the series expects people to just accept it as a “romance that’s meant to be!” when… its not?

Alsoflawed =/= toxic, there are many pieces of media that have done this premise far better without any sexual harassment or anything legitatemly harmful whatsoever. There’s no excuse!

There are so many ways to show a flawed relationship thats NOT outright sexual harassment or horrific.

Especially if Vivziepop is advertising this as a “romance” but shows absolutely no chemistry or ANY signs of Blitzo liking Stolas whatsoever, theyre romanticizing something that’s obviously sexual harassment, how in any circumstances is that ok???? Especially is most of the people who have acknowledged this issue with the show are GROWN ASS MEN!

So the age card doesnt cut it! Most of the people who have acknowledged the problem with Canonical Stolitz areADULTS!

You’re just afraid that there are actually people who have a problem with the show’s toxic pairing so you try to use the “ur under 18!” card to invalidate everything that people say that’s wrong with it, or your side of the fandom just call them “anti stolitz!” and whine on Tumblr like toodlers! And then you wonder why I havent reblogged any Stolitz art despite shipping it myself. You people are insufferable!

NOT everything is sunshine and rainbows, but not everything is a wattpad abuse fantasy either, there’s a BALANCE and the fact that the Stolitz fandom refuses to accept this is honestly pathetic.

Holy fucking shit just STOP! Im sick of it, just leave people alone!

Go touch some grass! People like you are why Stolitz is such a hard ship to enjoy, same with Charlastor. You’re side of the fandom is genuinely awful to be around, you’re allowed to ship it while acknowledging the problems with the canon, everyone and thier mother knows this, stop ruining the ship for everyone!

Another thing—

I still have yet to watch this show but I agree this sounds awful and the fact that people are 100% okay with supporting not a ship itself of the pairing, but for starters, the abusive relationship within included is raising society to believe that this is what love is supposed to be. Like when I’ve seen ‘that’ side of a fandom get pissed at creators for breaking up Harley Quinn and the joker when it was known he’d beat and torture her off screen far more than he abused her on screen. But it doesn’t matter. People don’t care how twisted the status of their otp is portrayed as long as the couple looks cute together.

I honestly already had a problem with Chaggie from Hazbin ngl and NO IT’S NOT HOMOPHOBIA. Throughout the entire episode Vaggie is obviously cares about Charlie, but she’s terrible at showing it and doesn’t treat her that well. Vaggie let’s her own emotions get away from her and is nothing but busy yelling at Angel Dust the entire pilot to even notice how torn Charlie is from the humiliating broadcast while she is huddled in the limo with her hair pulled in front of her face.

Like, she seriously needed some cheering up or reassurance after being publicly mocked in front of her entire kingdom. Vaggie hardly even bat an eye at her on the ride back to the hotel, too busy having a useless argument with Angel. They arrive back to the hotel and even ANGEL DUST, the closed off hooker that could’ve cared less about the whole thing, felt bad for a moment when he saw how hurt Charlie was and almost reached out to her, but clearly felt awkward about it and walked away.

Her own girlfriend was still pouting on the couch when Charlie left for outside and didn’t bother to ask if she’s okay or where she’s going. I mean, even if no one has any ill will, they clearly know nothing about each other if one of them can’t even tell anything is wrong after the other comes in from crying outside because her own mom won’t even pick up the phone to check up on her.

I’m not saying Chaggie is toxic, but it’s clearly problematic as a relationship, romantic or platonic, if they don’t do anything when the other is obviously upset, seeing that Charlie didn’t seem to bother trying to calm Vaggie down whenever she tries to scream at someone or get herself killed by challenging the radio demon head on with a spear (Charlie just stood behind her and watched).

They say they support each other in the beginning, but outside of that their relationship is literally nonexistent which is probably why most people didn’t even know they were a couple until they went on google.

Vivziepop insists Chaggie is a healthy and supportive couple with relationship goals, but if that’s what she thinks, Blitzo’s and Stolas’ ties don’t even surprise me.

I mean, I know it’s Hell and everything is supposed to be shitty including the demons, and like said user said, irl AND Tv aren’t just sunshine and rainbows (obv—I’m acknowledging this), but, tbh I’m only expecting more toxic or just plain weak ships to come if Vivziepop thinks there’s nothing wrong with the way Chaggie is and I haven’t seen many indications out there for upcoming character development or growth. If you’ve seen any, please let me know.

I am NOT hating on Charlie or Vaggie—I love them as characters. But as a couple, they’re both too busy being reckless to know the other is there, and the way Vaggie tries to guide Charlie around…..it’s too ironic, I’m sorry. The girl is always blowing a fuse or picking fights to defend the little babe, but it makes no sense to simultaneously have her put restraints on Charlie, like making sure she doesn’t sing or trying to get her to turn Alastor away.

I’m just really curious about this, how do you have an effective protector when they’re alway getting themselves into stupid pointless shit because they’re too busy constantly confusing upfront attacking with being defensive??

Like the two both have so much uncontained energy they just both clash obnoxiously. If Vaggie and Charlie both individually changed for the better or if one of them at least grew up a little, the ship would realistically have a chance at evolving into something beautiful and meaningful. I know it’s only been one episode, but that will take a hella amount of dynamic character development, one that they definitely can’t accomplish with only each other as is.

So let’s hope the new Hazbin crew can help!

Idk where I was going, but ig I just wanted to end with people don’t know what’s supposed to be functional anymore, and that’s precisely why they’re part of *THAT* side of the fandom.

I hope I was not too insensitive or offended anyone.


Stolas - Allomaternal (2014)

Stolitz reconciliation.

You know what would be amazing? Sweet? Adorable and satisfying??

When, or if, Blitzo comes to his senses and realizes how he has been to Stolas and actually confesses his pain and just rips off the bandaid…

He references episode 7. And he asks Stolas if he can give him a proper date. He’s like “I never gave you a proper date, huh. I’ve been such a piece of sh-, especially back then… But,” he looks up at Stolas, finally hopeful, and he actually makes a genuine move. “Will you give me the chance to make it up to you now?”

And Stolas just gives him a look of pure love and flattery, maybe even teary eyed. He leans down and offers his hand the same way he did in episode 7. “Of course~” he says softly, with a smile that Blitzo returns.

And the series doesnt even have to end here, we could literally have them get together with enough time for more plot so we start seeing Blitzo act happier and more respectful around Moxxie and Millie, and Moxxie is like “Wow… He seems.. less annoying today.” And Millie gives a knowing smile. “Aww… He’s finally happy, honey.” She says as they watch Blitzo stroll out of their office.

Like Blitzo actually stops being so pushy and in their personal life, we can see how much Stolas positively affects him by giving Blitzo something he’s always been after or needing to improvise for. Love.

I want to see Blitzo actually change for the better due to finally engaging with Stolas and accepting his affections. We NEED to have Blitzo show a consistent progression after he makes up with Stolas and come to embrace what he needs and realize how he’s been acting.

Stolas accepting him and understanding him instead of tossing him aside out of frustration because Blitzo is a tough cookie to be with, and actually making the effort to love Blitzo and try to comfort him and be there for him is something Blitzo needs so much right now. But Blitzo doesnt believe that’s what Stolas is willing/trying to do.

“Stolas, dont act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to f- you, okay?” - Blitzo.


Sooo Halloween or November, 1 ???



Posting it here as a video too, its on my youtube and i worked for like a few weeks on this

Enjoy <3
