#stone butch blues


I’ll be the one in the almost-fitting suit and the impressive facial hair tweeting earnest stuff SO COME ON BY AND SAY HELLO.

This is my first open bar party in at least a year so I apologize in advance for the things I do and say. Except for that thing about Jonathan Safran Foer and weed delivery, which is absolutely true.

Oh and RIP Leslie Feinberg.


“Nonbinary/neopronoun/he/they/dysphoric lesbians dont make sense”



Happy (early) Nov 15th! Remember that Stone Butch Blues is free now and always to read here

Leslie was a communist, a butch lesbian, a nonbinary and transgender activist, and the person who made me who I am today. Consider checking out Stone Butch Blues if you haven’t already Do it for Leslie, and for hir surviving partner, Minnie Bruce Pratt

[ID: A screenshot of a tweet by Minnie Bruce Pratt (@MBpratt) reading: “Nov. 15 marks the 6th anniversary of my beloved Leslie Feinberg’s death. Hir last words were "Remember me as a revolutionary communist.” By hir wishes, hir iconic novel “Stone Butch Blues” is available FREE download & AT-COST ONLY print, at lesliefeinberg.net. Please share!“

This is followed by two images; the first is a photo of Leslie Feinberg from the chest up, and the second is a cropped image of what is presumably the cover of Stone Butch Blues showing the title with Leslie Feinberg’s name underneath. End ID]

Note: This tweet was originally posted on November 12, 2020.
