#lgbtq activism


The recent legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ youth have felt…overwhelming.

From Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill to families of trans kids being under fire in Texas, to multiple other states attempting to bar trans kids from playing sports.

OurYouth Voices shared their initial reactions to these attacks on teens like them, but also how they’re taking action!

️‍️‍⚧️From self care to protesting to sharing info, read them all on the blog.

Here’s a sneak peek from Hailey:

The reaction:

“When I first came out at my high school, I was asked to use a single-stall bathroom reserved for those with chronic illness and complications that needed to be taken care of in private. And I am here to tell Alabama legislators this — I am not a disease. My transgender identity is not an illness, it is not debilitating, and the rhetoric you are spewing to paint myself and other trans youth as predators is disgusting. That is the disease — your dangerous, close-minded, and unruly ability to paint transgender youth as monsters” –

The action:

“I am getting involved by contacting my local representatives! To be frank, the most I can do right now to take care of myself is just to exist. To be trans, to be hurt, and to process it. To be me.”

-Hailey (she/her), age 17, Alabama

Read what all the Youth Voices have to say on the blog!

Students in Florida are standing UP for their rights and against anti-LGBTQ+ bills!

️‍ SO proud to see these kids fighting to be seen and heard - we stand with you!

SeeJack’s tweet.

During #BlackHistoryMonth, we’re honoring queer youth MAKING history!

Since Ashton Mota came out at 12 years old, he’s been fighting for the rights of our trans community - and he has a message to queer and questioning youth:

“You know who you are, and though you may not be ready to tell and show the world, just know that when you are, there will be a community waiting to embrace you, as you.”

Ashton, we salute your courageous activism ️‍️‍⚧️⚖️


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