#stop the stereotypes


Bisexuality is not a phase whilst you figure out if you’re gay or straight. Nor is it being ‘greedy’. It’s a sexuality all by itself, and people should be able to identify as bisexual without others raising eyebrows.

For guys, if they’re bisexual, it’s often associated with them not yet admitting they are gay. And for some guys, it may be a way to ease news to family, or to come to terms with their homosexuality themselves, but for the vast majority of bisexual guys, they are just bisexual. Not ‘transitioning’. Just because bisexuality can be used as a way for someone to discover they are homosexual, that doesn’t mean that’s all bisexuality is.

Then for bisexual girls, it’s seen as a girl trying to get attention, or a phase, where she’ll later go back to ‘admitting’ she’s straight. For either stereotype, it’s wanting to be with men that seems to be the answer. Bisexuality is not having one toe dipped in each pool, deciding which you like better. It’s about liking who you like without having to worry about judgements.

You can also be bisexual without having dated as many guys as girls, or vice versa. If you’re a bisexual girl, but all of your serious relationships have been boyfriends, or you could not even have slept with a girl, this doesn’t mean you can’t be bisexual. It’s about how you identify and being honest with yourself.


