
assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage 


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I know the last thing yall want is more malf/tyrande but TOOOOOOOO BAAAADD cuuuuz the stark diff between between the roided out hypermasculine nelf art and the extremely soft boy nelf books continues to haunt me and i must continue to right the wrongs 

Another bit from the Stormragestash:   Malf finds Tyrande suspended in the Nightmare, who is unconscious but otherwise okay bc Elune magic.  Tyrande’s been trudging through the Nightmare for days herself, probably covered in bug guts at this point bc the Nightmare-ground is covered with them and she’s been fighting all over the place, including straight up meathead brawling with Saurfang’s niece, and almost inadvertently killed Malf.  Anyway here Malf has to shapeshift into bear form so he’s strong enough to catch her safely and-

terribadger replied to your post “the night elf race has so few braincells to go around,, and they set…”
I always think of that one Legion quest where you’re running around after her while she falls for very obvious fake-Xavius-Malfurions. Like, *girl*.

Yeah Valsharah is a little too unfair to them lool, but then again…

That bit does sort of mirror the part in Stormragewhen instead of a fake Malfurion, the REAL trapped-in-the-Nightmare Malfurion is able to mind-contact Tyrande, to tell her to turn back, because her coming to him is part of Xavius’s plan.  Tyrande of course is like THIS MUST BE A FAKEMALFURION, I HAVE TO SAVE HIM HARDER and Malfurion is just like… im going to die here aren’t i 

MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who


the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who have read stormrage uwu <3

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The most famous brothers of Azeroth

The most famous brothers of Azeroth

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