#story preview


Story Prompt 8

A few years after a bad accident and you seem to be doing alright. For whatever reason you still try to remember the people who visited you, the nurses who spent hours talking to your, your doctors and surgeons who came in to see if you were doing alright. You even remembered the lunch ladies in the cafeteria.

One day you’re getting coffee for a friend, and on your way out the world turns black. You turn around, and see a young man. He smiles. You try to move yet your body won’t let you, and within a blink he’s right in front of you.

“So you’re the one?” He questions. “I guess you’re not that bad.”

When you open your eyes, you’re in a… a place? You don’t remember how you got there, or why you’re covered in blood, or why there’s dead bodies in front of you. Your phone is exploding with calls and texts, the one resonating with you the most is from your mom.

‘What have you done’ it says.

You blind again and now the room is lit, and now you can see the faces of all the people you killed.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Stop! What do you want from me?!”

“I want you.”

Story Prompt 7

A young junior, 16-17 years old has a passion for proving that heroes don’t always save the day. They show up at scenes, revealing hidden drugs they missed, closets of kidnapped girls, even guns. They become notorious for being smart, and is even rumored to have powers.

This drives them crazy.

Determined, they manage to find the secret identity of the local hero, the Golden Savior. Turns out it’s just a kid from their high school, a senior nonetheless.

After confessing to them of their knowledge, the hero asks for help to become even better. Later on, the main villain kidnaps the character and experiments on them.

They awaken with silver hair and wings the size of a two-cart bus. They hate it.

“You like nice as a hero.”



“You did this to me.”

<gif is not mine>

Story Prompt 6

You found out your girlfriend/boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend. You leave without saying and decide to call an old friend. The aren’t happy you called, but are willing to help because of what happened in the past.

“Meet me at that bar.”

“It’s been closed for years.”


You meet them and they give you a job to distract your mind from it. They turn you into a butler, a housemaid, working for a slightly older wo/man who’s way richer.

You can’t help but notice how beautifully mysterious they are.

“Who was it that cheated on you again?”

“Um.. just my ex.”

“So… this one?”

You hear a sound of a gun, one from a movie, and see them on their knees with a gun against their head.

“Tell me to pull it.”

Story Prompt 5

You, an avid sketcher, have drawn the same face ever since you were a child. Sure, the details have gotten more acute since the first time you’ve picked up a pencil, but nonetheless you know it was the same face.

Your friend is over at your apartment one day, and you’re drawing. The face is in a different position this time, one that you’ve never drawn any model in before. And they see it.

“Who’s that?” They ask, only to receive a shrug from you.

As the both of you are walking down a busy street, you see the face but only for a second. The both of you make eye contact and the world seems to freeze. It’s just the two of you, nothing else, staring at each other across the street.

“It’s you.” They whisper before time and space continues, and they’re going down their side as if nothing happened.

Story Prompt 4

A junker was caught at a bar by a mysterious young woman. Beautiful in every aspect, all but her right arm. Covered in a silver gauntlet, and with it, engravings from an unknown language.

She asks him if he’s willing to steal something with her, somewhere dangerous. He decides to go with her, and they battle through planets, ships, and bounty hunters.

Once the item is retrieved, she takes him to a different planet, one full of riches and royals, a happy kingdom ran on technology and silver. They land on the planet, and with no fear she steps out without him.

“Leave now, or you’ll die.”

“Why?! I have to come with you!”

A soldier with a gun goes to shoot her, and he stops.


A/N about next Transcendent Update also TCaFoCB preview

SoTranscendent was about 3/4th done but I wasn’t feeling where the story went.

I know I can do better. Penelope deserved better. You guys deserve better.

So that means it will be a little while before I’m satisfied to post the next chapter. Fear not- the next several chapters is actually done but I would like to be further ahead before posting.

Otherwise, please enjoy the Double Update on Formidable and new Polin Drabble -Pragmatic (a Supernatural inspired drabble)

also here is a preview of The Care and Feeding of Colin Bridgerton

Penelope woke up to knocking on her front door. She blearily grabbed her phone. It was 2 am in the morning. 

Who the bloody hell knocks on the door at 2 in the the bloody morning!

Shaking her head, she got out of bed, put on her fluffy white rabbit slippers, and grabbing the matching long, white silk robe to cover her modesty. 

Making sure that she had her phone on her in case she needed to call for help, she walked slowly out to her living room where the knocks could be heard louder. 

“..Pen. It’s me. Let me in,” A weary male voice come from the other side of the door. 

Jerking her head back in surprise and waking up fully, Penelope walked faster towards the door. She knew that voice, every inflection seared into her mind - Colin. 

She opened the door wide in her haste to let him in not realizing that he was leaning on the door with his weight. 

Her eyes widened in surprise as she found herself with an armful of her favorite Bridgerton. 

Any other time this would’ve been a dream come true; however, she only had a split second to see Colin’s eyes widen just inches from her face before she and he starting falling. 

Twin groans rang out as they fell unceremoniously on the floor, limbs tangled, and pressed against one another. 

“Good God, Penelope, are you alright?” She peeked with one of her eyes as she felt the warmth of his breath caress her cheeks. 

Yep this isn’t some odd fantasy of hers. She was really lying flat on her back on the floor with Colin Bridgerton cradling the back of her head to soften the fall. He was using that forearm and his other hand to keep his weight from her body, crushing her. Not that she would’ve minded that. 

She couldn’t help but gasp softly as she peered up at his face, his green eyes looking at her in worry. She could feel his flat but taut abs against her own soft and plump stomach. His thick thighs  entangled against her own. She couldn’t help but feel the muscles on his arms either. 

Since when did he gain so much muscle? Colin has always been fit but now….

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