#stray kids supernatural au


Genre:  Supernatural!AU; Friends!AU; Fluff with some Angst

Pairing: Stray Kids x Reader; Witch!Reader, Werewolf!Chan, Angel!Minho, Vampire!Changbin, Demon!Hyunjin, Shapeshifter!Jisung, Fairy!Felix, Elf!Seungmin, Ghost!Jeongin

Summary: You lived in a town filled with all sorts of magical creatures, everyone living in peace. Within your hundreds of years on Earth, you’d never imagined you’d come to love such an odd group of misfits. When an evil warlock kidnaps them, however, you’re about to break your peaceful nature to get them back.

Warning: None

Word Count: 852

Author’s Note: Thanks for the request!! Sorry it’s so late!! I hope you like it!! ^_^


        Imagine a town where every supernatural being could live in peace and harmony. A town that is hidden from the human realm, a town that everyone is friends with everyone. You’ve had many friends in your lifetime, being hundreds of years old entails such a thing, but in this lifetime, the friendships you’ve made are ones that make your old heart swell.

       Your group was an interesting one, that’s for sure. Of course, there’s peace in the town, but some breeds don’t openly hang out with others. You have an Angel and a Demon, a Werewolf and a Vampire. Hell, you even had a Ghost in your group of misfits. Needless to say, whenever you were out, you’d get some looks.

       Today, however, as you stood outside the gates of one of the oldest castles in the town, the peace and harmony everyone loved was shattered. An evil warlock had settled in your town after years of torment, and decided to stir up some drama. It was certainly his mistake, as he’s taken some of the most important creatures in your lifetime.

       You wiggled your fingers at the gate lock, watching it unlock itself and open. As you walked, your robe flew behind you, your wand in your boot and your broom compact size in your pocket. You went up to the front door, opening it quietly and sneaking through. Your stealth was a bit rusty, but you had lived through Salem, you knew exactly how to escape things that wanted to destroy you.

       You went to the main room, it looked like a sort of ballroom. Over a pit of lava were a total of eight cages, each one containing one of your beloved friends. You glared hard, seeing Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix frown in worry, while Chan, Changbin, Minho, and Jisung gave a hard glare. Hyunjin was the only one who had a smirk on his face, arms crossed and leaning back.

       “You’re not all that tough,” Hyunjin said with a smirk, causing the warlock to give a hard glare. “I bet you don’t even know how to use this castle.” Hyunjin and Minho were almost as old as you, almost, as they were a demon and an angel. Immortal.

       “Watch your tongue, demon,” The warlock growled out, Hyunjin sticking his tongue out slightly, making you smile.

       You walked out, the boys seeing you. They seemed to relax more, distracting the warlock so you could summon some guardians. They were living, breathing creatures, but could only come alive when summoned by a witch. Many appeared, each one growling and staying low as they circled the warlock, the man turning and glaring hard.

       “You,” He growled out, wiping his wand out and pointing it, making you dodge the missile that shot out.

       As you fought, the guardians ended up keeping him busy as you shot a spell at the cages, releasing each of your friends. You yelped as heat ran into your side, making you grit your teeth and glare hard. You listened to the boys call out your name as the warlock walked forward, wand pointed and a smirk on his face.

       “Time for you to die, Y/n,” He said. Just before he could say a spell, officers burst through the door, wands pointed at the warlock as he froze.

       “That’s quite enough, warlock,” The chief stated, the wand on his temple as he stared. “You have brought hatred into this town, and this world. That will stop today!” You sighed in relief, Changbin running over and holding you up. Thank God for that….

       Back at your own castle, you all sat in the living room. After Seungmin had taken care of your wound, as he is quite the healer, you began to heal each of the boys wounds, as well as creating a potion to calm their nerves.

       “Y/n?” Felix said, making you look at him. His yellow wings were dimmed slightly, showing his mood. “Why’re you always there for us?” You blinked in surprise before turning back to Minho, helping to patch up his feathered wing.

       “Why wouldn’t I be?” You replied.

       “Well, we’ve heard stories about your past, and how you’ve always been alone,” Jisung replied, sitting on the arm of the couch, watching you. You shrugged, continuing to heal Minho’s wing.

       “Well, I just kind of got tired of it,” You mumbled, finishing up and looking between them all. “Plus, of course I’d save you, you’re a part of my family. My coven.”

       “Woah, did we just get the most alone witch in the town to get into a coven?” Hyunjin cooed with a smirk, making you roll your eyes.

       “Shut up or I’ll disown you,” You said with a smirk. “Listen, I’m really glad you’re all safe.”

       “Thanks to you,” Chan said, leaning down and kissing the top of your head.

       “Thank you, Grandma,” Minho jokes, making you glare as he and a couple others snickered.

       “That’s it, you’re getting a hex,” You mumbled, watching them all quickly scatter as you smirked to yourself. Yeah, you were totally going to hex them all.
