#stray kids thoughts


Not sure if anyone has made this post but I love that Circus comes out with Oddinary because the circus is/was a place for people to see oddities

Part 2 of “Who pulled a gun on Han?”

I promised I’d make a part 2 on this so really quick before the real stuff comes out.

⬆️Here we have Changbin on the table and it looks like he has a black ring thing where Bumpy should be but the picture is so far away that I cannot confirm or deny

⬇️Now on to Seungmin

⬆️Here we have Seungmin who I was going to clear but then I was like “Hold up is that Bumpy McGee,” on the grenade photo and I was like “if that’s Bumpy then it could easily hide the finger belt”

I couldn’t find anything that would clear Felix of this crime so I won’t give an official guilty verdict but right now it seems like the prime suspect here is Seungmin. Not much time left until we are able to find out for sure.

(The only drawing I can do is drawing conclusions so here this is)

What if the Felix in the Oddinary Trailer actually was Oddinary!Felix but he didn’t realize it because he had to use his powers to save his members from when the universes merged. The people in the missing photos are actually the Hellavator version of Stray Kids who decided to leave that universe entirely in The View(?). The members of the Oddinary building are trying to jog their Felix’s memory with all the stuff that he likes until Oddinary!Hyunjin figures that a life threatening crisis is what caused Felix to lose his powers and memory so maybe that’s what it takes to get them back which is why he pushes Felix.

By the way Freeze looks like the cops posing as the Mafia to trick a crime organization into giving up their drug and committing an arrest worthy offense but they end up getting caught.

What if the I.N with the Newspaper on his face stays like that all day in order to keep the real I.N from using his superpower and finding his way out of the mind prison.

I.N always sees and knows something in the videos that he chooses not to share so I feel like it would make sense for his alternate to keep the regulars in line.

It looks like Felix messing with the box and as we can see his hand is on the box (technically in the wrong direction for the following theory but oh well)

⬇️Here we see Hyunjin in what looks to be the box

⬆️This shouldn’t matter but to me it looks like a giant handprint on the outside of the box.

Has someone already put Boxer over that one part in the Venom unveil

Hyunjin with his arms around Felix and I.N: These two could punt me into the sun and I would be okay with it as long as I saw their smiling faces before I went.

Lonely St makes so much sense for someone who wanted free hugs

We’re going to play a game called “Who Pulled A Gun On Han?”

Disclaimer: This is all for fun and I wear glasses so I may not see everything correctly

⬆️Here we have Han and his assailant who is currently only identifiable by their rings; Bumpy McGee and Finger Belt

⬇️Here we have Hyunjin

His rings look to be all silver and if that’s the case his only issue is that super sus spider tattoo on his pointer

⬇️Here we have Lee Know

Seems like both of his rings are silver too but could that glove be hiding treachery

⬇️Next we have Bang Chan

He’s wearing a glove and his other hand seems to be ringless. Note that he has sus tattoos like Hyunjin. Also note that a single hand of I.N’s is cleared in the bow and arrow photo.

Three suspects who apparently didn’t pull a gun on Han but are they really in the clear or just good at deception. Find out if further evidence clears them and casts the blame on someone else in part 2

The meal scene is SUS!

⬆️As you can see this is who is sitting next to who in the meal scene as best as I could get it.

⬇️This is the meal scene after the lights go off

The fact that Lee Know is the only one who seems to be awake probably and has the web behind him means that he either

A: Plotted on the rest of them and that’s why they’re out like that


B: This was his part of the mind prison they’re in and them being “passed out” represents Lee Know finally being free from the mind prison.

So I was thinking about the new Unveil and for some reason my brain also thought of Felix’s “I’m Spider-Man” thing so my brain did a thing:

What if those are the regulars captured by the Oddinary’s after trying to get Felix back but it’s too late and that’s actually Apple posing as Felix and the Spider is actually Apple’s and it’s trying to get rid of the non-Oddinary ones

What if there are 7 tracks on Oddinary for the 7 members who were already Oddinary when Felix walked into the building.

I’m referring to Oddinary Felix as Apple until further notice

Have y’all talked about how the Missing Person on I.N’s paper starts off as him and then he grabs one that has Felix as the Missing Person

I’m sure it’s been talked about but I’m not sure where.

Stay can someone please tell me who the clothes with the heart over the ‘A’ belong to? Did they all get one item with that design? Did they raid someone’s closet? At this point it’s like the “Freddie you’re supposed to be on lockdown” sound because every time I see that design it’s like it’s on a different item on a different person.

I was watching Felix’s second Sunshine Vlog when I noticed something

This brownie cake has the exact same settings to cook as Hyunjin does according to Lee Know.

How The Living Situation Came About (Alt version)

Han+Hyunjin: “C’mon kids we’ve got a new apartment”

Chan+Bin: *follows their parents*

I.N+Felix: *gets the apartment with 2Min in a last effort to see if they can teach 2Min how to make their marriage work*

How I want the living situation to go part 2

(These are all jokes)

2RACHA: “We’ve made a grave mistake”

Hyunjin: “What?”

2RACHA: “We let our chef and baker live together, Chan is too tired to feed us, and none of us want to spend money right now”

Hyunjin: *picks up the nearest phone and makes a call* “Hey Felix~”

*At the other apartment*

Felix to Lee Know: “They say they’re hungry”

Lee Know: *Already has 3Jin’s plates made* Tell them to eat each other

Have y’all talked about how the ring thing seems similar to the cologne thing (or is it just me drawing unfounded connections).

Felix: *picks up two colognes because ‘both is good’ and gives one to Hyunjin as a gift*

Hyunjin: *gets two sets of the same rings because ‘they were selling fast’ and gives one to Felix as a gift*

I have heard about the rooming situation in passing but I’m not sure if my info is accurate but if it’s how I think it is I wish it would’ve went down a little something like this

3RACHA: *Chooses the same apartment for friendship, music, and vibes*

Everyone else: *Loving 3RACHA but trying to figure out can they handle them*

I.N and Seungmin: *Chooses not to because while they are okay with affection 3RACHA will attack with it at random*

Lee Know: *Chooses not to just because*

Felix: *weighing his options between his desire for affection and not wanting to be roped into working out*

Hyunjin: *Sees where Lee Know picked and remembers ‘180 degrees for 20 minutes in the air fryer’* I’ll stay with 3RACHA

I’m trying to catch up on several years worth of Stray Kids content as quickly as a can which means I have consumed a lot of their content over the past few days. Sorry to Stays in advance because I’m about to be so chaotic but hopefully in a good way.
