#structural bigotry



as is the case in every cis community, transmisogyny is structurally embedded in the culture of the cis lesbian community, and its getting pretty absurd that we can point this out for straight cis people or even cis gay men without tumblr freaking out about it, but the second you mention that cis lesbians are not exempt from reproducing and enacting transmisogyny a massive contingent of people in here will accuse you of “calling all cis lesbians TERFs” and even of, somehow, being directly responsible for cis lesbians being recruited into the TERF movement, as if our attempts to combat bigotry and oppression against us somehow were so inherently wrong that they justify our oppressors radicalizing themselves into exterminationist politics.

it would appear that this website would rather trans lesbians never speak of the fact that we are, on a very fundamental level, alienated and marginalized within the greater lesbian community, and that this is something that is enacted upon us by the dominant and majority group of the lesbian community, that is, cis lesbians. TERFs are an easy target because they represent a political group of women who have enshrined their own transmisogyny to the point of developing radical exterminationist politics based on bringing transmisogyny to its ultimate conclusion, but this doesn’t change the fact that this group could not exist or be capable of carrying out recruitment without transmisogyny being a largely everpresent factor in the culture of cis women regardless of sexuality.

frankly it seems that a lot of you are so hung up on the fact that greater society demonizes cis lesbians that you’ve become so defensive you will refuse to accept any and all criticism towards how cis lesbians as a community behave, even if its coming from other lesbians who happen to be marginalized, excluded, mistreated and oppressed by the people you are so keen on treating as flawless.


“If I only had a common illness like diabetes I’d be able to access competent medical care without having to go doctor shopping.”

No, you wouldn’t.

The more time I spend talking shop with other diabetics the more I see doctors routinely screwing up our care and treatment. Everything from bullying us into weight loss to the point of developing eating disorders to withholding needed medication because they’re worried we’ll get fat if our bodies are able to process carbs into energy. People with symptomatic, urgently high blood sugars being given 500mg off metformin and sent home from the ER before they’re even stabilized.

It ain’t about disease rarity it’s about fatphobia, racism, classism, and sexism.
