#study log


A very productive week compared to the ones before, pretty heavy content-wise. I uploaded a lot of vocabulary lists and uploaded and updated a few kanji cards. I also started working on some grammar, I’ll be posting that in the coming days.

I am currently halfway through lesson 10 on WaniKani and I think I’ll be spending a little more time on the kanji lessons from now on. I’ve already studied 348 kanji on the platform so far and it seems that’s as far as I can breeze through without forgetting basic stuff or mixing up different kanji. I’ve actually done a lot more than I originally thought before reaching this point, but still, I’ll have to put extra effort on kanji from now on.

As for grammar, I’ll be really focusing on it this week. I’ve uploaded the vocab lists for all ten lessons in my first grammar book, so that’ll be quite a bit to catch up on. I’ve looked through the vocab in my second grammar book as well but it’s organized a little differently so it’s gonna take a little more time to make lists, they should come little by little (I already have some almost finished in my drafts!).

It seems I kind of gave up manga reading… The book’s been sitting next to my laptop for days and I can’t seem to bring myself to pick it up again. I’m not sure when I’ll get back to it. On another note, I kind of feel like watching anime again, so I’ll look for something that catches my eyes and try to focus more on that this week.

Overall a pretty good week, I’m feeling pretty optimistic about the upcoming one, let’s keep up the good work!
