#studying with add


Day 20/100 of productivity

Today was crazy productive!

•Commonly confused words quiz 3

•Week 5 physics reading

•Un tradición muy importante assignment

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•When to use preterió video

•photoshop simple selections assignment

•photoshop selections and masks assignment

•photoshop blending modes and layer styles assignment

That’s all for today folks! Happy turkey day if you celebrate!

Day 19/100 of productivity

Today was somewhat better!

•Recuerdos de la infancia

•Finished Spanish notes

•15 minutes on Duolingo

That’s all!

Day 18/100 of productivity

Today was crap.

•spanish notes

•imperfecto pasado assignment


Nothing for today, I’m sorry!

Nada para hoy, ¡lo siento!

Day 17/100 of productivity

Today was more productive, but I felt under the weather so it could have been better.

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•Read from Rot & Ruin (Tom noooo)

•Worked on toned paper 3 assignment

•Understanding dialect notes

•Geography of religions notes

•Cultural landscape of religions notes

•Comminly confused words quiz #2

That’s all for today my lovelies!

Day 3!

Day 3 - Why did you create your studyblr?

I created my studyblr to help me feel more motivated and organized. I guess it’s worked!

Day 16/100 of productivity

Today was not very productive.

•3 starts for a class (I’ve been procrastinating on them)

•Read from “Rot & Ruin”

•Attended art class

•Attended class zoom

•Worked on toned paper assignment

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•Started dialect notes (started feeling sick so I stopped)


Day two of the Studyblr community challenge!

Day 2 - Explain your studyblr URL! 

My URL is quite simple to understand, or I’d at least like to believe it is. I study, and I have ADD.

Day 15/100 of productivity

Today was great! I tried out where you time lapse yourself to motivate yourself and it worked like a charm.

•Math unit two test retake

•Language family notes

•Starter for a class

•Questions for chapters 4-8 of “To Kill a Mockingbird”

•Questions for chapters 9-15 of “To Kill a Mockingbird”

•Atrended all zoom calls

•Read from “Rot & Ruin”

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•Learned conjugations for imperfecto pasado

That’s all for today! Goodnight my lovelies!

Day 1 of the studyblr community challenge by @myhoneststudyblr!

Day 1: introduce yourself and tell us what you study! (Or something like that..)

I’m Jay, and I’m a freshman in highschool! I’m 14 going on 15 and I study: Physics, Spanish (if you comment or reblog in Spanish I’ll do my best to respond with good grammar! ¡Español es muy divertido y me gusta hablar español mucho! That’s not a translation it’s a separate phrase-), general math, general English, art, graphic design (to an extent), human geography, and music (in my free time, I can play piano and a bit of ukelele). And, I’m a dude. Just because I try to be aesthetically pleasing doesn’t make me any one gender. I also like dark academia!

It’s fabulous to be part of this community!

Day 14/100 of productivity

Today felt crazy productive but probably wasn’t.

•25 minutes on khan academy

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•Finished and edited Intro to Shading assignment

•Started toned paper assignment

•Ateended zoom meetings for all classes

•Attended art class

•Watched video on dialect

•3.7a notes

•3.7a assignment

That’s all for today, but I think it’s a lot! Bye lovelies and sleep well!

Day 13/100 of productivity

Today was great, super productive!

•Chapter seven notes

•Chapter eight notes

•Redid homework #6 (I got a 100%!)

•Smoothie Shack 4 assignment

•Two worksheets for a special class

•Attended my zoom meetings

•Started chapters 4-8 “To Kill a Mockingbird” questions

That’s all for today, my lovelies!

Day 12/100 of productivity

Today was better.

•Read and annotated chapter fifteen of “To Kill a Mockingbird”

•Started chapter seven notes

That’s all I did today, but it is a Sunday! Have a good day, my lovelies!




That’s all the tags for today!

Yesterday was my AP testing day! I’m confident I did pretty well, and I’m glad I took the test and the class! I’ll do an update on homework I did today later today!

Back in person for school! This week has been amazing!

The third term is over and I barely made it through. I’m so sorry I’ve been inactive loves.

I switched out of physics and into astronomy! So glad to have gotten away from that class, I nearly failed last term.

Day 30/100 of productivity

New semester started today! It’s not much but it’s pretty much all of the work I had.

- 4.2 and 4.3 notes and practice

- Physical fitness notes

- Physical fitness quiz


I have procrastinated for a literal month because of depression and now I have a shit ton of assignments I have to have turned in in less than 24 hours! I already did a ton too. Wish me fucking luck, my loves. I need it.

Hey studyblr, I need help! I need to know how to finish a ton of assignments in a very small amount of time, and also how to prepare for my upcoming semester!

Day 28/100 of productivity

Sorry for being gone. I had some mental health stuff happening.

•Chinese calligraphy assignment (CE Art)

•Notes on energy (AP Physics)

•Notes on chapter nine (AP Human Geo)

And I’m proud of myself

Days three and four of the study challenge!

What is your least favorite thing about winter?

Snow. It’s wet and cold and gets everywhere.

What is an unpopular opinion you have about winter?

Ice skating is the only good winter sport tbh

Winter studying challenge day 2

What is your favorite thing about winter?

Hot cocoa- the rest of it is asthma problems and getting too cold.

I’m skipping day one loves!

Days 23-24/100 of productivity


•15 minutes on Duolingo each day

•Read each day

•Read and annotated chapters 16-21 of “To Kill a Mockingbird”

•Unit 3 vocab worksheet

•Show and tell about final perspective drawing

•Prepping for tribute collage

•Starters for Human Geo

•Lexile reading test

•Practice on Shmoop


Day 22/100 of productivity

Only one thing today

•Notes about work

Yay ;-;

Day 21/100 of productivity

Today was weird, but nice.

•Unit 3 exam for Human Geo

•Watched an Assigned video on the word aloha

•1.1 notes and assignment

•3.7b notes and assignment

•15 minutes on Duolingo

•Read from a book I’m ashamed to be reading

Woohoo! Schoolwork!
