


Hello studybloggers! A lot of you are sliding through my inbox asking me questions related to my NMAT experiences and the like, so this post will be my answer :)

My NMAT journey was stressful and fun at the same time. I can say i give my best answering every questions but the time given to us is very limited so there are some items i haven’t really read and just answered right away (sad but true + it happened to most of us). I confidently answered part 1’s Verbal & Perceptual Acuity test, as well as the Biology & Social Science of part 2 exam. I’m the very first person to say that i’m not good at math and logic, that’s why i had a hard time answering Quantitative, Inductive Reasoning, Physics and Chemistry. Most of our mentors said that many examinees find those topics mentioned above hard to answer as well, meaning, having more knowledge on those topics will give you a greater percent of attaining higher score. So for my NMAT score, i didn’t reached my target score but i’m completely fine with it. Not that i’m not sad bec. i actually am, but because i know i gave my best. :)

Right now i’m planning on retaking the NMAT exam on October this year. If some of you are confused why i didn’t take the March-exam, it’s bec. i decided to enter medschool next year and have a year-off now. I wanted to experience things i know i might not be getting once i entered medschool. Which means, i wanted to experience having a work, to travel, go out, do my hobbies guilt-free, discover new things both in myself and the outside world. This decision is the boldest i have ever made & i’m anxious and proud of myself for taking this chance. :) Medschool will always be there but the experiences i can get right now will not stay— and who knows? Maybe these experiences will help me to become a better doctor i could be someday! :)

I’ll still be posting contents, school related ofcourse & try to update you all every now & then. So this is studyingain saying thank you for all the studybloggers who had stay tuned on my blog! We will be whatever we wanted to be someday! Just carry on and give it your all! ♡

- Ain ☻
