#stuff i find



Hey all!!!
Today I woke up to 11 chat messages, all asking about the same thing, which is that I send them bitcoin so they can afford a new laptop/cellphone/whatever XD

Interestingly enough they are all from longtime followers!

I am not sure how ones account gets hacked/infected for this, but check your chat history and make sure you’re not affected!
If you have been, you might want to change your password, do a computer scan, just be careful! 

Here’s an example of what the messages look like!

Please stay safe, and don’t click on sketchy links!!!!

Amen! Also inform the followers that got sent this to ignore them and ignore/delete them if you receive one!

Someone hacked my Tumblr and sent people messages asking for bitcoin. It wasn’t me. I’m sorry for the confusion since I haven’t been near a computer in several days…

so i’m finally starting to go through all the junk in my room to prepare for moving and whatnoso i’m finally starting to go through all the junk in my room to prepare for moving and whatno

so i’m finally starting to go through all the junk in my room to prepare for moving and whatnot, starting with the hole under my work desk where i keep all my art supplies. found this.

mr. woods gave it to me. it’s a piece of wood with a bad joke on it


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