
The United Kingdom Explained. This was a poster comission from the guys at Subbable for CGP Grey&rsq

The United Kingdom Explained. 

This was a poster comission from the guys at Subbable for CGP Grey’s campaign. Donate $40 or more to the cause and get one of these exclusive posters!


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The Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, CThe Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, CThe Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, C

The Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots)

Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, Craig kindly asked me to make a poster to use for their Subbable campaign! After a few sketches, we settled on the idea of a World of Stuff sort of thing. This was just a thumbnail sketch done in felt tips. I find felt tips really great for hashing out quick ideas. I do it for pretty much every design I make.

I blocked out the objects and things in Cinema 4D. These were just black and white to get everything in place first. Then once it was approved by the gang, I went ahead and started texturing. Cinema 4D is fantastic for quickly creating and editing textures. I’m used to working in Maya, and it can be quite difficult to easily make and edit lighting setups. Love it.

Then after that its using photoshop to build up the background and the layers of light a smoke. I used a Depth Map from C4D to mask out the several layers of the poster, so I didn’t end up erasing layers I might need later, or have to do any rotoscoping, or magic wand guff.

Thought I’d share a bit of process, as I rarely do that :)

You can get this poster as part of The Good Stuff’s Subbable Campaign. Donate over $30 and get a signed one of these.


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