#suggie recs





synopsis: war spares no one but you pray he’s the exception || loosely based on japan’s late edo period 

pairing: oikawa x reader  // mentions of iwaizumi 

word count:3.6k

warning(s): mentions of war, death, and grief 

author’s note: this is the first angst piece i’ve ever written and if you know me, you know how much i hate angst (you guys can thank @animatedarchives​ for that) unless it has a happy ending which you’ll have to read to find out if there is one. i want to thank @kirislut (you were also my inspiration to write this fic hehe) & @goopyartiste for proof reading because god knows i needed it and most importantly, I want to thank hans zimmer for making the masterpiece that is Oogway Ascends. without this score, life would be meaningless.  


You listened closely to the sound of the gravel under your feet as you walked along the dimly lit path for what seemed to be the last time. The paper lanterns swayed along to the distant beating of the Taiko drummers in the night breeze as you continued down the graveled path towards the lake.

Along the pathway stood different hues of lush bonsai trees that stood tall and proud in their wooden boxes and while you didn’t stop walking, you studied the miniature granite figurines that were housed in each bonsai landscape. As silly as it was, you felt jealous of them and their little lives; you would give anything now to be a simple, stone fisherman or a wooden musician idly playing by.

The lake-side air smelled earthy and pungent from the growing moss in the water but with Spring almost being over, there was still the lingering fragrance of the cherry blossoms that bloomed overhead. You took one last step and stopped right before getting on the faded red bridge that stretched to the other side of the lake.

You weren’t sure why your body froze in place, but once you saw his figure waiting for you in the middle of the bridge, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own.

“ I was thinking you weren’t going to show up,” Oikawa said softly, lifting his head away from the water below as he gave you a sincere smile,” but I’m glad you’re here now.”

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back to thinking about this beautiful post ‍♀️it deserves ALL THE NOTES IN THE WORLD!!

Thank u meg



Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x fem!reader

Summary:Falling in love with Oikawa Tooru was a mistake, doing it again was stubbornness.

Word count:1.2k

Warning:angst…that’s it. Slight timeskip spoilers that we all know.

A/N:Blame this on remembering old breakups…yeah, and Lorde. This has no sense more than the brakeup and the pain that it is forget someone, but I have the idea for more interactions and all, lmk if I should post the rest! Reposting bc I dont think ppl were seeing it:(

To Oikawa, his all time priority had always been volleyball.

For years, he let what started as a simple hobby become his whole life, and rightfully so, he hadn’t found anything else or anyone else to make him as happy as volleyball did. Nothing and no one, until you came along.

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