
Cuttlefish are amazing creatures that can instantly vary their color and shape either for camouflage

Cuttlefish are amazing creatures that can instantly vary their color and shape either for camouflage or to communicate with each other. They use jet propulsion to move backward in quick bursts through the water.

The ink that Cuttlefish use to distract and escape from predators has long been used by artists, writers and later, photographers. Its characteristic dark reddish-brown color is where the term “sepia” comes from; Sepia literally means Cuttlefish in ancient Greek, so just think of these amazing cephalopods next time you use a sepia filter on one of your pictures - photo taken in seagrass beds off of North Sulawesi, Celebes Sea

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The Crinoid Cuttlefish, like it’s cousin the octopus, can instantaneously control the color and text

The Crinoid Cuttlefish, like it’s cousin the octopus, can instantaneously control the color and texture of its skin. They do this for many reasons, some being camoflage; communication between individuals; as a threat display to ward off predators or would-be rivals - photo taken at Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi

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Danau Tondano adalah tujuan wisata yang terkenal di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.

Danau ini berada 600 meter di atas permukaan laut dan meliputi area seluas 4.278 hektare, terletak di desa Remboken, sekitar 3 km dari kota Tomohon atau 30 km dari Manado.

Danau Tondano dikelilingi pegunungan setinggi 700 meter, yaitu Gunung Lembena,  Kaweng, Tampusu dan Masarang. Danau ini mencakup tiga kecamatan, yaitu Eris, Kakas dan Remboken. Dari sisi danau, Anda dapat melihat dengan jelas Gunung Kaweng.

Danau Tondano memiliki daya tarik wisata yang disebut “Sumaru Endo” Remboken, dan Resor Wisata Bukit Pinus (dari Tondano menuju Toliang Oki).

Dari sisi danau di Toliang Oki dan Tondano Pante, Anda dapat melihat laut Maluku yang indah, di luar bukit Lembean. Biaya Masuk ke objek wisata ini adalah Rp4.000 ditambah asuransi.

Penduduk lokal biasanya menjual ikan Nike kecil yang dibuat menjadi bakso ikan, atau  waku-waku bolanga (sejenis ikan bakar). Anda dapat menikmati hidangan Nike di restoran atau warung makanan di sekitar danau.
