#sun power yoga

Great news for all you busy travellers, Yocalm is now available on Saudi Arabian AIrlines!Enjoy our Great news for all you busy travellers, Yocalm is now available on Saudi Arabian AIrlines!Enjoy our

Great news for all you busy travellers, Yocalm is now available on Saudi Arabian AIrlines!

Enjoy our Inflight Yoga, Relaxation and calming breathing programs to help you reach your destination calm, happy and healthy.


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New year New scorpion It’s always amazing and a joy when you find new experiences and things y

New year New scorpion

It’s always amazing and a joy when you find new experiences and things your body is able to do.

Always push to the edge of the cliff.. You never know.. You may just Fly ;)

Team Yocalm

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Yes this STILL really happens in Yoga classes, people are shocked when we tell them… but we hYes this STILL really happens in Yoga classes, people are shocked when we tell them… but we hYes this STILL really happens in Yoga classes, people are shocked when we tell them… but we h

Yes this STILL really happens in Yoga classes, people are shocked when we tell them… but we have the proof. shame on you Yo Yoga :)

We are Yocalm - and dont worry we are online yoga and meditation so no touching in inappropriate places.

All Teachings are delivered by Yoga teacher traing school, Sun Power Yoga


these shots are taken from the latest MIC episode…

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A nice morning Yoga session at the Taj Mahal…Falling angel :) Team @yocalm

A nice morning Yoga session at the Taj Mahal…
Falling angel :)

Team @yocalm

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