


Battinson meeting Superman, because if anyone needs a sunshine alien it’s him.

Bruce, in full Batman mode, tracks Superman down and eventually finds him on a rooftop in Metropolis. He grapples up, perches himself on an A/C unit, and stares.

Clark, new to the Superman thing, just trying to enjoy a burger and fries after helping with a house fire: Um. Hi?


Clark: I’ve noticed you following me? You’re from Gotham. The Batman.

Bruce: *shines a flashlight at Clark’s food*

Clark: Yeah. It’s a cheeseburger and curly fries. Did you want some or…? Do you need help? Seems like you maybe need some help.

Bruce: *shines the light in Clark’s eyes*

Clark: Do you want to, um, talk or something?

Bruce:what are you

Clark: I’m Superman! :)


Clark: How did you—

Bruce:I am a bat.

Clark: O-kay. So do you want to be friends or…?


Clark: :)

Bruce: *launches himself off the side of the building*

Alfred: Good morning Bruce, how was patrol?

Bruce, rewatching the conversation with Clark on his computer:i think i made a friend today Alfred


[DC comics] Truly, a missed opportunity for an iconic duo

SUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come froSUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come froSUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come froSUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come froSUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come fro

SUPERKIDDOS, extras part 2! The answer to a question no one was asking: where do Meep Meeps come from??? Also for people wondering, I decided that SuperkiddosandRSVPdotake place in the same universe (RSVP is my timkon fancomic, pretend you saw Jon at the wedding lol.)

One more set of extras and then the book should be ready to send for a small print run. Thanks for everyone who’s been following this so far! I’ll keep you posted!

Extras, part one

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