

I wonder how many Supernatural episodes pass the Bechdel test. I doubt it’s in the double digits.

Best 15 TV Shows Ranked

15. It’s

14. Really

13. Difficult

12. To

11. Pick

10. A

9. Best

8. TV

7. Show

6. Out

5. Of

4. All

3. The

2. Shows

1. Supernatural

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#Repost @cw_supernatural #Ouroboros #Rowena
Never underestimate the son of Lucifer. New #Supernatural TOMORROW

#repost    #ouroboros    #rowena    #supernatural    
stackles:Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or…sexual orstackles:Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or…sexual orstackles:Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or…sexual orstackles:Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or…sexual or


Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or…
sexual orientation.

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My piece for @destielzine / Endings Fix-it Zine!

I haven’t participated in a zine in years, but when I heard about this one I knew I wanted to be a part of it ! As I thought of how I would have liked Supernatural to end, I realized I just wanted Dean and Cas to be able to settle down somewhere and fix up a place. They went through so much in the show, I definitely think they deserve the chance to take it easy.
