

The second part of the story, read PART 1 HERE

This is a really long fic, its also very fluffy and sad

 The sound of screaming woke you up. Screaming, struggling, fighting, then nothing. You were awake but you couldn’t quite open your eyes. You could feel the damp moist air, and sweat soaked clothes clung to your body. You could feel the restraints on your wrist that were held above you head, as you recognised your position the aching pain of your arms started pulsing. You stayed as still as possible, trying not to draw any attention to yourself after the commotion you had just heard. More pains in your body surfaced the longer you were awake, hunger, thirst. How long have you been in this place?

Enough time had passed since the screaming and no more noises were made. You felt it was safe enough to finally open your eyes. It took your eyes a moment to adjust, but once they did you realised you were in a cave. You heard some sets of footsteps and immediately  played dead again. 

“She has to be in here somewhere, if this is a wendigo he will keep her alive.” 

It was Dean’s voice.

“Yeah I hope so” His little brother replied with fear in his voice. Sam had found you and came to rescue you. You opened your mouth to try and call his name, but nothing came out. Your mouth was too dry and voice hadn’t been used in so long, you were just mouthing words. 

You helplessly tried screaming and squirming to make any noise to get their attention, when the sound of growling grabbed your attention. You looked to your right where the cave deepened, and were met by a pair of evil beady eyes glaring at you. The thing slowly started walking towards you with a low grumble. You started to panic, you put all your energy into freeing yourself, but it wasn’t going to happen. The thing had picked up its pace and started jogging towards you. 

“Sam” your voice managed to crack out a quiet yelp.

 You closed your eyes and braved yourself, ready to take the impact of whatever this thing was going to you, when suddenly you hear a shot. Your eyes shot open and you saw Dean aiming at the windego. It turned around and started chasing him, when Sam from around the corner shot it with a flare gun, and it went up in flames. It screamed as it burned, Dean watched over it with a completely emotionless face while mesmerised by the monster in front of him dying. Sam ran towards you and cut the rope that had tied you up. He caught you in his arms as your body collapsed. Dean had left the monster and had taken down a girl who was next to you, she wasn’t conscious. You tried to stand up, but dropped to your knees. You had been tied up for so long you couldn’t walk. The pain in your arms from being held up was excruciating, everything hurt and you were so damn thirsty. Sam picked you up and started walking towards the exit of the cave. 

“It’s ok, baby” he attempted to comfort as you lost consciousness again.

You woke on the couch of the cabin, a throw draped over your body and a bottle of water laid beside you. As soon as you moved Sam leapt off his feet to be by your side. He knelt on the floor beside you and gently picked up your hand and placed a kiss on it.

“How are you feeling?” He asked. You tried to answer, but your throat was still raw. He took your water bottle and opened it, you sat up in your seat as he handed it to you. You slugged it down and finished it off in one, and took a deep breath before attempting to speak again. 

“Thank you so much for finding me, Sam. What was that?” 

“That was a wendigo. You’ve been gone for a week. But you’re back now and that’s what matters” Sam got up on to the couch next to you and pulled you in to him. You felt horrible but having him next to you was a great comfort. You snuggled in to him, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his chest. You listened to his heart beat as it settled down with you. You must have fallen asleep again, but you were woken by bickering in the kitchen a little while later.  

“She’s a liability! She makes you weak and she can’t fight, she’s not a hunter and if you really loved her then you wouldn’t bring her into this life.”

“Keep your voice down” Sam snarled. “I do love her which is why I can’t leave her, Dean. I’ve already endangered her, she’s safer with me looking out for her.” 

“You’re going to have to make a choice.” Dean stated before storming out and slamming the cabin door behind him. You got up from the couch, stronger now after all the rest. You quietly walked over to Sam who was leaning against the kitchen counter, arms folded with his head bowed. 

“Hey” you said softly, gently rubbing his arms. He picked his head up and instinctively went to grab you as if you were a delicate china doll about to fall off the shelf. His gaze met yours and his eyes were shining, every ounce of him holding in the tears that were bursting against the dam walls. 

“I’m ok.” You reassured him. “I heard Dean.” Sam was about to speak but you interrupted. 

“I’m going to leave” you announced.

“Don’t” he spat, tears escaping as soon as he spoke. You reached up to his face and wiped them away. He placed his arms around your waist and your body’s were pressed together. 

“I love you. So much. But I can’t come between you and your brother” you started to cry too.

“We can work something out, please.” 

“I want nothing more than to be with you. But I know how much family and Dean mean to you. I can’t let you make this decision so I’ll make it instead. I’ll be ok.” 

You placed your head on his chest as he embraced you in a hug, his head was on top of yours and you could feel the wetness from his tears in your hair. He took a deep breath, kissed your head before straightening up. You guided his lips to yours and placed a light kiss, a reassurance  to Sam that this was all going to be ok. Not that it actually was. 

You decided to go pack your stuff away, you were putting things in your bags when you noticed the present you had brought for Sam. The one you never got the chance to give to him. You opened up the box and admired the gift, contemplating whether or not you should still give it to him. You put it at the top of your bag, in case you decided you’d need it. 

You brought everything to the door. Sam was speaking to his brother who had returned in the other room. You couldn’t believe this was happening, finding Sam was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He was gorgeous, so kind, thoughtful, funny, caring, basically just everything you ever wanted in a man. In fact, hes everything everyonewants in a man. But there’s always a catch. In this case, the catch was that he had a brother that could rise from the dead. 

Sam emerged from the other room and closed the door behind him. He walked over to you and with your hand he pulled you off the arm of the sofa that you were leaning against. You fell into his chest and started to cry. He apologised more times than you could count. After a moment he sat you back and wiped your tears, before telling you it was time to go. He loaded all your bags into the impala, and you drove off back to your old house that you’d hadn’t been in for a while. The journey was over 2 hours, it was sad at the start, nobody wanted to speak because the situation that was hanging over you was repressing everything, it was a thick foggy cloud of smoke that no one could breather through. That was until you stopped for gas, and before taking off Sam stalled the impala, making you both laugh a little, and cleared the air. 

You arrived at your house and it was 12am. After dumping your bags at the front door, you plonked down on the sofa with Sam following. He loosely draped his arm over you shoulder, and you sank into him from instinct. It felt like you were just coming back home after a trip, but that wasn’t the case. You had to keep reminding yourself that this wonderful man who you wanted to spend your life with is about to become an ex. And you feel it in your chest like a knife stabbing you every time you’re reminded. You told Sam that he can’t drive back at this hour, when you expected him to insist that he leave he actually told you he wanted to look after you for a few days. 

“Won’t that just make everything harder?” You asked. You knew it would. But the thought of getting a few more days with the love of your life was everything. 

“Yes. But you’ve just been in a Windego cave for a week, you’re weak and I can not let you stay by yourself, especially when it was my fault it happened.” Sam shook his head in disappointment with himself. 

“It’s not your fault. Look, if I was up in the woods with my plumber boyfriend or bank teller boyfriend, I would’ve died. The fact that you are a hunter is why i’m still here.” You reassured him with a gentle kiss on his cheek. His eyes caught yours, and you lingered for a moment, when he reached his hand up to your face and pulled your lips into a kiss. He sunk down in the sofa and guided your body on top of his, your lips not coming apart once. One hand was tracing your body while the other was pressed against your back, trying to keep your body as close to his as possible. He gently moved you back up, and followed your movements so you were both sitting up, he ripped the shirt off over your head and starting sucking on your neck. You leaned into him, hands buried in his hair when he paused.

“Are you sure?” Sam asked, worried about your health and if you were strong enough.  

“What better way to say goodbye.” You pushed him back down on the sofa with a smirk and ripped his shirt open, placing sloppy kisses all the way down to his pants.

A few days had passed, you were feeling good, which was a blessing and a curse. Sam was getting ready to head back to his brother. Dean had thought Sam had changed his mind and chose you, but when Sam phoned him to say he was coming home today Dean made it clear he wanted him home quick, especially because he had his car. 

He was standing at the door, bags at his feet and the saddest smile painted on his face, he was trying to stay positive but you could see right through him. You buried yourself in his arms, one last time. Drank in his smell, memorised the sound of his heartbeat, just took him in. You remembered about his present, and had decided even though circumstances had changed, you wanted him to know how you felt about him. You broke the hug to grab the box, which was still sitting in at the top of your bag that hadn’t been unpacked. 

“Sam, I know this doesn’t mean anything now, but I wanted you to have it anyway. Open it when you get back to the cabin.” You placed the box in his hand. 

“I hope its better than the bracelet I got you, it seems to have done the exact opposite of what it said on the tin” He laughed. You walked him to his car, cried a lot, kissed a lot and hugged a lot. But then he was gone. After watching the impala drive off into the sunset with the man you loved, you went into the house. 

2 hours later, Sam had landed at the cabin. He stormed straight past Dean and into the bedroom. He lay on the bed, and pulled out the box you handed him that he was itching to look at the whole ride home. He opens it, it’s a plain silver band. He takes it out of the box when he notices an engraving. Squinting, he brings it closer to look at it. He reads it aloud. 

“Will you marry me?”


Hi! Can you do an imagine where Dean and Sam comes back to find the reader possessed. And Dean is willing to do anything to save the reader because he loved her. And some fluffy after care? Thanks!

Hi! Can you please do a Dean x reader where the reader comes back from Hell and she sees Dean and he’s happy to see her, but she’s acting distant and cold after what happened to her in hell, but he convinces her how much he loves her and they decide to pick up where they left off in the romantic relationship they had before the reader died? Can it be kind of angsty but fluffy at the end? Thank you so much!

Combined these 2 requests. This one is a bit shorter, but hope you enjoy anyway.

It was your first hunt since you’d came back from hell. Tension was thick in the air for multiple reasons. One; You’d changed, the boys knew it and could do nothing about it. Two; you were on the way to kill the demon that took your life and got you sent to hell in the first place. And Three; you had decided to end the relationship with Dean that was blooming before you went to hell. All that was on your mind right now was revenge. When you didn’t have anything to focus on your mind wandered, and remembered things about hell that you just couldn’t bare to think about.

The breaks were slammed on in the car jolting you forward. You peered out the window, eyes tracing the warehouse where the demon had been working out of for the past 3 days.

You were scouting out entrances and exits from a distance, while Sam and Dean prepared the weapons bag. Your breath started to get lost in your chest as vengeance filled your body, and all you could see was red. You stormed over to the boys and snatched an angel blade out of Dean’s hand, spinning on your heels and jogging in the opposite direction towards the warehouse.

“Hey!” Dean yelled in a sharp whisper,
“Fuck” he swore, before looking at Sam as they silently agreed with each other to follow you. They chased after you, a short 30 seconds behind you but in that 30 seconds you managed to get grabbed by the demon. He had you with a gun to your head in front of the door for when the Winchester’s would burst through.

“No” Dean cried, pain spread across his face as soon as his eyes met the sight.

The demon cackled, tormenting the boys as he froze them in place and played about with you. He traced the gun up and down your body, dragged it up your torso and paused it between your breasts as he licked his lips.

“Y/n! Back from the dead!” He started the usual spiral of tormenting conversation before the physical harm began. You stared at the demon and didn’t respond.

“How was hell then? I heard you made quite the impression” he chuckled as he looked at the brothers who had confusion painted on their faces. He flung you to the floor and your body skidded across the concrete and up the wall. You were pinned there when the demon caught a random smile, and expelled himself from his meat suit, who instantly dropped to the floor and didn’t flinch. Sam ran to the meat suit and Dean ran to you.

“Dead” Sam pronounced, whilst Dean cradled your shoulders in your hands trying to get a reaction out of you. He screamed at you asking were you alright, and how could you be so stupid. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. You could hear him, and wanted to tell him you’re fine but your mouth wouldn’t open. You started to laugh uncontrollably, no matter how hard you tried to stop. You flicked your wrist and Sam was thrown into a wall. Dean’s face dropped and he let go of you as he realised what had just happened. You were possessed.

“What a mess up here holy shit!! My god this girl is troubled!!” The demon walked into Dean, forcing him to stumble back on to his heels and you gently pushed him over.

“Oh she’s so in love with you she’s going to hate me for this… oh well!!” The demon grabbed Deans shirt and started punching his face. You tried so hard to take control of your body, you were screaming and shouting and doing everything you could think of to try to expel the demon. But nothing worked.

“Settle down in there!” The demon spoke to you, as you battled with him inside your head.

“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas” Dean started to exorcise the demon in between punches. He screamed out and grabbed Dean’s throat and picked him up, proceeding to choke him.

“omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica” Sam who was pinned to the wall spoke the next lines. The demon screamed and dropped Dean. Cradling your head as it yelled out in pain, it began to twitch.

“Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te.“ The boys spoke together as the demon lost a hold on both of them. You shrieked as the black smoke expelled from you, a sharp burning sensation rushing through your body. The smoke left out the nearest window and you dropped to your knees, tears spewing out instantly.

“I’m so sorry” you repeated to Dean as he crawled on his knees over to you. He caught you as you started to fall down, your arms slumped over his and you just stayed there sobbing, lying in each others arms. After a few moments Sam picked you both up and guilt filled your heart when you saw Sam’s ripped up clothes and limp, and Dean’s beaten bloody face. Your tears continued as Sam brought you both the car, one of you under each arm. The three of you got in and silently drove the nearest motel. Sam dropped you off and left immediately  to get some medical supplies. You attempted to clean Dean up with what you already had.

You blotted a cold wash cloth over his face, he was wincing matching the movements of your hand. He was sat on the bed and you were on your knees in between his legs. He held an ice pack in one hand and alternated it between his busted lip and busted eye. You sat back having done as much as you could with the supplies you had.

“You don’t know how sorry I am” You broke the silence that had been lingering in the air since Sam left.

“I’m sorry. You wouldn’t have needed revenge if I looked after you properly all those months ago” He spoke muffled through his swollen face. You hadn’t discussed it, but you knew Dean blamed himself for your death. He takes the blame for everything, and you could see it in his face anytime the demon was mentioned how sorry he was that he even allowed it to kill you in the first place.

“It wasn’t your fault. You did look out for me. I made a stupid move, that’s what got me killed. And that’s almost what got us all killed tonight. I’ll never forgive myself for putting us in that danger” you confessed, catching your bowing head in your hands, attempting to breathe deeply in order to keep any more tears at bay.

“I know what it’s like to want revenge. You didn’t do it on purpose.” He attempted to comfort you. He had folded over, using his elbows on his knees to prop himself up and keep his ice pack on his face. You picked his face up gently with a finger under the chin, he followed your hand and brought his head up to look at you.

“I’m so sorry. I’m just so fucked up right now.” You apologised.

“Was the demon lying? When he said you loved me”

You paused as you watched Dean search for answers on your face. The demon wasn’t lying, you loved him so much, and you wanted to be with him but hell messed you up so bad you didn’t want to burden him with your problems, which is why you cut things off when you came back.

“He was telling the truth” you whispered, hoping if you said it quietly enough it wouldn’t be real.

“Why are you shutting me out?” He asked, voice cracking, showing you how much it hurt him that you’ve stopped talking.

“Hell messed me up” you said.

“Let me be here for you. It kills to know you’re hurting alone. Please, y/n. I love you too” he ended his sentence planting a light gentle kiss on your lips, just enough for you to know he means it. You grazed his lips not wanting to hurt his injury. He bumped his nose against yours playfully and attempted a little smile, before wincing at the pain a smile caused.

“We can be here for each other” you said, as you kissed the top of his forehead, standing up tall on your knees and wrapping him up in a hug.

Sam fluff after in season 7 him and dean leave eachtoher after he finds out about amy.

This is a bit of a shorter one. :)

The impala growled outside the motel room, you opened the door to greet the two boys who had been gone on a hunt for a few days. The car door creaked open and a moody Dean got out of the driver side, but no Sam.

“Where is he?” You asked, worried about the whereabouts of your boyfriend.

“He left y/n. I don’t know where he is. He told me to leave him there so I did. Speak to him about it, i’m going to get a drink.” Dean pushed passed into the room and you stepped outside and closed the door. You phoned Sam up to ask what happened.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to find a place to stay before I phoned. If you want to come over I can explain everything. I’m only 2 towns over in Bailey’s Motel, room 44.” He informed.

“Of course. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”  You looked around and stole the nearest car. Well, borrowed. You’d bring it back. You sped down the roads and made it to Sam in 20 minutes. You banged on his motel room door, going out of your mind wonder what had happened for the brothers to fall out like this.

He opened the motel room door and just looked at you, his cheeks were red and his eyes were sad.

“He killed Amy.” He blurted out, and lost the hold of his emotions breaking down on your shoulder in the door way of the motel.

After a moment you guided him to the bed and sat down. How could Dean have done this? He lied to us and told  us he let her go. Amy meant a lot to Sam, and so does Dean’s honesty. It wasn’t shocking how he has responded.

“I’m so sorry. it’s ok” You soothed Sam, he sat up and tried to apologise for getting upset but you sushed him again. You both sat back on the bed a bit after he composed himself, legs crossed in front of you and facing each other. Your hands held Sams as he blabbed about feeling silly for crying.

“No, you’re being silly NOW for thinking you were just being silly. You lost a friend, your brother betrayed you. You’re going to feel bad. It’s ok Sammy.” You tried to send a comforting smile his way. He pulled you towards him, so his back was against the head board and your back was against his chest. His strong arms held you so tightly as he talked to you, his breath on your head and the heat from his reddened face so present.

“Sometimes I can’t understand that man. He claims I come first, before everything, hes got my back and all the rest.. then he goes and does this.” Sam sighed. He squeezed you a bit tighter, almost using your body as a teddy bear. You traced your fingers up and down his forearm that was around your waist.

“You do come first with him. I’m pissed too Sam but he loves you more than anything. And I know you want to punish him, and don’t want to see him right now. But knowing your brother, hes already punishing himself for this 10x more than either of us could.”

He didn’t answer you, he just pulled you around to face him. He starred into your eyes as if he were looking for something. He shook his head and scoffed with a smile.

“What?” you asked, feeling a bit self conscious.

“You are amazing. I just love you, y/n” He smiled at you, cupping your face to bring his lips to your forehead. You cuddled back into him resting your head on his toned chest, listening to his heart beat that had finally settled down. He had his arm around you and the other on your leg that was laid against his. You didn’t move for a while, and neither of you fell asleep. Just enjoyed the moment.

“How’d I get so lucky?” He asked

“I ask myself the same thing everyday” You answered, reaching your face up and gently pressing your lips to his.

“It’ll be nice to have a bit of alone time for a while anyway, just me and you.” Sam smiled, His face beaming with thoughts and ideas already of what you two can get up to together.

“What can we do?” You asked with a smirk.

“Oh.. I had one thing on my mind for right now” He said before flipping you onto your back, leaning over you, pressing his lower body against yours, before smashing his lips into yours.


This part of the story focuses more on the second part of the original request. Angst and fluff :) 

It had been a few months since Dean Winchester chose you. He proposed for you to come on the road with him and the Sam and become a part of their team permanently, and you graciously accepted. These boys had taught you so much in the time you’d been with them, and they had introduced you to Bobby, the man who’s house you all spent a lot of time in. 

You were leaning against Bobby’s kitchen counter, nursing a cup of coffee listening to the songs of the birds on the other side of the open window. You took in your surroundings; all 6 foot 4 of Sam sprawled out on the couch fast asleep, beer bottles and books from late night researching last night, the peeling wallpaper that hadn’t been re-done in years, the blood stained floor boards from casualties and torturing sessions, the musty smell of the old house, the sound of the creaking floor of Bobby walking upstairs, and then you laid your eyes upon the beautiful man sitting at the kitchen table. He was relaxed back in his chair, head towards the ceiling deep in thought about something. You traced your eyes over his features; his freckles lightly dusted over his nose, gorgeous green eyes that you could get lost in, and his perfect plump lips that seem as though they were made to perfectly fit with yours like two pieces of a puzzle. Your life was so great right now, you’d got the life you’d always wanted. Almost. 

“Babe?” You snapped Dean out of his daydream and his attention turned to you. He raised his eyebrows at you, encouraging you to continue. 

“Can we go to the store and get some supplies before everyone gets up and back to researching?” You asked. Dean agreed it was a good idea and the two of you set off in the impala to the store, listening to tunes and having a few laughs on the road there. 

You arrived at the store, walking through the doors the air conditioning up above blew yours and Dean’s hairs all over the place, making you both laugh at each other. You continued round the store, finding things you needed in between messing about with each other. When you and Dean went anywhere together, it was always a lot of fun. You both joked around and poked fun at each other so much, an onlooker wouldn’t think you were together because you didn’t behave like a “normal” couple. 

Dean was paying for the stuff, you walked round behind him, you went up on your tippy toes and kissed his cheek from behind. He blushed and shied away. 

“Alright settle down” He dismissed you, making you feel so small. The woman behind the counter held back her laughter as she looked at you, finding it funny that you just got rejected. You walked back to the car together with a lot less fun. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. Up until recently, when you were alone, Dean treated you like you were the only girl in the world, but only at bed time. He treated you like a friend a lot of the time, and it hurt. Compared to how he treated his ex Casey, it was evident that he was more into her. And the more you thought about it, the worse you felt. 

You both sat down in the impala seats, and set off home. He turned the radio on and started to sing along, poking you in your side trying to encourage you to join in. When his actions were met by your swatting hand and he looked across to see your stern face, he pulled the car over not willing to go any further with you in a mood. He got out of the car and waited for you, but when you didn’t move he walked round to the passenger side and opened the door, then proceeded to squat down to be at your eye level. 

“What’s wrong” He asked. You sighed. Were you about to come across as totally needy with what you were about to say? He asked you again.

“You embarrassed me in that store, Dean.” You stated. 


“The way you just brushed me off when I tried to kiss you” A lump formed in your throat as you spoke. Dean meant so much to you and you couldn’t bare to hear him explain this, when you knew the answer would be “i’ve realised i’m not into you” 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m not big on PDA” He said. He was lying to your face. There was no way he wasn’t big on PDA after that massive display him and Casey put on at the bar after that first night. He also used to be more into affection at the beginning, so he was making no sense.

“Don’t lie. You had plenty of public affection for Casey that night.” You spat, still fighting yourself to keep the tears in. He sighed, and bowed his head, taking a few breaths before looking back up to you. 

“There was 2 reasons I was like that at the bar. Casey was so jealous of you. I know we hadn’t seen each other in a while before that hunt, but I still spoke about you a lot and it made her insecure. I was trying to convince her I was into her.” He explained. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to hear about how he was trying to keep another woman happy but will cause you to get upset. 

“Another reason was, I was trying to convince myself, y/n. From the first day we saw you on that hunt, you in your FBI gear, hair pinned back. My god you were beautiful. I liked you so damn much, I was all over Casey, trying to convince myself she was what I wanted, but she wasn’t. You were. And that’s why I broke up with her.” 

A silent tear escaped from your eye, Dean brought his thumb up to your cheek and wiped it away. 

“So what about now?” You asked, looking for further explanation. 

“I’m scared” He said, his voice cracking. He puffed his breath out trying to keep his emotion under control. 


“I don’t know..” He trailed off.

“No. Come on, why?” You stood your ground, you wanted answers. 

“I’m scared of this Y/N!” He shot up, pacing for a few seconds before squatting back down to speak to you. 

“You are so important to me. These past few weeks, I’ve felt different and it’s scaring me. If I show you off, hand in hand, kisses, all the rest, then it’s real. Me and you, we’re real. And that just makes things so much harder with this job and worrying about you or losing you. It kills me.” He stopped, but your look of confusion prompted him to continue. 

“I guess I’ve put up this guard out of fear, because I really am falling for you and if I fall for you, and something happens, then that will end me.” He explained. 

“Well Dean, i’m falling too. And I don’t want to fall alone. If you keep pushing me away, you might lose me anyway” More tears escaped, Dean reached up and cupped your face and placed a gentle kiss to your lips. 

“Are we really doing this? The real deal? All in?” He asked as he pulled back. You nodded your head. 

“Good. Because I love you.” He confessed, beaming ear to ear as he said the words. 

“Me too” You matched his grin and kissed him once more. 

He drove back home and you landed back at Bobby’s in no time. You were sat on the sofa, and took in your surroundings once more. Sam at the stove cooking up some sausages for lunch, Bobby telling him he’s doing it wrong from across the room, the new stack of research books at your feet waiting for you, t and Dean’s perfect features once again. Only this time those plump lips were pressed to your temple, and his strong arms were wrapped around you as you lay together on the couch, his freckle dusted nose leaning against your hair as he breathed you in. You tilted your head up to look at him, smiling as he caught your eye.

“Love you” You mouthed. 

“Love you too.” Dean replied. Now you really did have the life  you always wanted. 


Hi, can you do an imagine where you’re a hunter who’s been dating Dean for a while, and he decides to introduce you to Ellen Jo and Ash, and Jo ends up disliking you because she’s jealous that Dean loves you? Thanks!

I wrote Jo quite bitchy so if you’re a Jo stand be ware. Enjoy. 

The door to Harvelle’s bar slammed shut as the Winchester’s yelled their hellos through the joint, trying to grab the attention of Ellen, Jo & Ash. 

“Boys!” Ellen beamed coming out from the back, grabbing two cold beers and placing them in front of the brothers as they planted on to two bar stools beside each other.

“What brings you fellas here then?” Ellen asked, as Jo appeared and pulled up a stool beside Dean, dragging the chair as close to his as possible. She looked up at Dean eyes wide with admiration and lust alike as she awaited his answer.

“I’m meeting up with a girl who I want to introduce you to” Dean explained, positioning himself in a protective manner waiting to defend himself from the backlash. Dean was met with chuckles, sounds of confusion and lots of questions.

“Dean Winchester seeing a girl for more than one night.. what has the world come to?” Ellen poked fun at the man.

“Alright, alright. I know. But I really like this girl ok? I need you to be nice to her because for the first time in my life, I see this one lasting.”

“What?” Jo splurted out, in utter disbelief.

“Took me by surprise too, but I’ve met her and she’s a really nice girl.” Sam explained to the group, settling them down a key.
Dean’s phone rang to interrupt the chat, he picked up, smiling when he saw your name on the screen and stepping away from the conversation to answer.

You were sitting in your car in the yard of the bar, filled with nerves to meet the rest of Dean’s friends. Before he introduced you to Sam you were physically shaking, Sam is his whole world and you knew that before you even got together so you knew if Sam hated you that it would be all over. But he was so receptive and welcoming, happy to have you join them on hunts and enthusiastic to help you learn how to research properly. Hopefully this meeting would go just as well.

Dean left the bar after you explained on the phone how nervous you were, he walked towards your car opening up the door and giving you a hand as you got out. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a calming hug, kissing the top of your head.

“Hi Babe” he whispered in your ear before playfully biting on it, teasing a giggle out of you.

“Hey don’t, not before going to meet your friends, I’m a bit on edge. Can’t go in horny” you confessed with a giggle.

“Don’t be. They’re great people” He reassured. He gently took your hand and intertwined his fingers in between yours, giving you a comforting squeeze before leading you into the bar. You spotted Sam straight away and his smile as he nodded his head at you put you at ease a bit. A series of “hello’s” and “how are you’s” came flying your way as Dean proudly told everybody your name.

“Hi everyone” you spoke shyly, Dean let go of your hand to put his arm around your waist to pull you into side hug, then lead you to the bar stools and sat you down. You were served a beer by Ellen and started to get to know everybody.

About an hour had passed and you had settled down majorly. Dean was right, everyone was nice and you felt so welcome. From all but one. Jo had been grabbing every opportunity to one up you or make a snide comment. It was very off putting whilst you were trying to get to know Ellen and Ash, and bond a bit more with Sam. To have to pretend that you can’t hear someone try to put you down was difficult, but you managed for Dean.

“Come here” Dean stood up from his stool as he finished the last swig of his beer, he walked you around the corner where no one could see.

“Keep it PG guys!” Sam called after you, erupting laughter and Dean sighing in embarrassment.

“I know what she’s doing, she can be a bit cold to new people. Don’t stress” Dean explained to you, you met him with a look of defeat prompting a tender kiss to your forehead.

“I think Ash and Ellen are ok with me, 2 outta 3 ain’t bad” you tried to look on the bright side of the situation.

“She’ll warm up” Dean promised. He smiled at you trying to put you at ease. Grabbing on to the collar of his shirt, you lifted yourself up to reach the lips of your boyfriend, sinking yourself into a kiss, taking advantage of the little bit of private time you probably would have all night. He reciprocated by grabbing the small of your back and pulling you in tight to his body, with the other hand on the back of your neck. His tongue ran into your mouth and your hands raised up to his hair forcing the connection even deeper.

“Ew” Jo scoffed as she walked around the corner. Your kiss broke and you looked down at your feet while wiping your mouth.

“Dean. Can you help change this barrel please?” She asked, following an enthusiastic yes from Dean who was always happy to help. He walked towards the back and you took the chance while it was just you and Jo to find out what was wrong.

“Hey” you stopped her in her tracks.
“Have I done something?” You asked curiously. She rolled her eyes at you, and took a step closer.

“He was mine first.” She whispered low and quiet, not loud enough for Dean to hear in the back room. She then turned and stormed off, leaving you standing there trying to process what she’d just said. Did they have a fling? A relationship? Surely Dean wouldn’t introduce you to an ex without telling you that they were together at one point, so did she have a crush?

“Dean stop!” She giggled playfully from the other room. You walked closer to the back room to see what was going on. You peered through the gap of the semi-open door. Dean was throwing a barrel up on his shoulder.

“Wow you’re so strong” she spoke like a damsel in distress who’d never seen a bit of muscle before. Dean just smirked to himself at the compliment. She walked towards him seductively, he paused in his tracks, barrel still in his grasp. She closed the gap between them, you saw her tilt up towards his lips before you saw what was about to happen you looked away. You were not about to watch another girl kiss the man you were falling in love with.

You are the girl Sam lives with between s7 and 8 and you are happy together until Dean shows up and forces you to leave.

I Really like this prompt. Hope you enjoy the story.

Sam peeled his tacky body off yours, panting in unison with you. Beads of sweat lay between his pecks and he gently rolled himself off of you and the couch on the floor, landing with a thud and a small chuckle to follow. You gathered your breath and brushed the clammy hairs off of your face, fixing you bra back in to the proper place and sitting up on the couch. You looked down at Sam who was laid on the rug, his forearm laid over his brow as a quiet smile played at his lips. You slid down the couch on to the floor next to him, he sat up and moved over beside you, both of your backs against the sofa. His arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders as he rested his head on top of yours. 

“I’m so glad you brought me up to this cabin it’s been so much fun, just me and you, no distractions” your face beamed as you spoke, helplessly in love with this man and never been happier.

“Yeah, I’ve not been up here since.. Dean.” He paused for a moment, his brothers name always got stuck in his throat, almost too painful to say it.

“But it’s been amazing y/n. I didn’t know I could be this happy again.” He pressed a kiss to your head. He broke up the moment by standing up to dress himself, you followed suit. Throwing your bottoms on and staying in your bra, the heat in the room keeping you warm. Sam mirroring your decision and deciding to sport only his jeans.

He walked over to you and picked you up off your feet, you swung your legs around his waist as he carried you to his destination. He landed in the bedroom and dropped you on to the bed as he jumped down beside you and placing a sloppy wet kiss on your lips before getting back up to rummage through his bag.

“I got you something” he said excitedly as he dug through his duffel bag, in between his guns, shirts and books. 

A small jewellery box was in the palm of his hand, as he clenched his fingers around it and walked over on his knees to you. 

“This is an amulet bracelet” he explained as he opened up the box. A gorgeous fine silver bracelet lay in the case, with various colours and styles of small charms around it. Your eyes lit up as he took it and draped it over your wrist, fitting you perfectly. 

“It is supposed to ward of bad spirits and energy and invite in the good.” He furthered his explanation. You cupped his face in your hands and brushed your lips on his lightly as you whispered you got him something too.

“Wait here it’s in my purse” 

You left the bedroom and walked towards the living room you were about to bed over to grab your purse when the door bust open. You screamed at the man who had just booted the door open, who was drenched head to toe in blood, guts, goo and everything rotten.

“Who the hell are you!!??” He yelled at you, raising a gun in your direction. Sam heard the commotion and came charging through the halls with his gun, holding it up to the man, but only for a brief moment as they lowered them together. 

“Sammy” the man cried as he charged over to your boyfriend and pulled him down into a hug. They stood there for about 40 seconds just latching on to each other before Sam stood up and walked towards you. His perfect body was now doused in whatever crap the man was covered in. He placed one hand loosely on your hip and as other motioned towards the man.

“Y/N this is Dean.” He introduced.

Your mouth bobbed up and down as your head flickered between Dean and Sam.

“Y-your brother?” You asked in disbelief. Sam had told you his brother died, although he did look like he had just climbed out of a grave.

“Nice to meet you. But if you don’t mind my brother and I have a lot of catching up to do.. so…” he motioned towards the door. 

“Oh… yeah.. sorry I guess? I’ll go for a walk or something” you suggested, grabbing your t shirt that was laid across the couch and plunging it over your head to cover yourself up.

“Look lady, I’m sure you’re nice, but you’re going to have to leave. Like go home” He stayed firmly.

“Dean, she’s kind of living here at the minute, with me.” Sam confessed

“You a hunter?” Dean asked you. No you weren’t. You knew Sam was, that’s actually how you met. He was passing through town just driving anywhere and nowhere, and you both landed in the same bar. You had tried to escape the craziness in your home, where books and tables and shelves were being thrown around the room. Trying to avoid sounding mad you played it off as a joke to Sam, until he told you he could fix it. And he did. He stayed in your town for a while just to be near you, however he had quit hunting. It wasn’t the same for him to hunt without Dean.

“No” you shook your head at Dean.

“So you’re in here all cosy up with my baby brother…” he started scolding you then turned his attention to Sam.

“You know where I’ve been? Purgatory! The resting place of all things evil. I haven’t slept, haven’t eaten, haven’t done anything but kill for an entire year.. all this time you’re getting cosy with some whore?” He yelled at his baby brother, Sam opened his mouth to defend you before Dean cut him off again.

“How long did you even look? A few weeks?” 

There was a long pause, the tension could be cut with a knife. A layer of tears glazed over Sam’s eyes as he looked up to the ceiling to avoid his brothers stare.

“You didn’t..” he laughed out of pure shock. 

“You! Get the hell out of this cabin right now or I swear to god! I need to speak to my brother” Dean screamed at you raising his gun back up towards you and motioning towards to door with it. You grabbed your coat and ran out the door, leaving it wide open and running straight into the woods. Tears blurred your vision as you gently jogged away from the cabin, heading god knows where. You had to be as far away from that horrible man as possible. How could Sam be so sweet and his brother be so terrifying. 

Your boots snapped branches and scuffled through leaves as you got to the heart of the woods. You squatted down for a moment to catch your breath when you heard twigs snapping behind you. The steps were slow and steady, heaving breathing followed them as your body started to tense up. Please be Sam. You spun around slowly, ready to face whatever was next to you, as you saw it your face dropped, and before you could run you were in its grasp, taken away into the night.

Month 3 in a room that holds decor that isn’t mine. I was finally able to get a board to hide some of the dude’s pictures and I am so happy! I’m missing the rest of the art I have collected and can’t wait to find. Thank you @diminuel@gabester-sketch&@chibird I can’t wait to add more




Anyway castiels wings are NOT white they are iridescent black like a Starling’s and i will die on this hill <3


Oh absolutely.

Einstein happily agrees with this.

Hello!  Currently seeking a few different, but specific, fandoms and pairings!  All partners must be 18+ and all characters will be aged up to the same.  Just some quick rules before I go into what I’m looking for: 

  •   Third person POV is what I’m most comfortable with
  • I don’t do more than one main plot/pairing (doubling), however, I will play side characters throughout as I hope you will too
  • As for length, I’d prefer to keep responses at 2+ paragraphs.  Starters, for me at least, are usually longer.
  • I prefer plots that are 60/40 plot/smut
  • I can usually shoot out multiple responses a day and I’d love a partner who can do the same, but I understand life gets in the way so as long as we keep open communication we’re good

  Now, what I’m looking for: (the roles I’d play will be bolded, if it’s an oc I have bios written up at your request!)

  •   Kol Mikaelson & **Averie Forbes(OC)** - Vampire Diaries
  • Loki Laufeyson & **Eira Jarrledottir(OC)** - MCU
  • Steve Rogers & **Wanda Maximoff** - MCU
  • Charles Xavier & **Raven Darkholme** - X-Men
  • Derek Hale & **Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent)** - Teen Wolf
  • Stiles Stilinski & **Lydia Martin** - Teen Wolf
  • Rumplestiltskin & **Belle** - OUAT
  • Peter Pan & **Lyra(OC)** - OUAT
  • Ayato Sakamaki & **Yui Komori** - Diabolik Lovers
  • Inuyasha & **Kagome Higurashi** - Inuyasha
  • Finnick Odair & **Annie Cresta** - Hunger Games

  I believe that’s it, feel free to reach out via discord (toxicdeliquency#7795) or like this post if any of this interests you! : )

Fanart Sunday!

And Pokenatural because I still have a lot of ideas for these fusions! Today is Claire Novak, daughter of Castiel’s vessel’s Jimmy, who despite the attempts of everyone in her life has become a great hunter… with her Cubone that understands very well the pain of losing your parents when young.

In a weird case, Claire didn’t catch her Cubone. Instead, this little fella saw her alone and suffering after she escaped her gramma’s and started following her everyone. Claire wasn’t happy originally, and even refused to call him anything but “you” or “dude” because she though he’d left her like everyone else in her life, but the Cubone stayed.

Only Kaira knows that now, the Cubone’s name is Dean.


lauralolab: Ruby loves fries Uhm… wait a minute. How can she be eating fries?They’re


Ruby loves fries

Uhm… wait a minute. How can she be eating fries?

They’re supposed to have SALT on them… right?!??

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livingmi:Excuse me :DOh Lord… this is priceless… lmfao XD


Excuse me :D

Oh Lord… this is priceless… lmfao


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stripeybandit:Assassin Castiel by NoahWhiteSay WAAAT?!?? Castiel as an Assassin AND wearing Ezio


Assassin CastielbyNoahWhite

Say WAAAT?!??

Castiel as an Assassin AND wearing Ezio’s ACII Florentine robes and hidden blade!?

When my worlds collide…

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Alright, there’s so much great stuff going on for Supernatural these last few days that it mad

Alright, there’s so much great stuff going on for Supernatural these last few days that it made me want to celebrate it somehow.

So guess what? I decided to re-watch the whole show from its marvellous beginning throughout its glorious 5 and a half Seasons till now.

Therefore, starting last night, I managed to get through the first 2 discs of Season 1, up to the Bugsepisode.

Went to bed at 4 AM, had too damn little to sleep, but I regret NOTHING!!!

Life is good!! \o/

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Here’s some nice advice. It’d probably be a good idea to keep this in mind, you know? Ju

Here’s some nice advice.

It’d probably be a good idea to keep this in mind, you know? Just in case…

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