


Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 2,399 (with lyrics)
Warnings: Angst, hallucinations, alcohol use, some language
A/N: This was written for my “Han’s Sing It With Me! 800 Follower Challenge”, and was requested by the ever wonderful @deanssweetheart23. The song she chose was “Brother” by Jensen Ackles, which you can find HERE. I have to say, this one had me thinking. I wrote it, then rewrote it. I loved getting to this point, despite wrestling with how I wanted it to go, and I am in love with the end result. I hope you enjoy it, sweets. :) And, she also won an aesthetic, so that is made by me as well.

Beta’d by my beautiful @trexrambling, thanks for catching…things ;) : “ I love this. Once again, saying so much with so little. Yes.”

Also, a special shout out to @escabell for watching me ramble with pictures, if that makes any sense. Thanks, doll. :)

As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know. :)


Brother, let me be your shelter
Never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re low
Brother, let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home

Ringing…an insistent ringing, right next to Dean’s ear. He groans and slips his arm out from under the pillow, his hand smacking the nightstand until he finally finds the culprit. He squints against the brightness of his phone screen as he lifts it close to his face, his brain taking a moment to process what his eyes are seeing.

Incoming Call - Sammy.

He glares at the phone, his mind foggy as he tries to figure out what time it is. The clock says two a.m., but that can’t be right because Sam should be in bed, settled in way earlier than Dean had been. He slides his thumb across the screen, “Hello?” His voice is rough, like too much whiskey and loud conversations over bar noise.

Dean, it’s me-” Static cuts the voice off, and Dean yawns, still mostly asleep and half convinced that Sam is trying to pull a fast one. He vaguely recalls veiled threats of retaliation when Sam discovered Dean had been using his laptop for…reasons.

“I know it’s you, your name popped up on the screen. Technology is a wonderful thing. Where the hell are you?”

I don’t…dark…no clue…” His voice is cutting in and out, and it almost sounds like he’s in a cave. Dean rolls over to his back and closes his eyes.

“Are you in the bathroom? Oh! Are you in a girl’s bathroom? Lookit you, sneaking out and getting some after I fall asleep. Good on you, Sammy, it’s about time you got laid.”

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