#supernatural self insert



Winchesters x Reader

Summary:  Y/N has always dreamed of fighting alongside the Winchester brothers, but when they finally give her the chance to join the hunt, things don’t go as expected…

This is an angsty one…


“Are you sure you’re up for this, kid?“ Dean asked, his tone laced with doubt.

Y/N crossed her arms and turned to Sam for support. "Tell him that I’m not as clueless as he thinks I am!”

“I don’t know, Y/N. Dean’s got a point. We just don’t think you’re ready for a real hunt yet. Maybe in time, with some more training?” Sam was trying to come off as earnest, but was sweating under Y/N’s pointed stare.

“I’ve been taking the backseat on every hunt for the past year,” she began slowly. “I’ve read the lore, done the research, and studied everything you two have taught me. I know what to expect!”

Dean shook his head and sighed. He fetched a beer from the cooler propped up against the car. “That’s all good in theory,” he said, cracking open the can and leaning against the Impala’s hood. “But it ain’t so clean cut in the thick of it. You’ve got book smarts, no one’s denying that, but you’re not cut out for a hands-on fight.”

Y/N felt something snap within her. Hunting was heroes work. It was a task that only the most skilled could endure. To hear the Winchesters tell her that she wasn’t a match for their lifestyle was a blow to her pride.

“I’m not asking for your permission,” she spat. “I’m not your sister and I’m sure as hell not your responsibility. I’ve been researching your cases for as long as I can remember, so it’s time you respected me as a member of the team.”

Y/N glared at the brothers, expecting them to challenge her. She was surprised by their grim silence, instead. “We do respect you,” Sam said softly. “It’s because we care about you that-”

“Forget it, Sammy,” Dean cut in. “I don’t think she understands. We’re past protecting her at this point. If this is what she wants, then let her have it.” He tossed his can across the gravel plot and stomped to the driver’s side. “We’re five miles from the wolf pack. Let’s see what you’ve got.” Dean scowled at Y/N before shutting the car door with a slam. Sam swallowed nervously and followed suit.

Although joining the brothers on a hunt was what Y/N had wanted, she felt hollow at the prospect of finally doing it. She assured herself that it would be a heroic  endeavor and followed the Winchesters into the car. She knew what to expect. Everything would be fine.

His face was scarred and bloodied. His wide eyes held the broken promise of lost innocence. “Please,” he begged. “Please, I don’t want to die…”

Y/N gripped her blade tightly as the boy cowered below its tip. “You’re a monster,” she said more to herself than to him. The boy couldn’t have been a day over nineteen, with awkward bristles patching his chin, and the soft blush of youth still coating his cheeks. He was only a boy, but he was also a werewolf. A living contradiction that Y/N needed to end.

“What are you waiting for?” Dean yelled from across the field. “Kill it!” Y/N turned to the sound of his voice. The Winchesters fought back to back, defending each other’s rears as fanged creatures clawed from every side. The moonlight cast a bright glow on the land, contrasting the crimson stains on the shadowed earth.

Feeling pressured by Dean’s instruction, Y/N focused on the young monster before her and took a hesitant stab, missing his heart entirely. He cried out with pain and gripped at the blade impaled in his shoulder. Y/N froze, fear sapping her of  the strength to pull back.

“Y/N!” Sam hollered. “Finish it!” She caught a flash of Sam’s wild eyes and pulled the silver blade back by reflex. The boy dropped to the ground and clutched at his wound. His face was pale and Y/N felt nauseated.

She saw his tear stained cheeks and the  helplessness of his posture. She saw a reflection of herself. Frightened. Desperate. Hopeless. She raised the bloodstained blade in her hand but felt her fingers seize. It dropped to the ground with a clatter. The metallic resonance an echo of her crazed heartbeat. She couldn’t kill him.

She dropped to her knees.

“I’m so sorry,” she breathed. “Don’t worry, I’m going to fix this.” Y/N leaned over the boy and pressed her hands against the wound to lessen the flow of blood.

She miscalculated.

The werewolf bared its fangs and lunged at her. It was a wounded animal trapped in a corner, unable to tell kindness from malice. Y/N struggled against it, her back against the dewy grass. The creature clawed at her chest, tearing streaks across her shirt. Her limbs turned to lead against the assault. She had seen the Winchesters fight foes before, but had underestimated the raw violence involved. “I’m trying to help you!” she cried. “Let me help you!”

The werewolf slashed at her with pure animal instinct. It was blind to her good intentions. It sought blood. Y/N arched her back against the grass as the creature craned forwards, its fangs grazing her neck. She pushed against its chest but lost strength as it inched closer.

“I just want to help,” she choked. The creature snarled and Y/N looked away from its yellowed eyes. Her grip against  its chest faltered as her resilience dissipated. Her eyes screwed shut as she accepted the finality of what was to come.

She would not survive this hunt.

Heat slicked her cheeks. She cringed. Sam and Dean never cried. Sam and Dean never let the monsters get the better of them. Sam and Dean never lay down, accepting  death.

She was not Sam or Dean.

She was not a hunter.

As these thoughts richocheted through her mind, Y/N felt the werewolf stiffen above her. She was sure that the monster had bitten her neck. In her rush, she must have stayed numb to the fatal wound. She kept her eyes closed, grateful for the painless kill.

A moment later, she heard the scrape of metal and felt the weight over her body lift.

She opened her eyes.

The werewolf boy lay dead beside her, the tip of a silver blade protruding from his heart. She turned her head and saw Sam and Dean, standing tall and bloodied above her.

Dean was glaring down at her and the kindness had left Sam’s eyes. In that moment, they were hunters. Nothing more.

She gasped when a rough hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her up from the ground. The Winchesters stared with hardened features.

“You almost died,” Sam said. “If Dean and I hadn’t come in time, that would have been it.”

Y/N hummed a response, still disoriented. Blood hummed in her veins. She could taste metal on her tongue. The air was thick with death and Y/N shuddered in spite of herself. She was buzzing.

Her eyes darted around the grassplot. Bodies littered the ground, and when she looked down, the glazed eyes of the dead  boy monster stared back. Her eyes stung and tears trickled out, leaving a hot trail in their wake. She turned to the Winchesters, hoping for comfort, but saw indifference instead. Sam and Dean were unfazed by the massacre, immune to its horror. They were hardened by their years on the road, and could offer Y/N no sympathy after she ignored their warnings.

“I only wanted to help,” she whispered, lowering her gaze to the young werewolf lying dead at her feet. “I thought I could help him…”

“Are you crazy?” Dean scoffed. “These things are monsters. They don’t need your help! In this job, you kill whatever goes bump in the night, end of story. The sooner you quit trying to be a hero, the better.” He shot her a look of disappointment and strode off.

Sam sighed. “We’re not trying to be hard on you, but this is it. You’ve hunted and seen it all. Are you satisfied?” He squeezed Y/N’s shoulder gravely and stepped past her to follow his brother.

Fled were the fantasies of hunting’s triumphs and honour. Y/N had learned the truth tonight. Hunting was a curse. A plague. A brutality. She watched as the Winchesters left her alone. She wanted to run away from them. She wanted to escape the pain, regret and humiliation she had brought upon herself. She wanted to escape the burden that weighed upon Sam and Dean Winchester.

Instead, she followed them.

She walked the stained path to the Impala and nodded at the boys up front. Moonlight glared from above. She climbed into the backseat and shut the car door with shaky hands. She listened to the rumble of the ignition and took one last glance at the remnants of her fist hunt.

She turned forwards and closed her eyes.

There would be more to come.


Try reading Mortal Danger Brings Clarity!!!

This was just a spur of the moment fic, but don’t worry- ALL OUTSTANDING REQUESTS WILL BE POSTED NEXT WEEK!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit my taglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)

Tagging the awesome:@the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70@cookiemumster1 @eliwinchester99@baby-bloos@danzalladaggers




Sam Winchester x Reader

Summary: When Y/N is wounded on a hunt, Sam is the one who volunteers to patch her up. Though she never expected it to happen, a hunt gone wrong may be the only thing to shine a light on her feelings for the Winchester…

Requested by:@baby-bloos


“Sam! You said four vamps, not eight!”

“Well, I guess I was wrong!”

“Yeah, no kidding!”

Y/N groaned as the Winchesters bickered behind her. The three hunters were spaced out in a circle, backs to each other as they held an offensive to the line of vampires coming from every corner of the warehouse. “Save the fight for the undead, you guys!” Y/N called behind her shoulder, machete poised. “This isn’t the time for your sibling rivalry!” 

“You hear that, Dean?” Sam asked smugly. “She says to shut up.”

Dean ducked a stiff blow from an oncoming monster and smashed an elbow to its side. “Sammy, I swear,” he huffed. “The second we’re out of the woods, I’m gonna kill you.”

Sam rolled his eyes before slashing his blade across a vamp’s exposed neck, bringing it to its knees. “You okay back there, Y/N?” he called out. 

“Looking good over here,” she gasped. “I think we’re nearly done!” Sam was turning away when he caught a flash of movement in his periphery. “Y/N!” he yelled in warning. “Vamp, nine o’clock!”

She turned to her right, startled. “I don’t see it!” Just as she pivoted around, a vampire burst out from the left and sliced her leg with a jagged steel rod. 

She cried out in pain and stumbled to the ground, cutting her hands on the shards of broken glass spread across the warehouse floor. “Sam!” she called out. 

Sam felt his heart lurch at the ache in Y/N’s voice and charged towards the monster that had attacked her, pushing it against the wall, and slaying it. 

“That was the last one,” Dean said grimly from across the room. Sam nodded stiffly and dashed to Y/N’s side, adrenaline coursing through him. He knelt down and put an arm around her. “I’ve got you,” he said gently. “Just hold on.” He winced when she stiffened in his hold. “I’m gonna lift you up, alright?” Y/N nodded as he raised her to her feet. 

“How’re you feeling?” Dean asked, walking towards the pair. 

Y/N stumbled and a sharp pain shot up her leg. She cringed and pushed her weight against Sam’s side. “Not great,” she admitted. “My leg’s hurt.”  

“That’s gotta sting…“ Dean whistled. “Hey, I think I saw a First Aid kit back there.” He gestured towards a dingy sitting area behind them. “Why don’t you let Sammy patch you up while I do a last scope of the place? The nest was bigger than we thought. There might be a couple stragglers hiding around.”

Sam crinkled his nose. “There were eight, Dean. I might have made a mistake before, but I’m sure about this one. There were only eight.”

Dean turned to his brother and stared at him through half lidded eyes. “I know that, genius. I’m just trying to give you two some privacy.Lord knows, you heartthrobs need it…” 

Sam’s mouth twitched as his brother walked away, and Y/N felt a heat creep up in her cheeks. “So,” she said awkwardly. “First Aid kit, right?”

Sam flashed her a half smile. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Let’s go.”

The pair shuffled towards the corner, but Y/N felt her leg burn with every step. Sam listened to her shaky breaths and sighed. “Here, maybe this will help,” he said. He stopped walking and leaned down to scoop Y/N in his arms. Her hair brushed against his nose and he smiled in spite of himself. 

“Woah there,” she laughed. “Maybe a bit of warning next time you decide to carry me?“ 

Sam snorted and shifted to look at her. “Hopefully, there won’t be a next time,” he replied. 

Y/N gripped tightly at his ragged shirt and leaned her head against his shoulder. She could see Sam’s jaw twitch as he tried to suppress a smile, but said nothing about it. 

“Alright,” Sam groaned. “Putting you down, now.” He lowered her onto a tall counter, and grabbed a stark, white box that was propped against the backsplash. Y/N lifted her dangling leg up a fraction and winced at the pain that followed. “Take it easy there,” Sam warned. “Let me check you out first.”

He grabbed a chair and dragged it in front of Y/N, sitting down and resting her wounded leg on his lap. He leaned over and fetched a pair of medical scissors from the kit. Y/N watched as his brows furrowed in concentration, and he turned up to look at her. “The gash is above the knee,” he explained. “I’m going to have to snip your clothes.”

She could only nod, entranced by his method and purposeful movements. For a moment, the pain in her leg subsided, all thoughts on Sam.

Taking her nod as sufficient enough consent, Sam dragged the scissors up her pant leg and cut a ring around her thigh. He studied the wound, cocking his head as he assessed the damage. “I think it looks worse than it actually is,” he noted. “You might not even need stitches. I’ll just clean it up, then Cas can do his thing back at the bunker.” He slid a hand under Y/N’s leg and swiped a gauze over the injury. 

She gulped at his warm caress and felt goosebumps course over her skin. There was a subtle intimacy in the way his calloused fingertips made quick work of her wound. “I think we’re done here,” Sam said finally, wiping the sweat from his brow. Y/N’s heart swelled at the proud smile on his face, and she reached out to touch him, stopping herself just short of cupping his cheek.

He looked up and frowned at the expression on her face. “What’s wrong?” he asked her. “Is the wrapping too tight?” He let go of her leg and stood up, leaning against the counter to her right. She thought frantically of a response, not wanting to admit to ogling him. “No, it’s perfect,” she whispered. “It’s just my hands…”

She showed him the small cuts from the shards of glass, and Sam took both her hands in his own. “No problem,” he said. “There’s not much left in the kit, but maybe this’ll help.” Y/N watched as he unbuttoned his flannel and shrugged it off, revealing a snug crew neck shirt underneath. He smiled shyly before wrapping the plaid fabric around her damaged hands and tying it up as best he could. 

Sam took a step back and crossed his arms against his chest. He scratched his nose and looked at Y/N expectantly. “Well?” he asked. “How’s that?” Y/N appraised his work, lifting a brow at the unconventional mend. “It feels better,” she grinned. “Thanks Sam.”

He rolled his eyes. “You think it’s crappy,” he laughed. “It’s all over your face!” He waved off Y/N’s protests and helped her off the counter. 

She faltered a bit, but stood balanced when Sam supported her with a steady hold. “You ready to head home?” he asked. 

She nodded. “Yeah, I think we’re done here. I’ve faced enough danger for one day.”

“You know,” Sam mused, “It didn’t have to end this way.” 

“What do you mean?” 

He looked at her and grinned. “Remember when I warned you about the oncoming vamp?”

“Yeah, what about it?” 

“I told you nine o’clock, but you turned right.”

Y/N hesitated for a moment before his words finally struck her. “Nine o’clock was to my left!” she moaned. 

Sam nudged her with an elbow. “No kidding!”

The pair laughed as they exited the warehouse, pressed against each other. When he heard the noise, Dean looked up from his spot against the Impala’s hood and smirked. “Did I miss something?” 

“Nah, it’s nothing, dude,” Sam replied breathily. 

Dean nodded knowingly. “Gotcha Sammy. It’s a couple’sthing, isn’t it?”

Y/N froze, silently cursing Dean for taunting his little brother. She turned to Sam, expecting him to shift his gaze away or stutter a response. Instead, she was surprised to see him raise his chin in defiance. “Yeah Dean, that’s right,” he affirmed, giving Y/N’s shoulder a squeeze. “It’s a couple’s thing.” 

Dean glanced at the pair and nodded. “Good times,” he grinned, standing up and moving to the driver’s side.

“Acouple’s thing, Sam Winchester?” Y/N inquired once Dean was gone. Sam smiled sheepishly under her gaze. 

"I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he said softly.

“You didn’t,” she whispered back with a grin. “Sam, I-”

Just then, the Impala’s horn sounded. Dean beamed from inside the car, a glint in his eye. “I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but don’t we have a date with Doctor Cas? Save the cheesy confessions for after we all get patched up!”

“It’s alright, Sam,” Y/N said with a laugh. She leaned forwards and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “We’ve got all the time in the world to talk about the couple’s thing…” She struggled to the Impala’s backseat, looking over her shoulder to flash Sam a wink. “Besides, Dean is right about seeing Cas.” She gestured towards her bandaged leg with a smile. “Your medical skills really suck.”

Sam turned back at his brother and scowled. “Would you give us a minute?”


Try reading Oversight!!!

@cosbloos​ Hello!!!! I really want to thank you for sending in a request!!! I really hope you liked this one, and I just want to say that YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!

This could have very well have been a platonic wound mending but I had to go there

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)



tagging the coolest:  @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70@cookiemumster1 @cosbloos@danzalladaggers
