#survival of the fittest



Awesome day pack! (Not to mention packing skills!)

Reblog to share this awesomeness! 

 : @hardcoresurvivor

Awesome day pack! (Not to mention packing skills!)

Reblog to share this awesomeness! 

 : @hardcoresurvivor

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wildernesssurvivor: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt! Las


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt!

Last time we ran T-shirts, this one was the only shirt to sell out. So, if you missed out last time, here’s your shot!

T-shirts are printed through TeeSpring.com, which has a great reputation for quality clothing design.

T-shirts cost $24.99 before - HOWEVER, I’ve marked them down to just $19.99 because I love you guys!

So click here —> “The More I Know” to buy your shirt today!

Post link
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt!Last time we ran T-shirt

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt!

Last time we ran T-shirts, this one was the only shirt to sell out. So, if you missed out last time, here’s your shot!

T-shirts are printed through TeeSpring.com, which has a great reputation for quality clothing design.

T-shirts cost $24.99 before - HOWEVER, I’ve marked them down to just $19.99 because I love you guys!

So click here —> “The More I Know” to buy your shirt today!

Post link
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt!Last time we ran T-shirt

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, back by popular demand, the “The more I know” T-shirt!

Last time we ran T-shirts, this one was the only shirt to sell out. So, if you missed out last time, here’s your shot!

T-shirts are printed through TeeSpring.com, which has a great reputation for quality clothing design. 

T-shirts cost $24.99 before - HOWEVER, I’ve marked them down to just $19.99 because I love you guys!

So click here —> “The More I Know” to buy your shirt today!

Post link

Pairing:Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~3.1k

Warnings:minor fluff,angst, canon violence

Author’s Note: this is the series finale. i am so sad this is all over, but i want to thank each and every one of you guys for liking, reblogging, and commenting on my series. i honestly couldn’t do this without any of you, so for that, thank you. for those who are wondering, i did start season 8, but the earliest it’s going to come out is in August/September. i know it’s a long way away, but i work very hard to bring you the very best content.

hank you for always supporting me <3

I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.


Sam got the woman to the hospital just in time for you three to head back to your dad’s cabin and regroup. You and Dean are sitting at the table staring at your dad’s flask, Sam is on the phone with the hospital, Meg is drinking your beer, and Castiel is making more sandwiches for you three to eat.

“Okay, thanks,” Sam says before hanging up. “She’s fine. She’s checking out of the hospital tonight.”

“Well, that’s positive,” Castiel states, passing a plate to you and Dean with sandwiches on them.

“Thank you, Castiel,” you smile politely.

“Tell me again why you turned tail for some maid?” Meg asks. “You were right there.”

“Can you shut the hell up for once? Please?” you sigh. “We’re not like you, Meg. We don’t just care about ourselves. We help people no matter what. That’s not something you’ll ever learn.”

“Because Dick made more Dicks,” Sam says. “He must’ve kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere. Uh, they’d all have to touch it.”

Castiel clears his throat and washes the dishes, not commenting on anything.

“Hey, shifty, what’s your problem?” Dean asks.

“Do we need a cat? Doesn’t this place feel one species short?”

“We already have a dog,” you say and point to Zeus who barks.

Joanna mimics the dog and barks in her own way, and you giggle into her hair. She looks at her daddy and reaches out for him so he can hold her.

“It’s not like I carried you for nine months or anything.”

“Dada,” Joanna grins.

Dean takes her into his arms, trying to hide his smile. He is beyond happy that she said his name first before yours.

“You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help,” he says once his daughter is in his arms.

“I can’t help. Do you understand? I can’t. I destroyed… everything, and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that?”

“No, we can’t,” you say and stand up. “We can’t leave it. You let these fucking things in.”

“So, you don’t get to make a sandwich. You don’t get a damn cat. Nobody cares that you’re broken, Cas. Clean up your mess!” Dean says harshly.

You look at Dean in shock that he would say something like this to him. Behind Castiel’s eyes is pain at the harshness of his words, but he doesn’t show it. He puts down the dishes he is holding and walks over to Dean.

“You know… we should play Twister.”

Castiel disappears right before Dean’s eyes, and Meg rolls her own.

“Nice. You scared off the Empire’s only hope.”

“Meaning?” Sam wonders.

“Has it ever occurred to you every one of those things was in Cas? He knows them. He can see past the meat suits.”

“He’ll be able to spot the real Dick.”

“Gold star, sugarpants. Too bad he’s Fruit Loops. You might’ve had a chance.”

There is a sound of angel wings fluttering, and you turn to see Castiel with a Twister board on the floor. You honestly don’t even recognize your friend anymore. You’re not sure what you can do to help him recover from whatever pain he had to go through while healing Sam. All you can do now is just watch him and make sure he doesn’t disappear again. Dean and Sam continue to watch the security cameras while you hang with Castiel and Joanna on the floor.

“Come on, say ‘mama’. Ma-ma.”

“Dada,” she smiles.

“You know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you?” you ask with your eyes narrowed playfully.

She makes spit bubbles and laughs, and you can’t help but giggle in response.

“There’s no real point in looking for a tell. They all downloaded Dick’s brain. They’ve all got the same tells,” Dean groans.

“Alright, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing?”

“Is that the best you can do? Idjits,” your dad makes an appearance.

“Bobby. We didn’t know if you’d–”

“Well, you should’ve. You got the flask. Dumbass. You should’ve burned it right off.”


Your dad motions for you to follow him outside, so you three separate from Castiel to go outside and talk to your dad.

“I’m still jonesing to go back, grab some poor bastard, and kill them going after Dick. It’s bad. Let’s be real. I damn near killed you and that woman.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Bobby–not really.”

“Right. That’s just what ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that.”

“So, what’s it feel like?”

“What? Going vengeful? It’s an itch you can’t scratch out. Look… I’m done. Go get Dick, but don’t do it because you think it’ll scratch the itch. Do it because it’s the job, and when it’s your time… go.”

You can’t seem to look at your dad because if you do, then you know you’d be a crying mess. Of course, you don’t want him to go, but he can’t stay like this forever. You were scared of this exact thing happening to him and to you.


“I don’t want you to go,” you whisper emotionally.

You know he has to, but this just hurts too damn much. Dean gets up and takes Joanna from you so you and your dad can have a moment alone before you say goodbye to him for good. You and your dad step off to the side so that the men don’t have to go anywhere.

“This is exactly what I was afraid of. I was afraid of feeling this way a second time.”

“I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You’ve surpassed my expectations as a witch and as a mother. There’s no one I’d rather have as a daughter than you. I’m sorry I’ve put you through this pain, but I didn’t want to leave you and Joanna.”

“I love you so much,” you sniffle.

“I love you more. I don’t know where I’m going, but just know I’ll always be here to watch over you. You’re never going to be alone, you hear me?”

“I know.” You look over at Sam and Dean who quickly look away as they pretend not to listen. “Okay, we’re ready.”

He and Sam take the flask and go out back where they start a small fire to put the flask in. Dean has the flask in his hands while you hold Joanna, but he can’t seem to do it.

“Here’s to… running into you guys on the other side. Only… not too soon. Alright?” your dad says.

“Goodbye, daddy,” you whisper.

“Goodbye, darling.”

Dean tosses the flask into the flames without the leather cover on it. The more it burns, the more your dad is closer to the end. You look at your dad and watch as flames envelope his entire body. You let out a sob and turn to your husband who takes you into his arms.

“Mama,” Joanna finally says, touching your cheek.

“Yes, I’m your mama,” you smile through your tears.

You look up and see Castiel watching you from the back window, and there is a certain look of uncertainty in his eyes. You pull away from Dean and leave the fire to go back inside. The brothers put out the flames a few minutes later and followed loosely behind.

“Cas, I need a wingman,” Dean clears his throat.


“You don’t want to jump into the jaws of death, that’s… fine. How about we run a little errand? You too, Y/N.”

“Can you watch her?” you ask Sam and pass her off to her uncle.


Instead of driving there, Castiel offered to be the ride. Dean gave Castiel the location, and you know exactly where he wants to take you two. He’s going to the place where his precious car is being stored for the time being. You know he really misses her, but it’s only a matter of time before you can use it again. With a flutter of angel wings, you and Dean disappear from your dad’s cabin to the place where Baby is being stored.

“Thanks for the lift.”

“My pleasure.” Dean walks to his baby and lifts the corner of the tarp covering her, smiling softly at the shiny metal. “Dean…”

“I know you’re scared, Castiel,” you cut in before he can say anything more. “I’m scared. You let these things in, and they beat you, and now you’re afraid of facing them because they might beat you again. I understand that, but we have a way to end this. It doesn’t matter what you did, Castiel. It matters what you do now, and you’re the only one who can help take all of them down. You did a bad thing, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.”

“I’m not good luck, Y/N,” Castiel whispers.

“She’s right, you know. Bottom of the ninth, and you’re the only guy left on the bench… Sorry, but I’d rather have you, cursed or not. Anyway, nut up, alright? We’re all cursed. Do we seem like good luck to you?” Dean says the same thing but in his own way. Castiel stares at the two of you with an unknown look on his face. “What?”

“Well, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I detect a note of forgiveness from both of you.”

“That’s because we’re giving it to you, Castiel. You’ve earned it.”

“Well, I’ll go with you, and I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks,” Dean says with a small smile.

“So, can I ask what the plan is?”

“Well, according to Crowley, Dick knows we’re coming, so we’re gonna announce ourselves–big,” Dean smirks.

“Go big or go home,” you shrug.

Dean never lets anyone drive his precious Baby, but he had to if he wanted to distract most of the Leviathans. You hated this idea, but you had to have Meg drive it so that the Leviathans would think it’s you instead of her. While she is speeding up to the doors, you and the Winchesters went through the back and split up. Sam is going to go find Kevin since they are holding him here, and you and Dean go with Castiel so he can point out where the real Dick is.

“Take her. Keep her safe, okay? I can’t kill Dick if I’m worried about her,” you say to Sam and hand Joanna to her.

“Of course.”

“Mama,” Joanna whines, reaching out for you.

“Not now, baby. You’re going to be with your uncle Sammy, okay? Be a good girl.”

You kiss her head and look at Sam before leaving for Dean and Castiel’s side.

“We’ll be right back, sweetheart,” Dean sighs.

He kisses his daughter before leaving so that it’s not any worse than it already is. You leave with the two men, trying to find the best way to Dick without raising suspicion. You’d rather not kill a bunch of Leviathans only to alert Dick and have him get away. It’s too quiet in this building, but you have a mission to do. Every Leviathan you see, you have to make sure they aren’t the real Dick based on Castiel’s opinion. When you see a Leviathan, he looks at them and nods yes or no if they are the real Dick.

Each one you pass is the wrong person, so you have to continue on until you reach the real one. Gunshots ring out from the front of the building, and you know Meg is doing her part. You only have so much time before Dick is alerted by them dying.

You’re about to walk past a conference room that had glass walls when you notice Dick sitting in there alone. You stop and look at Castiel, nodding to the room to tell him there is someone in there. You move out of the way so he can peek inside, but when he shakes his head at you, you know you have to keep looking.

If you had to guess, Dick would be in the bottom level where the labs would be so as to keep everything he’s doing out of the public eye. You three take the stairs to the labs which also have glass windows and walls. You turn the corner and see Dick and another Leviathan dressed like a doctor. Castiel peeks at them from behind you, and when he nods his head, you know you have your guy.

You bend down and sneak past the window so he won’t be able to see you when you come to a door that has access to the room. You unlock it with your magic and tiptoe inside, not alerting either Leviathan. Dick is standing there with his back to you, holding some kind of small creamer. You believe this will end mankind as you know it if he gets this distributed.

“You know, I think this might end up the slickest little genocide in history,” Dick chuckles, downing the small container.

“Thank you, sir,” the Leviathan grins, packing a box with the small creamers.

“Just sayin’. I smell 'promotion’.”

You sneak up behind the Leviathan and form a magical sword since it’s a lot quieter than Dean unsheathing his machete. You slice right through the Leviathan’s neck, cutting his head clean off. He gargles up blood but drops dead. If Dick didn’t know you were here before, he does now. He crushes the creamer container in his hands and turns around, making eye contact with your bright blue ones. He looks down at his friend, but he doesn’t have any reaction.

“Little abrupt… but okay,” he chuckles. “Castiel. Good to see you again. Thanks for the ride into paradise.”

Dean reaches into his jacket pocket and removes a bone soaked in blood. If you’re dealing with Dick, you have to be smarter than he is. The first rule of dealing with the diabolical ones is that you always need a back up, and this is your back up weapon. This is the distraction while you have the real one on you.

You just have to figure out the best time to use it.

“And good on you for pulling that together. A-plus.”

“Oh, you don’t think this’ll work, do you? You trust that demon?” Dean asks, stepping over Dick’s dead friend so he can get closer to him.

“You sure I’m even me, Dean?”

“No, but he is,” Dean says, gesturing to Castiel who glares at him. Based on Dick’s reaction, you know he doesn’t like that Castiel knows who everyone is. “See, here’s the thing when dealing with Crowley–he will always find a way to bone you.”

“This meeting’s over.”

Castiel is the first to try and take down Dick, but the Leviathan is quick to overpower him. Dick grabs Castiel’s shoulders and throws him into the wall behind him, watching as the plaster cracks beneath him. With him distracted, Dean uses that fake weapon and stabs Dick in the chest. He gasps and staggers, but this, of course, doesn’t work on him.

You have the real thing.

Dick laughs and removes the bone with no issue, snapping it in two with his bare hands. You have to be smarter than Dick if you want to kill him. You think back to what your mom said to you when you were in your magical coma after trying to defeat two Leviathans.

“Leviathans are powerful creatures, and it takes a lot more than normal to take them down–more than what you and your daughter can provide.”

If you can’t combine your magic with your daughter’s to defeat Dick, then you have to use your other abilities to achieve it. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm yourself, and because of it, you think of the perfect solution. Dean and Castiel don’t know what you’re going to do, they just know you’re going to do something.

“Did you really think you could trump me?” Dick laughs.

“No, but she can.”

You open your eyes just as a wave of magic stems from your body onward. Everything slows down until it stops completely. You have stopped the effects of time once again, and not even Dick can go against that. You look at Dean to see him smirking because he knows that your side is going to win. Castiel looks very worried because in his mind, there is doubt you can pull this off. Dick looks cocky because Dean’s words haven’t sunk into his brain just yet. The more you use this power, the more you have control over it.

You make sure not to touch anything or anyone–you don’t want to fuck this up before it’s even had a chance to start. You maneuver to behind Dick, looking to your left through the small windows on the doors. You can see Kevin and Sam rush over to the room with Joanna in your brother-in-law’s arms.

“I hope you know how much I love you,” you say to Joanna even though she can’t hear you. You’re not even sure why you’re saying this, but you have a feeling something bad is going to happen. “I hope you know that your dad and I would do anything to give you the childhood we never had. I hope you get that, baby girl.”

You turn back to Dick and take the real weapon out of your jacket pocket. A single tear slides down your face as you return time back to normal. Your magic is sucked back into your body as if it never left. Dick looks around for you, and you reach up to tap his shoulder. He swiftly turns around to face you, your feet are almost touching with how close you two are.

“This is for my dad, you Dick.” You take the real weapon and slam it into his neck, watching as it sticks out on the other end. You’re blown back from the impact, knocking into Castiel. Dick yells in pain and in agony that he lost this battle to a couple of hunters. “Don’t fucking mess with a witch next time.”

As soon as you stick that weapon in his neck, Sam and Kevin come barreling into the room with worried looks on their faces. Dick’s face transforms into his Leviathan form before returning to normal. Black blood starts to pour out of his nose and mouth, but he isn’t fazed by it at all. He starts to laugh evilly, in a way that makes your skin crawl. Waves of energy pulsate from his body in time with a loud, accelerating heartbeat. Suddenly, the energy is sucked back into his body in the same way that your magic was sucked into yours.

Due to this, Dick explodes into black goo. You close your eyes to shield yourself from the blast, but when you open your eyes, you’re not in the lab anymore.

In fact, you’re not even in the same environment.

You scramble to your feet and look around you to gauge just how bad this is. You’re not in the Sucrocorp building anymore… you’re in a dark forest. There are whispers and shuffling coming from all around you, but you can’t see anyone with your normal vision and your magic.

“Dean!” you shout.

You don’t think that’s a good idea, but you’re alone and scared.


No one is answering you, which makes you think you’re all alone here.

“Joanna?” you ask, but much more quietly.

Tears brim your eyes when you have no clue what you did or even where you are. More importantly, what happened to Sam and your daughter? And why aren’t they with you?


Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!

@essie1876 @redsalv20 @superrandomnatural @scarletmeii @babypink224221 @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo @akshi8278 @a–1–1–3 @miraclesoflove @earthtokace @teamfreewillsstuff @fandom-princess-forevermore @kiwihoee @jennazeise @phantomalchemist @posiemax @tricksterdean @countrygal17a @whit85-blog @sammypotato67 @knowledgefulbutterfly @fandomoverdose666 @sharp-cheekbones-locked @itsjensenanddean @brokenheartscrybrokentears @mysteryartisticwriter @foxyjwls007 @thatmotleygirl@deans-baby-momma @fanfictionjunkie1112 @vicmc624 @wonderful-writer @lizette50 @tatted-trina6 @stixnstripesworld​ @supernatural3002​ @lyarr24​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @hc-geralt-23​ @confuscita​ @lowlyapprentice​ @deandreamernp​ @siospins2​ @candy-coated-misery0731

Pairing:Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~1.2k

Warnings:minor fluff,angst, canon violence

Author’s Note: this is the series finale. i am so sad this is all over, but i want to thank each and every one of you guys for liking, reblogging, and commenting on my series. i honestly couldn’t do this without any of you, so for that, thank you. for those who are wondering, i did start season 8, but the earliest it’s going to come out is in August/September. i know it’s a long way away, but i work very hard to bring you the very best content.

thank you for always supporting me <3

I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.


You grab Joanna and walk to the bedroom so you can get ready as well as get her ready. You set her on the bed and watch as she stands and bounces on the bed gently. You chuckle and grab one of your shirts from the drawers. You look at the shirt and just sigh, taking a seat on the end of the bed. You’ve been waiting for this moment for months, to kill Dick for killing your father. You have all the ingredients, you have the weapon, now you just need a plan of attack.

You’re so much in your own head that you don’t hear the bedroom door open and your husband walk in.

“You okay?”

“This has to work Dean,” you sigh and look up at him. “If it doesn’t, he’s going to kill us and Joanna. That’s a guarantee.”

“That’s the exact reason why this is going to work. You’re a damn light witch, and the best one at that.”

“I want him dead for what he did,” you say emotionally, sniffling to keep the tears in.

“You’re going to get the chance to avenge your dad’s death. We’ll make sure Joanna is out of harm’s way. We’ll keep her with Sam and have him hang back if that will make you feel better.”

“I love you.”

You stand up and kiss him with everything you got, keeping in mind your daughter who has no idea what is going on. You pull away and turn to the bed to get dressed when your daughter does something you knew was coming for a while now but didn’t know it would be now. Dean starts to leave the room, but she doesn’t want him to go just yet. The bed isn’t as hard as the floor, so she wobbles and falls a few times as she tries to run to him.

“Dada,” she says, reaching out to him.

Both yours and Dean’s jaws drop but for different reasons.

“Traitor,” you gasp playfully.

“What the hell did she just say?” Dean gasps.

“Dada!” Joanna says again, reaching out for him.

“Yes, I’m your daddy!” Dean laughs happily.

He picks Joanna up and spins her around, kissing her cheeks.

“Do you know who I am?” you ask her, taking her tiny hands between two fingers.

“Dada!” she squeals.

You look at Dean and see hints of tears in his eyes. You know how much this means to him, and you’re glad he got to have this moment.

“Are you okay?” you chuckle.

“I’m just happy,” he whispers truthfully.

You haven’t seen that smile in a long time, and you’re glad he has it now.

“Well, you definitely got a Daddy’s girl. Come on, let’s get ready.”

You quickly change into more comfortable clothing before leaving the bedroom. You smile widely when you hear Dean talking to his baby girl as if she can talk in full sentences. You have no clue what is going to happen later, but you’re glad you got to her hear first word and see her first steps.

You don’t know what’s going to happen, but you have a feeling it won’t be good.


You’re finally outside of Sucrocorp, but you have to have a plan instead of going in half-assed. You have to scout the area, see where Dick is, and then follow up with a plan. There are three of you, so you have more wiggle room here. Dean parked a ways away from the building, using binoculars to see while Sam is using his laptop to get into the cameras using whatever Charlie left on his laptop.

“You got it yet?”

“Here we go.”

You scoot further up so you’re right behind the brothers to see the laptop. Sam’s laptop shows footage of the board room where a meeting is still in progress. Dick is sitting there talking to his fellow Leviathans, and your eyes narrow.

“Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are,” Sam mutters.

“Got you, Dick.”

“Yeah, that’s the second floor.” The screen changes to show more cameras, one of which is the camera right outside Dick’s office where you can clearly see him sitting at his office, alone. “What the hell? Is that Dick?”

The screen now shows footage of Dick walking alone in a hallway.

“Son of a bitch. This motherfucker told everyone to look like him so we wouldn’t know who the real Dick is,” you curse.

“Cycle through again,” Dean orders.

While Sam is doing that, you grab the binoculars and notice someone walking to the front door. When you clear your vision, you notice it’s the maid you saw at the motel when you left Emily all alone. It’s the same motel room your dad went missing from.

“Son of a bitch,” you curse.


“That’s the maid from the motel. The room where my dad disappeared to. We found him.” The maid walks to the building in determination. “Oh no, dad, what are you doing?”

“Wait. Are you saying that Bobby–”

“Look, just, uh, wait here.”

“I’ll go with you,” Sam says.

“Are you two out of your mind?”

“Don’t worry, Dean. I have the weapon, you have eyes on Dick, plural. We’ll take care of my dad. We’ll be right back.”

“Sam! Y/N!”

You and Sam leave the car without waiting for Dean’s response. You two rush over to the maid before she could even enter the building and alert all the Leviathans there. Sam decides to take the direct approach while you hang back just in case something bad happens. Sam rushes in front of the maid, holding his hands to stop her.

“Bobby? I know you’re in there. Listen to me. There are cameras everywhere. There’s one right there.” Sam points to one nearby. “Stop, okay? You’re gonna get her killed.” Your dad pushes Sam to the ground as hard as he can, but that doesn’t stop Sam from getting back up and trying again. “Bobby! Damn it! How are you gonna kill Dick, huh? You can’t!”

Your dad takes out a large knife from one of the maid’s pockets.

“Good enough for me,” she says in a distorted voice.

Your dad slashes at Sam to get him to move out of his way, and you gasp at his behavior. Sam looks up at the security camera and practically tackles your dad to the ground behind a parked vehicle to stay out of sight of the cameras.

“No! I’m not letting you go.”

“Get out of here, Sam. You too, Y/N.”

“No!” you yell.

Your dad slams Sam into the car and grabs his throat, squeezing it tightly.

“Daddy! Please stop!” you squeak, tears leaking from your eyes.

Your dad turns and looks at how scared you are. You would use your magic, but you don’t want to end up hurting the poor woman that he is inhabiting. Your dad knows how reckless he’s being, so he forces himself off Sam and leaves the woman’s body so that he’s a ghost again. The woman falls to the ground, but before she could crack her head open, you rush to catch her.

“We can’t be here.”

Sam coughs as he gathers himself. Your dad’s flask is inside the maid’s pockets, so you take it and place it in your own. Once Sam can breathe properly, he scoops the woman into his arms. You can’t get Dick tonight because of what your dad pulled, so you’ll have to score for tomorrow. If Dick was here all day today, then you know he is going to be here all day tomorrow. You and Sam bring the woman to the car where Dean is as confused as ever.

“What the hell happened?” Dean wonders.

“Just drive. We’ll explain later.”

Dean has no choice but to listen.


Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!

@essie1876​ @redsalv20​ @superrandomnatural​ @scarletmeii​ @babypink224221​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​ @akshi8278​ @a–1–1–3​ @miraclesoflove​  @earthtokace​ @teamfreewillsstuff​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @kiwihoee​ @jennazeise​ @phantomalchemist​ @posiemax​ @tricksterdean​ @countrygal17a​ @whit85-blog​ @sammypotato67​ @knowledgefulbutterfly​ @fandomoverdose666​ @sharp-cheekbones-locked​ @itsjensenanddean​ @brokenheartscrybrokentears​ @mysteryartisticwriter​ @foxyjwls007​ @thatmotleygirl​ @deans-baby-momma​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @vicmc624​ @wonderful-writer​ @lizette50​ @tatted-trina6 @stixnstripesworld​ @supernatural3002​ @lyarr24​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @hc-geralt-23​ @confuscita​ @lowlyapprentice​ @deandreamernp​ @siospins2​ @candy-coated-misery0731

Pairing:Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~2.4k

Warnings:minor fluff, angst, canon violence

Author’s Note: this is the series finale. i am so sad this is all over, but i want to thank each and every one of you guys for liking, reblogging, and commenting on my series. i honestly couldn’t do this without any of you, so for that, thank you. for those who are wondering, i did start season 8, but the earliest it’s going to come out is in August/September. i know it’s a long way away, but i work very hard to bring you the very best content.

thank you for always supporting me <3

I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.


You figured with all of your resources and people you know, you would have found your dad a lot sooner. He’s been missing for a whole ass month, doing whatever he’s been doing to try and get Dick Roman off his high throne. You have no way to track him down, so you have to wait until he comes to you instead of the other way around. The only thing you can focus on is your family and the fact that your little girl is now eleven months old. She is almost a year old, and you have no clue what you’re going to do for her birthday.

She is walking and is so close to talking, you can feel it. She is babbling a lot more and trying to imitate you or Dean whenever you sound out words to her. Your little girl is growing up so quickly, you can’t keep up with her. Before you know it, she is going to be going to preschool, and then she’s going to go to her prom.

Moments like these are special, and you have to hold them close to your heart because this only happens once in a lifetime. You can have more children, but there will always be one Joanna, so it’s going to be different with every child you may have. These moments are far in between because you’re this close to finally killing Dick. All you have left to do is grab Crowley’s blood and get a righteous bone, which is where you three are heading out to do.

You’re keeping Joanna entertained in the back seat with your magic. You’re making it rain down in sparkles and wisps, capturing her attention. She has bright green eyes, but the blue magic makes her eyes sparkle more. She coos and reaches out for the magic, but it’s always just out of reach for her.

“Are we almost there?” you ask.

“Exit is in three miles,” Sam says.

“I still say this is a bad idea,” Dean sighs.

“Dean, it was your idea, and it was the best one either of us had,” you chirp.

“I said it as a joke.”

“It was a bad joke–good idea.”

“Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book, and nothing on how to find a fucking righteous bone.”

“We can call Castiel again.”

“No, you know what happened last time. Y/N and I finally had some alone time, so we took the car out for a night, and just when things might have gotten good for us, Cas showed up naked on the car covered in bees.”

“For an angel, he was packing,” you grin.

“Really? That’s what you were focusing on?”

“Don’t worry, Dean. You’re bigger,” you whisper to him.

“Okay, I don’t want to hear that,” Sam cringes.

“What? From what I hear, you’ve seen how big he is.”

“You told her?” Sam asks and looks at his brother.

“Can we focus on what we’re doing here? Dick is held up at Sucrocorp right now. If we’re going to get him, that’s where we’re going to do it.”

Dean pulls off at the exit and heads to the cemetery where you’ll find your righteous bone. This cemetery was popular for housing a bunch of nuns back in the day, so if you’re going to find a righteous bone, this is where you’re going to do it. Dean only suggested this a joke, but it’s the only option you have right now. You head into the dark cemetery with Joanna in your arms. She managed to fall asleep in her car seat, but as soon as you moved to take it out, she woke up and started crying. As soon as she was in your arms, she fell back asleep.

This girl is going to be the death of you. She is her father’s daughter.

“Well, I guess if we can’t find a righteous bone in a fucking nun crypt, then we won’t find it anywhere else,” Dean shudders.

“Alright. Here,” Sam says and stops outside of an above-ground tomb where a bunch of nuns is laid to rest. “Listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict taught the learning-impaired and died at age twenty-three.”

Sam did some research about the women who were placed here after death to see who might be the most righteous. You hate stealing one of their bones, but it’s what you have to do to get rid of Earth’s worst monsters.

“Eh, it’s a little young. Find someone who’s had time to cook.”

“Okay, well, there was Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor and became Mother Superior at age sixty.”

“Sounds political. Power corrupts,” you state.

“Right. Okay, listen to this–Sister Mary Constant, eighty years of quiet, humble nun-like goodness. What do you think?”

“Wow. I want to be more righteous just hearing this. Well, I lay odds on her. Here we go. Let’s bone this nun.” You and Sam give Dean a weird look, and a blush creeps up his cheeks. “Sorry.”

He removes a mallet from his duffel bag and goes to town on the coffin. Joanna slept through the whole thing because you know she feels safe in your arms. As soon as you grab the femur bone, you take off back to your dad’s cabin. You have three of the four ingredients–Castiel’s blood, the alpha’s blood, and the righteous bone. All you need is Crowley’s blood.

You waited until you were back in your dad’s cabin to do the spell to summon Crowley. He made a whole point of making sure he was the last one because his blood was “special” and “can be used against him”. Paranoid bastard. Joanna is playing in her playpen, picking up her toys, and organizing where they go. It’s crazy how much she loves walking and running. She loves playing tag with Dean, squealing whenever he catches her. You know she’s doing it because she loves getting caught.

She’s going to make a great witch one day.

With everything in the bowl to summon Crowley, he lights a match and tosses it in there. Crowley loves making an entrance, but he is taking way too long to show up. Something is wrong. He either wants to screw you guys over or he’s in trouble. Either way, it doesn’t look like he’s coming.

“Is he trying to make a grand entrance or…?”

“I don’t know.”

“Son of a bitch. He’s standing us up.”

“He’s either screwing us over or he’s in trouble. I have a feeling Dick has something to do with it,” you sigh.

“Maybe.” There is a knock at the door, and Sam takes out his gun as a precaution. He walks over to the door and looks through the peephole to see who it is. “Maybe it’s good news.”

Sam opens the door revealing Meg. You roll your eyes when she walks in as if she lives here.

“Great,” you scoff.

“You deal with him. I can’t anymore.”

“You might want to be more specific.”

“I was laying low halfway across the world when emo boy pops up out of nowhere and zaps me right back here.”

“Castiel? Why?” you wonder.

“Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first,” she says to you and Dean.

You know Joanna is going to be safe with Sam in here, so you leave her in her playpen as you and Dean walk outside where Castiel is sitting in a red car in front of the cabin. You look both ways before crossing the street, stopping on the driver’s side where Castiel is.

“Hey, there,” Dean says, leaning on the car and bending down. Castiel raises his hand and waves but doesn’t say a word. “So, Cas, what’s the word?”

“Well, Dean, I’ve been thinking. Monkeys are so clever, and they’re sensible in that they leave the skins on the bananas that they eat. Is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them? I mean, how important is lipstick to you, Dean?”

“What?” you ask, very confused.

“You want to come inside and, uh, tell us what’s going on?”

“Of course.”

Castiel gets out of the car, and you escort him to the house where Sam and Meg are waiting. Sam is holding Joanna in his arms as she plays with his hair and tangles it in her tiny fingers, but he doesn’t seem to care. You’re glad he did this because you don’t trust Meg one ounce.

“Now, you understand I don’t participate in aggressive activity.” Castiel picks up the bone you stole and sniffs it. “Mm. Sister Mary Constant. Good choice.”

“Why’d you go to Meg, Cas?” Sam wonders.

“When I left, I wanted to observe the flowers and fruit. Flowers come first, obviously, but I heard nothing from them.”

“You heard nothing from who, Castiel?”

“The Garrison.”

“What happened to the Garrison?”

“Well, finally, the silence was deafening, so I went to look at the home of the Prophet. You know, Leviathans can kill angels. There’s a reason why Father locked them in Purgatory. They’re the Piranha that would eat the whole aquarium. They’re gone. The entire Garrison–dead. If there’s anyone left at all, they’re in hiding.”

“Wait, you’re saying all the angels are dead? Where’s Kevin?” you ask worriedly.

“I could steal them from their cages, the monkeys. But where would I put them all?”

“Hey!” Dean claps his hands in front of Castiel’s face. “Focus. Is Kevin alive?”

“I don’t want to fight.”

“No, I’m not–” Dean sighs and returns to his calm self. “We’re very worried.”

“They took him. He’s alive. I felt such responsibility, but it’s in your hands now.”

“Wait, hold on a fucking minute.”

“I feel much better.”

“Guys, what’s all that?” Meg asks, seeing the table you were using to summon Crowley.

“We called Crowley.”

“You what?”

“Don’t worry. He never showed.”

“What do you mean never–”

“Do you see him anywhere? He stood us up!” Dean cuts her off.

“Well, I’m sorry about that, but I’m out. He could still sh–-”

“Show up at any time,” Crowley finishes her sentence, appearing out of nowhere. “Hello boys and Y/N. Sorry, I’m late. This is an embarrassment of riches.” He turns to Meg who looks scared. “Stay, won’t you. There’s really nowhere to run.”

Meg runs for the door, but Crowley disappears from where he is to right in front of her, blocking her exit.

“Don’t even think of smoking out, pussycat. I’ve got eyes all over the place.”

“Leave her be,” Castiel says, coming to her protection.

“Castiel. When last we spoke, you, well, enslaved me. I’m confused. Why aren’t you dead?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, do you want to be? ‘Cause I can help with that.”

“Alright, that’s enough,” you butt in.

“It’s enough when I say. I came here to help you. I find out you’ve been lying to me, harboring an angel, and not just any angel–the one angel I most want to crush between my teeth.”

“Oh, so you can crush angels now, huh?” Meg sasses.

“You bore me. Do you know that? You have no sense of poetry.” He turns to Castiel. “Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Well, I’m still, uh, honing my communication strategy. I haven’t even been back to Heaven. I-I keep thinking there are no insects up there, but here we have trillions. You know, they’re making honey and silk and… miracles, really.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Um, preferring insects to angels, I guess. Here. I can offer a token if you like.” Castiel pulls out a bag of a yellow substance from his trench coat. “It’s honey. I-I collected it myself.”

“You’re off your rocker. He’s off his rocker, is that it? Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?” Crowley asks you three.

“Look, did you come here to donkey-punch your old grudges or to help us end Dick? Pick a battle.”

“Well, I’m vexed. I’d like to do both, but where’s the fun in clobbering a ball of wet fur? Text me when Sparkles here retrieves his marbles, I suppose. Meanwhile, a prezzie.”

Crowley takes out a vial of his blood and tosses it to you. You catch it easily and stare at it, looking at him suspiciously.

“Just like that?”

“I’m a model of efficiency.”

“Is that right? Then why were you late?”

“Dick had me in a devil trap. He’s not an idiot. He knows what you three are after.”

“What did he offer you?” you ask, pocketing the blood so he can’t take it from you.

“A fair deal in exchange for giving you the wrong blood. It’s demon, but is it mine?” He pauses for dramatic effect, but you’re not in the mood for it. “It’s my blood. Real deal.”

“Why should we trust you?”

“Good God, don’t. Never trust anyone. A lesson I learned from my last business partner,” Crowley sighs, looking at Castiel. “Oh, bonus. Meg, I’m gonna scoop you up, take you home, and roast you till you’re jerky.” Castiel feels protective over her and advances to Crowley, but he holds his hands up. “But not… yet. Cas can have you for now. Hilariously, it seems he’d be upset at losing you. The boys and Y/N need Cas to get Dick. Don’t they, Cas?”

“Oh, I–I don’t fight anymore,” the angel stutters.

“Come on. Given the particulars of your enemy, sadly, you’re vital.”

Crowley winks at you before disappearing, and oddly, Meg is gone too. You take the blood out and look at it, tossing it to Dean who catches it.

“Well, one thing’s for sure–we only get one shot.”

“You know this thing doesn’t reload, right? Dick won’t let us kill him twice.”

“Yeah, I know. You think Crowley’s double-crossing us?” Sam asks.

“You’ve got to figure who he wants dead more–us or Dick.”

“Depends what Dick offered. Here we go.”

Sam takes the righteous bone and places it in a different bowl, turning to another one where the blood is going to go. He pours Castiel’s blood in, then the Alpha’s, and finally Crowley’s. He takes the bowl of blood and holds it over the righteous bone.

“Uh, there’s no magic words. We just… just go.”

“Alright then.”

Sam pours the blood over the bone, but nothing happens when he does so. You’d figure lightning or thunder would happen, but nothing is.

“Where are all the thunder and lightning?” Dean asks, thinking of the same thing.

“Maybe it worked?”


You hear the sound of angel wings before you feel the touch of someone’s hand on your shoulder. You turn and see Castiel standing there holding a plate of sandwiches.

“So, none of this should cause you any ill effects. I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat and the lettuce and tomato, and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I slaughtered it for the ham. Here. You three need your strength.”

“Thanks, Castiel,” you smile and take the plate.

“Cas, why was Crowley so certain that you need to come with us?” Sam asks, not taking his plate.

“Crowley’s wrong. I’ll be waiting right here. Please, accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity.”

“I’m going to get ready. We have a big day ahead of us,” you state. You take a bite of the sandwich and moan at how fresh and good it tastes. “Thanks for the sandwich.”


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