#susan foreman

Susan seized by a Voord.The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964Susan seized by a Voord.The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964

Susan seized by a Voord.

The Keys of Marinus - season 01 - 1964

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I really hope that ifwhenthey bring back susan they cast someone only slightly younger than the doctors’ actor so everyone in the show assumes they’re siblings from the way they interact until they hear susan call the doctor grandpa and they’re like

Marco Polo: Susan’s winter clothes

Marco Polo: Susan’s winter clothes

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It is a shame Jackie Lane didn’t feel able to take her agent’s advice and audition for Susan Foreman

It is a shame Jackie Lane didn’t feel able to take her agent’s advice and audition for Susan Foreman. I feel she would have been splendid as Susan.

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The mysterious faces seen during the mindbending sequence in the story ‘The Brain of Morbius’ are actually the previous faces of Susan and Romana.

Susan Wainwright from Sims 3 is actually a far-flung regeneration of Susan Foreman.

lesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and ourlesbiantwelve: pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and our


pride icons for the first doctor’s companions!! (just my personal headcanons) and our main hoe:


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* after a brief visit from Thirteen *


“Hello, Doctor.  I trust you’ve been enjoying your accommodations?”

“Oh yeah, definitely,” replied the Doctor less than sincerely, looking around his dingy cell.  “And I must say, Skaro looks great all things considered.”

“All things considered?” asked Davros smarmily.  

“I blew it up.”

“Decidedly not,” the Dalek commander responded with an evil grin.

[cont’d under the cut…] 

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Hi everyone! So I know this isn’t cosplay, but one of my irl friends is the creator of this AMAZING Doctor Who multimedia Webcomic, so I thought I should share it with you. This is the seventh section, go to her page to start from the beginning. Happy reading!

w-ibblywobbly:23/100 The First Doctor Era


23/100 The First Doctor Era

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But if someone’’s gone, do pictures really help?But if someone’’s gone, do pictures really help?

But if someone’’s gone, do pictures really help?

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