#sweet like honey


“Your smile is like honey drizzling tickles onto my heart with warm, gooey love..”

Your smile warms the soul like a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning - eUë

“She’s a mystery shrouded in shadows so thick they are like honey, but you best believe she is something much sweeter as you sift through her mind and find things funny..”

She is the epitome of sweet, the pinnacle of honey.. if you think anything less then you are as sour as an atomic warhead©️, haha - eUë

“You are beautiful like a honey bee.. you nested in my heart and filled me up with the sweetest honey. You just buzzed right over, smiled with the sunrise, and sent shivers down my spine.. I say honey bee, cause honey bee so sweet that she is like nature’s sugar to me.”

You fill me with the sweetest buzz and hum of beauty when you are near - eUë
