

“At this stage in our swinger journey we hadn’t been with all that many couples, and Mrs Cayenne had definitely not had any experience with someone so well endowed. It was obviously playing on her mind as we talked teasingly and touched tantalisingly, and then even more so when she licked his shaft up and down and saw the sheer size of the thing.”

Read more or this original Literotica Swinger Story at SwingersExtra.com.

Through our many conversations with other swingers, we occasionally come across great ideas that are worth sharing, but that don’t warrant entire articles. To deal with these ideas we thought we’d start a series on SwingersExtra.com so you’re not missing out! We’re calling that series Quick Tips For Swinger Couples.


Click here to read the first Quick Tips For Swinger Couples!

We know our little site is still in its infancy, but we wanted to let you know what to expect out of us. A little bit of a mission statement for SwingersExtra.com, if you like.


Click here to give it a read!

Here’s one of Mel, from a Sunday in May, for SwingersExtra.See more in our subscribers section, or f

Here’s one of Mel, from a Sunday in May, for SwingersExtra.

See more in our subscribers section, or find us on AdultFriendFinderAdultMatchMakerorRedHotPie.

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One of the beautiful things about swinging is that it allows you to explore the body, the mind, and the heart. Not just your own, but those of your significant other, and your playmates too.

Read more on SwingersExtra.com.

We’ve been using adult dating sites for ten years now and have met a lot of people through them, so we have a bit of insight into why we ourselves and other swinger singles and couples are not responding to your messages.

Here’s the top three reasons.

Radical honesty is the foundation of ethical non-monogamy. This doesn’t mean indiscriminate broadcasts of how you’re feeling or what you’re thinking, but thoughtful and honest conversations with yourself, your partner, and your playmates.


Read about radical honesty on SwingersExtra.com.

The secret to a healthy swinger relationship is to always be learning. You should be learning about your significant other, learning about other people, and learning about yourself. 


Read more on SwingersExtra.com.

I first picked up Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land in Thailand about ten years ago. I’m not sure what possessed me to pick it up, but it’s fair to say that my doing so had quite a bit of influence over the course of the rest of my life.

Having been so long since I first read it that I thought I’d better read it again to make sure I still thought it was as good as I was telling everyone it was. It didn’t disappoint.


Read the review on SwingersExtra.com.

I few weeks ago I touched on this concept in the article about what I wish I knew when we first started swinging. Coming in at number two, the idea that swingers are people too, is a truth that underpins how we begin an interaction with another couple, how we approach them at a meet and greet, and how we play it out in the bedroom.


Read the rest of the article on SwingersExtra.com.

Being involved in the lifestyle requires sharing your deepest desires with your partner, and giving each other space to talk openly about your darkest fears, but in order to be able to share these things, you will have to embark on an exploration of your self. When exploring on your own it’s easy to get ahead of your partner, and forget that your discovery came as a result of some personal insight that might not be immediately understood by your significant other. But for us swinging is just another way for us both to better understand what it is to be a human being, so it’s important to share these personal insights so we can grow together as a couple, and as far as possible ensure that we’re both seeing with the same eyes.


Here’s a few tips to help you and your partner on the same path.

We’ve just got back from a weekend away in Canberra, a spontaneous trip to get out of town for my birthday. Al and I enjoy Canberra, usually finding some great cafes and bars to while away the hours between crisp walks along the lake, and at this time of year, under the autumn trees too. On this particular trip we spent the car ride looking up local swingers who could help make the weekend more special. Al had put the word out on RedHotPieandAdultMatchMaker that we would be in the nation’s capital, so we sorted through the replies as we chose our chaperon.


Read more on SwingersExtra.com.

There’s a couple of things you should know as a swinger, especially if you’re new to the lifestyle. If you want to enjoy yourselves and understand others, you should know these things.

In this increasingly digital world we’ve become obsessed with a desperate attempt to replace the physical community we’ve lost, with some kind of digital alternative. Our deep desire for a sense of belonging is evidenced by the millions of people that flock to Facebook every day to get a quick fix from their tribe. It doesn’t matter if it’s a private message or a public broadcast, we just need to know that we’re wanted, and we need to feel understood. 


Swingers are no different in our need to feel understood, but the way we use technology to connect is unique in a couple of important ways.

If you are just starting out on your swinging adventure, or are at the stage where you have your own coffee mug at the local swinger club, you would have already picked up on the important concept of boundaries. 


But how does context affect these boundaries?.

Having now have been a part of the lifestyle for nearly a decade, this website has recently given Al and I a great reason to reflect on our experiences. We’ve crunched the numbers on just how many people we have had sex with (we’ll keep those details for our subscribers!), rerun fantasies that we had forgotten about, and recalled scenarios both funny and illuminating that, in retrospect, were obviously turning points in our relationship, values and beliefs about sex, love, intimacy, and swinging. 


Read Five things I wish I knew when we first started swinging on SwingersExtra.com.

Mrs Cayenne and I are at a lucky age, her in her late twenties, my just having turned thirty. We can still relate to people in their very early twenties, and have always been able to relate to people older than us. Some of our closest friends are older than our parents. But is the same true of our playmates? Is age important when it comes to swinging? 


Read Is Age Important on SwingersExtra.com.

Ten years ago I wouldn’t have even known where to start in thinking about my sexuality. If you’re a newbie to the lifestyle you might be feeling the same way. Or maybe that is one reason why you are taking the plunge. Swinging and it’s many opportunities for sexual exploration is a great way to get to know your own sexuality, and that of your partner. 


Read the rest on SwingersExtra.

Almost by definition swingers defy societies norms, and are almost impossible to stereotype. Every person has different reasons for participating in the swinger lifestyle, so their rules for playing will differ too. However there are some broad categories you can use to help identify compatible playmates, and although there are always exceptions, some assumptions can be made about the people that fit into these categories. 


Find them here on SwingersExtra.
