


SwissIta Idea

Cardverse ofc because I’ve been thinking about it a lot but but- what if!

I have always imagined that Vene grew up around traveling from Diamonds to Clubs then back to Hearts but during one trip in Diamonds, he accidentally trespass on a garden belonging to one of the Zwingli family. There he meets Switzerland who then accuses him of being a criminal and gets dragged back inside where it was explained to them both that-

“this is the future Jack of Hearts/Diamonds”

Of course the adults proceeds to make them hang out as often as possible for future relationships between the two kingdoms. However- since they gotten off the wrong foot it was hard until Switzerland finds out that Vene is a good fencer. They bonded over “training” and over letters (they became penpals).

Then when they became adults- let’s just say they didn’t know what happened since they lost communication. Vene got sent of to Clubs for studies and Switzerland had to become the Duke of Zwingli after the unfortunate passing of his uncle and aunt, leaving him with his little cousin Erika who is also the next Queen of Diamonds. They later reunited when they met again with their respective monarchs and to be honest- it was kind of awkward because…

Vene tried escaping the meeting again by jumping over the walls and he was caught by Switzerland. Finding this situation rather familiar… Well… Hmm… Yes. Yea- oh look! It’s my old childhood friend!! They slowly reconnected through meetings and Vene being sent as an ambassador of Hearts. Of course as his fellow Jack, Switzerland is forced to follow him around and make sure everything goes will and this made them spend more time with each other.

I would like to say that it was Vene who made the first move by sending Switzerland gifts from Hearts- a courting tradition that he didn’t know until Liechtenstein pointed it out and he was absolutely embarrassed because “I should have noticed” and then he was like “do I like Vene?”

Yes. The answer is yes.

So then they began their strange courting traditions that all the four kingdoms knows about. That’s all. Yes. I’ll add more if I have more thoughts but please feel free to add more!! I just like SwissIta now- two of my favorites characters together ehe ❤️❤️❤️
